:Chapter 31:

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"So do they take turns holding meetings in hell?" Lucas asked as we walked through hell once again for a meeting. "Pretty sure they do." I said. "Least we aren't as far as I thought we'd be." Lucas said looking around at where we were.

"I just want to find The First and crush his fat ancient hellhound ass. Oh he's going to regret it." I said. "How many ancient hellhounds are there?" Lucas asked. "Not a lot so this should be fairly easy, hopefully." I said and Lucas nodded in agreement.

"Then you can go to college without having to worry about The First." Lucas said and I nodded my head in agreement with that. Going to college without The First would be a luxury. Such a nice luxury that I hadn't had for two freaking years. Yes the life of a hunter is tough, but not this tough.

"It's the life of being a general's vessel not mention king of hell." Lucas said. I nodded in agreement. Satan had lots of enemies and since I was his vessel that made them my enemies. Which made people around me targets sometimes, but not many people knew I was Satan's vessel.

Very few people and since Layla and now Paris, Victor made sure that Lucas's and I's identify as vessels were kept secret. And Derik's alpha status of him being the heir to Red Claws if he decided even though his cousin took that position still made him valuable.

As Lucas and I continued to cover distance in hell with small talk it didn't seem so bad. Soon The First would be out of our lives, my friends lives, and my families lives. Things would return to normal no doubt about it. And Orchid was working on DNA with Lycans.

Things seemed to be wrapping themselves up. Orchid said she was close to discovering why Enyr and Ryne turned into Lycans instead of healing or dying like they should of. But I'd take it for my brothers to be alive even if they turned into giant beasts in other words.

Lucas sighed just as Satan's building where the meeting was being held came into view. "Finally!" Lucas exclaimed and I nodded as we picked up the pace to get to the building and begin this meeting. If only we could control where we landed in hell then we'd be all set.

Lucas opened the door for me and we rushed in. Two huge hellhounds were in and one turned to me and growled. Red glowing eyes and a burning body where you could see it's fiery ribcage. Before it the hellhound went at us Maryse appeared and snarled at it and rushed to my side.

She was in her misty form and when she stepped flames appeared. "To the meeting we go." Lucas said and I followed after Maryse up the stairs ignoring the evil eyes from the hellhounds. I turned to them and my eyes burned blue and they stopped realizing I was their masters vessel.

Then they presented sad hellhound eyes and I smiled just a little. So I might have a weakness for cute hounds of hell that aren't homicidal. Maryse led us up the room where the generals were discussing ancient hellhounds and The First.

"I say we get every ancient hellhound here and check them Satan." Lilith said and Satan glanced at her. "Pexhar, when this meeting is over get the ancient hellhounds here. We are going to see loyalties and they best pray they remained loyal to me." Satan said as Lucas and I walked in.

"Isabella is here." Pexhar said glancing up at me as did Jek. Both of them had intense red eyes, a hellhound trait. Gavial had them, Garrick had them, Vilhry had them and Maryse. Every hellhound I encountered had burning red eyes like the fire that they mastered as hellfire.

Lilith smiled and waved with a smirk. "Isabella." Satan said looking at me his bright unnatural blue eyes meeting my identical ones. Jek glanced at me as I headed over and stood next to Satan as Lucas took his place next to Lilith. "What did we miss?" I asked Satan and he looked up.

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