:Chapter 27:

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I wasn't going to lie, Dalton knew how to plan a nice lunch date thing. The mac and cheese was good and I was happy he made it for me. It seemed dating Dalton wasn't as bad as it seemed to be. I got free food from it.

'Yes and Dalton gets the satisfaction that his mate is beginning to fall for him that he is chipping away at that iron armor on her heart.' Of course I ended up staying for dinner which was good. Some nice baked ziti and some garlic bread was the way to go.

After that I ended up getting a text from Derik saying he needed me for something important. It didn't have to do with Lyric, but it had to do with me so I had to get there ASAP as he put it. After that I excused myself and left with Maryse.

So I went to Derik's dorm who told me to get changed into some hunting attire and get some weapons. I'm pretty sure it was a job Derik wanted my help with. Lyric wasn't around and Derik said that she was at the library studying and he was to pick her up after this.

I was curious on what kind of job it was. But I packed my pistols, two clips of ammo for each pistol, a few daggers, and then a Maryse. 'Maryse the most deadliest weapon of them all. A hellhound.' 'And she is pretty useful in hunting.'

Maryse had my back and I understood why Ryne decided to have Caesar be a hunting dog with him. Having a canine partner could be quite useful. Derik didn't need one since he was a canine, sorta. I finished lacing up my boots and grabbed my denim jacket.

My hair was up in a ponytail. 'Yes because having it down can result in being yanked and things like that.' Not that you could grab a ponytail or anything, but you know. "Come on Maryse." I said grabbing her leather leash and Maryse came over as I hooked her up.

Maryse trotted after me as I went to Derik's dorm. He opened the door holding the case with his shotgun in it. Unfortunately he couldn't exactly hide his shotgun like I could hide my pistols in my boots or near my thigh holsters. "Ready?" Derik asked and I nodded.

"Come on." Derik said and I followed after him into the lobby where people stared at us. Two teenagers nearly adults walking in all black with a big case that looked like an instrument. But in reality it was a hunter and we weren't going out to go be those weird people in bands.

No we were going out to go hunt some supernatural that broke the laws. 'No bands here, just guns and daggers.' 'And don't forget the hellhound.' Satan nodded as Derik led us to his mustang and I got in and Derik took off after we buckled up and Maryse was in the back.

"So what is this mystery job that was important and you needed me for it?" I asked Derik who looked over. "There was some sightings of misty wolves with red eyes." Derik said looking over at me then at Maryse. I looked at Maryse who was in her solid form.

"Hellhounds?" I asked. Derik nodded. "Or hybrids." Derik answered and I nodded. 'Seems like you are going demon hunting.' "How many were spotted?" I asked. "Around six to eight." Derik answered and I nodded. "Is it just us?" I asked and Derik nodded as he sped up.

"Orchid is busy and no one else is experienced to come with us. It was bad enough with the attack on Christmas." Derik answered and I nodded. Yes the Ashford's could fight, but they couldn't hunt like we could and we were hunting them not waiting for them to attack us.

Hunting a deer was different to hunting a supernatural. Yes if they were trained properly a werewolf could do it and be very good at it. Derik for example was the best hunter, he was the number one executer hunter with me behind him in second place. Overall we are good hunters.

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