:Chapter 3:

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It took a little for the food to be done so I was stuck in a room with Dalton. He had a parade of questions for me mostly about my artwork thankfully. Dalton wanted me to make a drawing or painting for him.

I was only doing it because I wanted to. It was gonna be a wolf portrait so I'd probably use a nice canvas. A black wolf. I actually didn't mind doing wolves as it was something I enjoyed. When I was younger I wanted a pet wolf but Maryse made up for it.

After all she was a hellhound. 'You have a pet Dalton. Turns into fluffy Ash.' I rolled my eyes at Satan just as I did the finishing brush on the painting making me grin before rinsing off the brush and putting the canvas up to dry. "It looks nice." Dalton commented.

"It looks great." I said and Dalton smiled just a little as I got out my sketchbook and got on the bed. Dalton watched me as I grabbed a pencil. "Sketching my picture?" Dalton asked. "No I am sketching what comes to mind." I told him as I began sketching out an outline.

It looked like a girl. But before I could get it really started Angel came in. "Dinner is done." Angel said watching us. I put the sketchbook down before getting up and walking over to the kitchen where everyone was. Orchid offered a smile to me as Dalton slipped by to the food.

Oh I didn't know how to feel about him. 'He is attractive, that's how you should feel.' The day I said fine has just been bugging me. I fought every feeling I ever had. The crush I once had on Derik I crushed into smithereens. Celebrities didn't even exist.

Except for Dwayne Johnson since he was a celebrity hunter. One of the people in the famous area keeping us covered and looking out in the famous area. Yeah so he had to exist. Yes I met him once at a hunting gathering Victor dragged me to.

But back on track. I just didn't do well with feelings at all. It all started after my parents died and my brothers. Of course they came back to life making me feel somewhat better. 'You have been doing better since they came back.' 'Thank you I enjoy hearing that very much.'

Satan grinned at that. I silently sat down next to Orchid as Angel got us all plate of clams and fries. Seems she was enjoying taking on her little house role as she sat next to Nico with a smile but she didn't give commands to eat. We ate on our own.

Dalton sat diagonal for me and his gaze was on mine the entire time. Oh he was frustrating sometimes. Biting my lip I continued eating my clam strips while Dalton watched me as he ate his food. I took a moment to calm down from Dalton's little stares and regained my posture as Orchid stared at me.

I glared at her making her smirk as she thought something was up. 'Well you found out what boys are.' '*Men.' 'Did you just star me?' 'I did.' Satan rolled his eyes. The clam strips were good. Maryse was at my feet keeping them warm with her body heat.

Least she wasn't on fire. She had made it a habit of lighting my candles by accident but better then what I did. I lit a candle then the candle itself was ignited. Yeah, not gonna mention that anymore except I am still getting ahold of my powers to this day.

But you know power comes with consequences but I was willing to learn. One day. The fries were good but not as good the clams were of course. But better than nothing of course. I got jealous of the thought Derik was seeing Justice League currently.

I rolled my eyes before going to my dinner. 'Death says you'll see Justice League.' 'When!' 'He says to wait and see.' I glared at the food in anger. I wanted to know when I'd see and who was bringing me to see the movie. I glanced at Dalton who ate his food peacefully.

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