:Chapter 34:

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"A few of us are going to Greenburg, not all of you have to go, but Isabella and I have to go." I told my brothers. "Why are you going to Greenburg?" Nico asked. "Jek wasn't The First, merely a distraction." I told Nico.

"I knew there was something off." Nico said. "Angel and I will go with you." Nico said. I nodded. 'I did predict that. Nico is eager to help us with that to help with his career.' "I'll go with." Andrew said. Orchid nodded in agreement with that. "We'll stay here." Rodney said referring to him and Rory.

Isabella had texted me saying that Derik agreed to go and Lyric was coming. 'Now we just have to make sure Lyric doesn't get hurt.' 'But the two are sorta a package deal right now. And maybe she'll even prove useful.'

Lyric had proven to be quite intelligent. And adjusted to the supernatural world quite boldly and didn't freak out. Most humans would of freaked out by then, but Lyric took it on quite boldly. "So is it all planned?" I asked and my brothers nodded at that.

"How long do you plan on staying?" Rory asked. "As long as it takes to find The First. If he attacks in public it's a step to the supernatural being revealed." I told Rory. 'And that is the last thing the world needs. Watch the nuclear war start if it happens.' I didn't want to think about that.

Right now I just needed to pack my things, give the college a notice of a vacation for about a week. 'Thankfully money talks you know.' 'I hate using our parents fortune to our advantage.' 'This is needed. Either risk an open attack or suck it up.' 'I'll suck it up.'

Ash nodded in agreement. "We should start getting packed." I told them before disappearing into my room to pack. The rest of them went to get packed with Nico coming in. "What distraction was made?" Nico asked looking at me very intensely and I looked over at him.

"I don't know. You'll have to ask Isabella about it. Lucas called her about the attack." I said grabbing a duffel bag. 'Now to stuff clothes and important things in it.' I nodded in agreement before going to my dresser and grabbing some pants and shirts. Then some briefs and boxers. Along with socks.

Then I headed to the bathroom to get the important health and sanitary items like a toothbrush, a comb and soap. I continued packing my bags as my brothers went to packing and fortifying to keep an eye our for The First. 'Isabella is going to alert the hunters to stay alert.' 'Which is going to be a big help no doubt about it.' Poor Rory. Having to deal with that and his mate, but I know he'd manage. Rory was quite capable of managing things when he desired. 'Always has been. He even gave us alpha lessons.'

Rodney and Rory would be able to hold the fort down. They were capable of managing it. Right now my family needed me and taking care of The First. That's what was important to me. 'Now all we have to do is talk to the college.' Yes which would be quite interesting.

My iPhone began to ring and I looked over at it to see who was calling me. Maybe it would be my mother about the attack that had happened. But nope in bold letters it read Isabella. So hitting the green answer button I let the call happen.

"Hey, who's coming?" "Andrew, Nico, Orchid, probably Angel." "Well Derik and Lyric are coming." "Yeah, I'm going to the office and tell them about the time we'll need. Any means necessary." "Ok text me how it goes. Bye." "Bye Isabella. I'll text you the answer when it's done. Bye."

'Now off to the college office we go to go talk to some college people. Wonder what their reactions are going to be.' 'Don't know, but we are going to find out. Even if we have to take work with us it'll be worth the safety of eliminating the real The First.' Ash nodded in agreement.

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