:Chapter 7:

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Today was the day that Dalton would be taking me out for lunch at the Golden Corral such a nice day. I had gotten dressed and was now waiting for Dalton to come by and pick me up for the lunch date he said it was.

I wore a Supernatural red shirt that said Join the Hunt. Then a pair of black Harley Quinn skinny jeans, combat boots then my signature black denim jacket. Maryse was ready to with her vest and leather leash. 'You two are just all dressed up for Dalton now aren't cha.'

Satan was no doubt smirking. 'I'm dressing for myself not for Dalton.' Satan snickered at me not believing me one bit but I didn't care it was his choice. Angel wasn't here she was out with Orchid actually as Orchid offered to watch her while Nico did his classes. I had morning classes.

Dalton got out of his classes probably ten minutes ago while I got out of mine an hour ago. I had been getting ready since. Well thirty minutes as I took a shower too a nice hot one to get rid of the sweat from my work-out early this morning.

I took a hot one since it was cold outside. It was scheduled to snow tomorrow actually. Cold snow and I was happy this room had a heater installed in the venting. And the fact that Angel bought a tower heater for the bedroom as she enjoyed the heat in the winter.

It was because she used to freeze in the winter prior to this. She once got frostbite from being in human form. So in the winter she tried to stay in wolf form the longest she could. 'Now she doesn't have to worry about that as she is a pack wolf living in an actual house.'

I nodded in agreement with Satan as I continued to wait. "If he stands me up we kill him Maryse." I said. The door opened at that moment. "I wouldn't stand you up Isabella. And you wouldn't be able to kill me." Dalton said appearing.

"I took down Lord Valentino and his body guard, I can take down an alpha." I told him. "Soon-to-be alpha and if you were to try something you would feel something that forces you to not be able to kill me. But if you kill me we can't go to lunch." Dalton said.'

"Well come earlier next time." I told him. "Traffic." Dalton said as I got up and grabbed my iPhone and Maryse's leash. "Well come on." I told him. Dalton grinned before leading me out. "This day is gonna be the best day trust me." Dalton said.

"It's just lunch." I told him. "And something else too after, well two things. I think you'll love it." Dalton said. 'There he goes again with the surprise that you know is killing you.' 'It is! I want to know what the hell it is.' Satan smirked but didn't respond as Dalton led me out of the dorm.

Then out of the dorm building. "We are taking my car." I told him handing him my keys. "Yes ma'am." Dalton said with a smile as we went over to my mustang. Dalton unlocked it and got in. Maryse loaded up into the back as I got in the passenger seat.

Dalton started up the engine. "Is Golden Corral in the city?" I asked. "No neighboring city." Dalton answered and I nodded as Dalton pulled out of the parking lot. The ride was full of music and Dalton smiling. A thirty minute ride to Golden Corral.

Soon the familiar restaurant came into view. I skipped breakfast for this. Dalton got out and opened the door for me and we walked in to the restaurant with Maryse at my side. Like usual people stared at Maryse. 'It's her red eyes, very rare unless the dog is an albino.'

I nodded as we got in line. We continued through the line until we arrived at the cash register and Dalton bought a table for two and paid the money with a smile. Dalton then led me over to a table for two. No one I knew was around so know one know about Dalton and I.

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