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"Well there is no scar, but a hole where the sword was in the shirt and it should of pierced your heart and killed you." Orchid said. I looked at Orchid as Isabella touched where the sword had pierced her. Her sword.

"One story to be told." Isabella whispered. "Yeah. Let me check on your blood samples, but I got your brothers blood samples." Orchid said cheerfully. 'Which is good. I'd like to know how Isabella survived, but I don't care as long as she will be fine and alive.'

Orchid went near the microscope thing. Andrew was over getting some food from the fridge at Orchid's house. Orchid stopped and looked around and turned to Isabella. "What's the matter?" Isabella asked and Orchid bit her lip. "Two things." Orchid said biting her lip nervously while watching Isabella who was silent.

"Am I a zombie, is this the beginning of the zombie apocalypse?" Isabella asked. 'Well Isabella went straight to bad things.' Andrew came over. "Vampires and werewolves have an immortal gene. It allows them to not die from old age, disease and etc. Your brothers have it as well, but the werewolf one, but mutated." Orchid said.

"That's what it was?" Andrew asked. "A mutated immortal werewolf gene. But they had an immortal gene before which is what allowed the werewolf gene to merge with it. It's not very strong the original gene, but it's also what your DNA genes look like." Isabella said.

Orchid hit a button presenting some genes. "This is werewolf DNA." Orchid said presenting some DNA. 'DNA is weird in some many ways.' "This is your brothers see that's the werewolf immortal gene, but it mutated with their cells and it is impossible. I tried to put a werewolf gene with a human gene and it destroyed the human gene." Orchid said.

"So my brothers are freaks as am I?" Isabella asked. "No special, the werewolf gene kills humans, but they mutated it to fit them. But it's your DNA, I had taken it before, but never gotten results like this." Orchid said. 'What if she is a Lycan?'

Isabella was silent and glanced at the needle mark in her mark from the drawing of blood. Some DNA pulled up. "Your genes were human now it's nothing, but an immortal gene. No traces of werewolf, vampire or even demon that helped it." Orchid said.

Isabella said. "What does that mean?" Isabella asked. "Well I am immortal myself, some witches get the gene and the crystal I was trapped in gave me youth. I don't get sick anymore. But this is way different and I have a guess." Orchid said. 'Least Isabella isn't a Lycan, but I wouldn't mind running with her.'

"What?" I asked. "Michael Corbin. He was the last immortal know to exist. He had a descendant, but they lost track. The Organization got some info and are going over it with Ryne." Orchid said. "Are you telling me what I think you are?" Isabella asked.

Orchid nodded. "Isabella I think your the first immortal to be born in centuries." Orchid said. That settled in with all three of us even Andrew. "How?" Isabella asked just as the door opened and Ryne came in with some papers in his hand and dropped it in front of Isabella.

"Storm Corbin. Our dad's side of the family are Corbin's. They have it sealed tightly, all it took was a military search." Ryne said and Orchid nodded. 'Isabella is the descendant of the immortal.' 'I didn't see that coming at all nor expected it.' "Explains the silver eyes." Orchid said.

"What do you mean?" Isabella asked. "Immortals have silver eyes. But you are vessel so blue is filling in some. But the silver is dominating your eyes." Orchid said. "We know nothing about immortals." Andrew said. "Except their like the supernatural bogyman. Have everything that vampires and werewolves do. Immortality, increased strength and speed, but no weaknesses." Orchid said.

"I'm a bogyman." Isabella said. 'Seems that she is.' "I want to know more." Isabella said. "Only one person will know because dad is dead. And the one who knows is in a coma." Ryne said and Isabella clenched her teeth at that in anger.

"We'll find out." I told Isabella. Orchid nodded. "Storm will wake up." Ryne said. "Is Michael alive?" Isabella asked. "Probably, he is immortal. I'm guessing you dying was like a transition into an immortal." Orchid said. Isabella nodded. "But we'll find you." Ryne promised and we all nodded. We didn't have The First anymore.

We had Isabella as an immortal, but we could handle that. She was just an immortal. The supernatural might even feel it. "You are the first immortal in centuries it's bound to get out." Orchid said. "I'll be ready." Isabella said. Orchid smiled and nodded as we just sat back with temporary peace.
"She went through her transition into an immortal." A man said looking at Michael who gazed out from his penthouse in China. Next was Asia. "Isabella is her name right?" Michael asked. "Yes sir, I believe she is the one your father told you about. She's a vessel as well." The man said.

"And has a werewolf mate and defeated a hellhound who attempted to rise. War is coming isn't it?" Michael asked. "Heaven will no doubt learn about it." The man said and Michael nodded. "Do you want me to retrieve her?" The man asked.

"No she'll come to me. Especially when my brothers feel her awakening, I felt it they will and no doubt try to eliminate her like that did with her father and the rest before her. Poor girl. Freedom and peace, for now." Michael said. "But she'll come to us." Michael said.

His silver eyes gazed out. Isabella Corbin-Knight would come to him and he knew it. She had questions she'd want answered. All she had to do was find him. "Let the chase began." Michael said with a small smirk.

The end. . . for now.

988. And Satan's Vessel ends. Now prepare for a long A/N:. Two years nearly three that I put so much work into. When I started this all I saw was something to do when bored. I didn't think anyone was going to read it and I barely updated it then people told me they liked it and I began to update. The series improved so much and developed. My writing improved and I learned so much. This is the second series I've ever completed. A book I stayed true to. I thought it would be my first one, but I have a series in the drafts. But I worked so hard. I started so many stories and just gave up and deleted them. But not this one. I worked hard and sometimes felt like giving up (Satan's Betrayal mostly), but refused to. I would finish this series no matter what. And I'm trying so hard not to cry while I have allergies kicking my ass. But Isabella has improved as has Dalton. Isabella use to be a stone cold bitch and is now softening up. And who saw her being an immortal coming? The dreams hinted at it and will be revealed why she can do it later on in the books. The story will live on in the second series. The Immortals. I couldn't tell title until here as it'd be a spoiler. But I thank everyone for reading this with me. When your reading this the first chapter will be out. The first book is called Immortal Hearts, go check it out. I love you marshmallows and meet me in the next series! Until the next series my Satan's vessel marshmallows.

 I love you marshmallows and meet me in the next series! Until the next series my Satan's vessel marshmallows

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