:Chapter 17:

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It was like time froze when the hybrid came crashing through the window with Magenta in pursuit. Then it came unfrozen when Isaac crushed every bone in the hybrid's body with his freaking voodoo Death vessel powers with just a stare. I really needed to get that under control.

I could see the hybrids coming from the woods eyes red the color of the hellhound. Their fur were mangled just common rogues like every other hybrid. But they seemed more stronger then the rest. Lucas was the first one into action whirling around.

It was hunter tradition to have weapons on you. My pistols were at my side and I couldn't feel Satan and I knew there was a blocker somewhere. Orchid needed to hurry up and find out how to counteract the effects of these blockers before it did permanent damage. Lucas had his crossbow in moments.

Lyric was silent and frozen in fear as Magenta got up before racing back outside followed by Maryse and Ferrell. I got up from the chair grabbing one of my pistols before following after my demons to see a nice sturdy amount of hybrids.

I was quick to identify the alpha of the hybrids a gray wolf but that wolf wasn't tangled fur or unstable. The hybrid stood there watching me it's red eyes burning into mine. It let out a howl and the hybrids met the three demons in battle who were charging towards them.

Maryse met one mid air and snapped it's neck as it's claws passed right through her as she was into her misty form. Magenta caught one right by the neck as Ferrell tore it's throat out. The two were a blur of green and magenta colors taking out hybrid by hybrid.

One hybrid lunged at Magenta from behind and a crossbow bolt buried itself into the hybrid. The dogs inside were going wild barking and jumping while Danielle dragged them off to keep them from trying to join them in. A black wolf darted right past me and caught a hybrid by it's neck and tugged.

Then a white wolf came flying past me along with sandy colored wolf. There was a loud bang from a shotgun as I took the safety off of my pistol before shooting a hybrid right between into the heart as it lunged at me leaping through the air.

It's body lit in hellfire before collapsing and burning to death. I kept on firing each bullet meeting it's target. Christmas they had to attack on fucking Christmas. Piece of shit hybrids. I continued to fire as a few more wolves joined the battle while the ones inside went to securing the house.

To get the dogs secure and the children secured. Hades was circled around Isaac and Isadora his eyes dilated as the fight commenced outside. I could feel the small throwing knife in my boot and I got it and whirled around throwing it as a hybrid leaped at me.

Dalton came by running at full speed his paws pounding harshly against the snow. The once pure white snow was now being stained with blood.  I could hear Derik cock back his double barrel shotgun and load it with new shells before firing it at another hybrid.

I let out the current clip and put in a full one before shooting at a hybrid. My brothers were inside with their weapons firing at any hybrid that got close to getting inside. Derik's eyes were burning gold as he continued to shoot hybrids that were in close range to him.

Lyric was inside with my brothers, the dogs and the kids away from the hybrids. Nico came running by and leaped onto a hybrid and went to tearing it's shoulder apart. Angel came up next and joined in on the hybrid fest before the hybrid went still as the life drained from it's cold red eyes.

Nico's gold eyes looked at me before he took off back towards the hybrid pack that was on their territory. Kadan was out here fighting next to Dalton. Alana was inside in wolf form watching the kids prepared to defend the babies and Alex. Max was inside with Noah.

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