:Chapter 12:

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Exams, exams, exams, exams and a little more exams in my schedule. Christmas break was coming up so we were doing our fall exams in a way or winter exams. But after the exams we had Christmas break and off to Greenburg we were.

But I was in the classroom sitting silently while tapping my lead pencil against the pencil while looking at the questions. I circled the answer B before moving onto the next question. This was my second and final exam today then I'd be going home. Get a day off then another exam.

Isabella was doing exams too, I knew this as she drove me to school. 'It's becoming a regular thing, Isabella driving us to school.' 'It gives us time with Isabella all alone with no one but us.' 'And Maryse.' 'That's different.' Maryse was the service hellhound technically.

Isabella went everywhere with Maryse now that she had the vest. One shop owner tried to challenge her demanding what the 'mutt' was for. Isabella replied that she had PTSD and if he continued to be rude the cops would get involved. That shut the shop owner up and Isabella continued on.

I was nearly done with my second exam then I could go and get some lunch. 'We should have something to do with chicken. I am in a chicken mood.' I nodded. I'd get fast food and get some for Isabella too of course I'm sure she'd love that idea no doubt about it.

I grinned at that thought as I continued the exam about the business class along with some math thrown into it. 'Looks like the horrible math had to be used in college.' 'You don't even have to do it Ash so why are you complaining about it?' Ash nodded his head.

'Just seeing you doing it and thinking about it frustrates me in so many ways.' 'It doesn't bother me much. Now you sound like Isabella with the way it frustrates you.' 'That is because Isabella is intelligent to see math is useless. Because yes when surviving in the wild let's add up the herd and freaking algebra the herd. Yes we have the time, no we don't! If you do that you'll starve in the wild!' 'I guess it's a good thing we aren't in the wild.' 'But if we were.' 'Then we wouldn't do math see simple solution.' Ash rolled his eyes but nodded.

Biting my lip I continued on with the exam thinking about what fast food restaurant to go to. Isabella wouldn't want McDonald's as she doesn't like their hamburgers so that was out and she refused to try anything else from McDonalds's. 'One day we'll convince her to try something.'

Burger King was a possible solution but they weren't any cheesy tots and those were Isabella's favorites. Hmm? Ok Arby's it is then. So with a grin I went back to my exam. I knew exactly what sandwich I'd be getting too. So with that in mind I went back to my exam.

'After our exam we count the money mom sent us for lunch, then we wait for Isabella to finish her exams then off to Arby's we go.' I nodded in agreement before turning my attention to the exam then looking at the room of students.

The room smelt of papers, anxiety, sweat, and lead. Papers from the exams, lead from the pencils, sweat from the bodies, nervous sweat then anxiety from the exams. Oh they were so worried about failing. But I wasn't I studied hard. So without that I focused on the exams with happiness that I'd be taking Isabella out to lunch.
I was sitting outside the cold breeze blowing in my hair. The students on the campus walked by discussing exams, grades, relationships and Christmas break. I was waiting for Isabella to be done with her exams so I could take her out to Arby's.

'Isabella should be leaving her exams soon.' I nodded and looked at the building where she'd be exiting. At that moment a few students left so I scanned that crowd looking for Isabella. There was some paint on a few of the students. I wonder what their exams were?

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