:Chapter 33:

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At noon Dalton was going to take me to grocery shopping. Not sure why he offered, but I didn't care. I just needed to get some food for the house then Dalton would bring me back. Angel decided to buy food by the week.

Usually Angel bought it, but now it was my turn to buy the food. Dalton should be here anytime now actually. It was eleven fifty eight. 'Yes and you got dressed like five minutes ago.' Yes I did. 'Yet you are rushing Dalton to get here.'

I rolled my eyes at Satan. Who's the dramatic one now? But I was in a Daddy's Little Monster sweater, a pair of black leather leggings, black combat boots and then my traditional denim jacket. Outside snow crowded the sidewalks, but not much in the road as the plow came by only an hour ago.

Waiting for Dalton now didn't take as long as it did back in Greenburg as we were in the same dorm now so it didn't take him long to arrive here. Which was good as I could be very impatient if you give me a time that you will be here by.

I expect you to be there. 'Yes I am aware, yet you have no problem showing up late.' 'Yes, but it is quite different.' Satan rolled his eyes as I took a seat on the couch to wait for Dalton to arrive here. Then we'd be at the grocery store.

I'm going to buy myself some lunch of course as there was nothing here that I wanted. Nothing that peaked my interest was here so I'd get something to eat at the grocery store. Maybe a nice grinder or the good mac and cheese that they sell since I had money.

I got in a nice payment from The Organization with rounding up hybrids and some rogue sightings. 'So you are all set for some bills that need to be paid.' I nodded in agreement. I had a nice scholarship for college and I'm sure if I desired I could sell paintings if I desired.

But for now the hunting paid my bills since I went to Greenburg. And it paid even more with my brothers being hunters and getting an income to. I split my paycheck. Some towards food, some towards the bills and some towards a saving account.

But I did well for a seventeen year old and believed myself to be wise beyond my years and mature. 'In your own sort of way.' 'I pay my own bills and take care of myself.' 'Before with the help of Flimur and now with the help of your brothers.' 'Still was independent and paid bills.'

Satan shrugged at that. At that moment my iPhone dinged and I turned it on to see what message was there. Dalton texted me to say he was on his way from the floor beneath. That meant I'd be going grocery shopping soon so yay-ish I guess.

Just some grocery shopping for some food here. Not sure what I was having for dinner yet, but I'd make sure that it was something good no less. Something that Angel knew how to cook and would make it semi-delicious in the end. At that moment there was a knock at the door.

Grabbing my wallet and bag I went to the door. 'And you are now off to grocery shopping.' "Maryse!" I called out and Maryse came trotting towards me and with that I put on her vest and leather leash before opening the door revealing Dalton who stood there.

His wallet was shoved into his back pocket and concealed by his leather jacket. He wore a button up shirt and then his dress pants. The leather jacket threw off the formal look that he had developed since he got to college. He had a weird look back in high school.

A mixture of rebellion, football, and bad boy. Even though Dalton is not a bad boy. 'Not anywhere near one. More of the boy-next-door that is sweet and can also maul you to death.' But I think he looked better now then he ever did back in Greenburg high.

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