:Chapter 20:

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A new year is always a good thing being able to do things better then last year. Of course some people liked to make the new year seem dramatic. Calling 2017 old news and how it sucked. We say that every year when the next year came.

But the new year had passed and it was now the second day of 2018. My first run in 2018 took place 16 hours ago as I did it yesterday. Now Nico and I were looking at his notebook that he collected over The First and possible theories.

'We scratched Lucifer off since Isabella explained that Lucifer was a fallen angel and if he wanted the throne there'd be no scheme to get it. He'd take the throne no questions. Might be a fight but no scheming. So now we are forced to make conclusions with not a lot of evidence.'

Isabella happened to be over too. "So The First has to be powerful. Powerful enough to make an ancient hellhound turn on Satan." Nico spoke. "A pushing factor. Gavial hadn't been agreeing with Satan for awhile and The First was the straw that broke the camel's back." Isabella said.

'Interesting wording Isabella has.' 'Yeah.' I looked at Isabella. "Any more information?" Nico asked. "I sorta feel like an idiot for killing Paris. Could of tortured her on who The First is." Isabella said. "She was too far gone for that. She was a fucking psychopath Isabella. Able to maintain such a perfect image yet her sanity eroding or just good at covering the fact that it was gone. There was no help for her." Nico said. "Vilhry thought otherwise." Isabella said rolling her eyes. 'Vilhry is a despicable living-- well now dead being. Raped a mated werewolf to get some powerful hybrid then defended the psychopath.'

He died with Isabella delivering justice for Whitney. A hellhound who went against his code and raped a werewolf just to produce a powerful hybrid. He was actually lucky that Whitney didn't kill Paris when she was a baby and just born.

Werewolves didn't believe in abortion but that doesn't mean they won't kill an unwanted child. It's what wolves did in the wild. The wolf is the one that forces the action if the child isn't the mate's kid which doesn't happen and is extremely rare for it to happen due to a wolves loyalty.

'Our whole birth control with the thinking of having children to produce offspring.' A reason why that was rare. Vilhry obviously had intentions of knocking up Whitney. I didn't remember most of that because of how young I was, but I've been told it was a nasty time for Kadan's dad Alric.

He got aggressive over his mate plain up attacking men if they touched her. My dad had hard time reeling him in and only Whitney could truly make him stop. After she had the baby my mom convinced her to just get rid of the baby.

Whitney probably blames herself for not killing Paris and having Paris grow up to be a psychopath. Whitney was more stable now that her rapist was dead. 'Yeah Isabella made sure Vilhry died then she said Satan finished him off in hell for her as she wasn't there to do it herself.'

"But someone who can control hounds of hell. A helkin isn't just something you can up and tell it to do something neither is an ancient hellhound." Isabella said. "A hound of hell tamer?" I asked. "Had to be one hell of one. Ancient hellhounds only have one master and that is Satan. He created them after all." Isabella said.

I nodded. "Well we can establish that The First is an extremely powerful figure." Nico spoke and we all nodded. 'Well that is obvious. Now to find out who the powerful figure is.' I nodded in agreement with Ash before looking back at my brother and secret girlfriend.

Angel was taking a shower right now I could hear the shower going. And smelling the shampoo the only thing they couldn't find that was scentless. Angel got in maybe five minutes ago after the intense thinking came with The First as she tried to help us until it got hard.

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