:Chapter 26:

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Classes had ended and I was putting a drawing up on my wall from Isabella. It was very pretty and unique. 'Not what you expected.' 'But it is way better. I've never seen a sketch like this before. It's unique and pretty.' Ash nodded.

But I was happy to have gotten the sketch and it was beautiful. I'd keep it forever. Might even ask Isabella to sketch me some more. Might even just keep them all in a binder, but for now it'd stay on my wall until I got a spare binder.

After that I headed back into the living room and sat down on the couch. My lunch was in the oven. A microwavable dinner, mac and cheese. A big one as I was waiting for Isabella to come over here. She agreed to eat lunch with me and I was thrilled.

'Yes because Nico is out with Angel meaning it'll just be Isabella and us. Meaning we don't just have to act as friends. We can sit close to her, hug her and even maybe attempt to kiss her.' 'Yeah that sounds nice, now for the food to cook and Isabella to arrive.'

After twenty minutes the timer went off and I went into the kitchen and took out the meal. The mac and cheese smelled so delicious and I couldn't wait for Isabella to get here and eat it. At that moment there was a knock at the door making me grin.

Setting down the meal I went to the door and opened it. Isabella stood there in a Harley Quinn shirt, leather pants, combat boots and her denim jacket. 'She looks pretty as always.' Maryse was in her right hand the leather leash held in a firm grip.

"Come on." I told her motioning her in and Isabella unhooked Maryse who went running in. "Our lunch just came out." I told her leading her into the dorm kitchen with a smile on my face excited that she was over. And I was cooking food for her no less.

"What are we having?" Isabella asked. "Stouffer's mac and cheese." I told her. 'It is one of her favorite microwaveable meals. She has those in the freezer back at the dorm.' I nodded and back in Greenburg.  "That's my favorite." Isabella said as she sat down at the kitchen as I went to get our food.

I put a nice helping of the mac and cheese into bowls and steam rose off as I went back to the table and set down the bowls. "So anything on The First?" I asked as I got the forks and came back over.

"Actually yes. The meeting revealed a new demons, or two. There's an ancient hellhound, he's a little weird. And then a demon named Tornaldin." Isabella said as she began eating the mac and cheese and I nodded. "You find anything?" Isabella asked cocking an eyebrow and I smiled.

"No nothing like you did. I don't have exactly sources to go to." I told her. Isabella nodded as she continued to eat her mac and cheese. 'I think she likes what we picked for lunch.' 'Yes I can see. Note she loves mac and cheese.' Ash nodded as we went to eating ours.

"So we should Nico about this." I told her and Isabella nodded as we continued to eat. "Probably be useful to him." Isabella said and I nodded. "When we will he be getting here?" Isabella asked. "Not for hours, it's just us." I told her and Isabella nodded.

'Yes just us with no one to disturb us when we make moves on Isabella.' That was Ash's favorite part. I smiled at Isabella while we finished up our mac and cheese. After that I rinsed the bowls out and set them in the dirty side before coming back over.

"So what are you working on in college?" I asked. "Lighting. How to bring light into a picture, well light in the picture. Like a full moon casting it's light down on the object. The pale light or even the red light if it's a blood moon." Isabella said and I nodded.

Isabella smiled. "It's pretty cool. I'm sure Nico would of enjoyed it. But he took law classes." Isabella said and I nodded. "Yeah." I said. Art was a side hobby for Nico, not something he planned to do with in life, but something he enjoyed doing.

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