:Chapter 9:

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"I want sugar cookies." I told Angel as we stopped at the bakery section. "We have enough food for a family." Angel said. "Preparing for the apocalypse." I told her. "Wouldn't canned food be ideal for that?" Angel asked. "Oh I will go get some." I told her.

'You sure are prepared for all of that.' 'I am, Ryne said he'd even get the house ready.' Satan shook his head at that. "Yeah get yourself some sugar cookies." Angel said giving up with arguing with me. I grinned before walking over to the bakery section and grabbing the Christmas sugar cookies.

Angel and I then went on to the deli. "Salami right?" Angel asked. I nodded as Angel went up as her social event of the week and ordered her food. Angel was stiff during ordering it but she had gotten better with going to public situations.

Before she use to freak out and snarl at people. 'Yeah mostly woman who looked at Nico. Didn't matter if it was just a glance as she got jealous quite easy.' I nodded in agreement. Angel smiled as she came over with a half pound of salami some other meats then a pound of American cheese.

"See and I did good to." Angel said with a smile on her face. I nodded as she pushed the grocery cart along as we continued through the store. "How was lunch?" Angel asked. "Nice, Dalton is a great friend." I said.

Angel nodded. 'Isn't it hard hiding the fact that you and Dalton are now a thing?' 'I am not ready to announce it yet.' Satan didn't say anything but I knew what he was thinking. They'd find out eventually but that was eventually later on in life.

Right now I had no desire to announce that Dalton and I were technically dating. But, we were dating in secret and Dalton promised to keep it that way. I trusted him to keep his word, he always kept his secrets. 'Yes including the one to make you his in the end. Now you are his.'

'Correction it's called dating. It does not mean I'm gonna let him mark me or have sex with me anytime soon.' Satan rolled his eyes. I swear he is cheering me on to lose my virginity to Dalton. Satan. It's like the moment Satan found out he wanted me to hop in bed with Dalton.

'Lilith encourages it too.' 'I expected that of course. Lilith is a sex demon but you.' Satan smirked before cutting our connection. "What do you want for dinner?" Angel asked. "How does meatloaf sound?" I asked. "Sounds nice. I'll get the ingredients." Angel said.

"Do you need me to have Ryne get Flimur to send a recipe for it?" I asked. "Yeah that'd be nice." Angel said. I took out my iPhone and texted Ryne to get the recipe from Flimur. Angel was a nice cook she was no cooking demon but better than I'd ever be.

I also had no desire to cook. 'It's a good thing Angel decided to sneak off to college with you. Or else it'd be lots of fast food and you getting heavy.' 'I'd work it all off, no worries, I do exercises every day and I am a hunter.' Satan nodded understanding my point.

Now we still got fast food around here but not as much. "Or do you want the pick 3 chicken bucket?" Angel asked. "Get the meatloaf for tomorrow." I told her and Angel smiled. "I'll go get it." I told her. "Ok get at least some chicken strips and popcorn chicken." Angel said.

I nodded before walking over to the deli. "What can I get you?" The woman asked. Knowing werewolves ate a lot and I'd probably end up feeding everyone I got 4 pick 3 buckets. "First one I'll take General Tso's chicken, barbeque chicken and popcorn chicken." I told her.

The woman nodded before getting that. "Then for the second chicken strips, mozzarella sticks, and the shrimp poppers." I told her. She nodded. "Some more barbeque chicken, the potato sticks, and more mozzarella sticks." I said. The lady got that before looking at me.

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