:Chapter 4:

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Isabella had been quiet the entire time since they left and we had been alone. I still had the big bowl of popcorn between us watching her as watched the T.V. blankly. "You ok?" I asked watching her closely for a sign of distress.

"I'm fine." Isabella said. 'Isn't that a sign of a woman not being fine.' 'Pretty sure it is.' "You are not." I stated. Isabella sighed before pausing the show. "Why did you come here?" Isabella asked. "I wanted to see you. Is it a crime I wanted to see my girlfriend?" I asked with a small smile on my face.

Isabella didn't answer. "Are you embarrassed that we are dating?" I asked watching her. "You are acting as if I am a pro at dating." Isabella said looking over at me. "I'm aware I was your first boyfriend and kiss." I said with a small smile.

"You were mine too." I said with a smile. 'Our first kiss. Isabella will be our first everything as we will be her first everything.' Isabella didn't answer. I bit my lip watching her as her chest lifted up and down a little fast before slowing down.

I'm not sure what overcame me but I grabbed Isabella's chin and turned her head to me and pressed my lips to hers. Isabella didn't even know how to respond she just sat there and I pulled back. Isabella's breathing increased as she stared at her pants not responding.

"You don't have to be quiet. I am aware you enjoyed." I said with a small smile. 'I. . . uh. . . this wasn't my doing.' Isabella looked up at me. "And who do you think you are talking to?" Isabella asked. She was glaring at me. I offered a small smile.

Isabella got up and stared at me. She shook her head and walked into the kitchen watching me closely. Then Isabella came back with a drink and sat down but away from me scooting as far as she could. "I'm not poisonous." I told her. 'This is you all you.' 'I know.'

Isabella looked at me. Isabella didn't answer simply went back to watching the show. I watched her as the show went back on filling the silence with noise of gunshots. "Are you going to the Christmas parade in Greenburg?" I asked her.

"There is a Christmas parade?" Isabella asked looking over. "Yeah every year you didn't know?" I asked. "Well you guys never went." Isabella said. "Loud noises and werewolves don't go well." I told her. "Then why do you want to know if I'm going?" Isabella asked. I shrugged not sure what to do now.

'Maybe you shouldn't of up and kissed her.' 'Looks who's talking Mr. I-Shoved-Isabella-Into-Lockers-And-Made-Out-With-Her.' Ash smirked at me but didn't respond. "But no I'm not going events like that make me uneasy. So many loud noises just not a place for a hunter." Isabella said finally loosening up.

I bit my lip. "How about in a few days I take you out to eat. Make up for the whole kissing. Sorry just got over my head there." I told her. Isabella glanced at me. "I said I'd give it a chance. Next time don't just kiss me. I'm not a normal girl." Isabella said.

"I don't want a normal girl. I want you." I told her. 'That is the most romantic thing you've said today Dalton. Keep it going and Isabella will be in our arms.' Isabella didn't say anything. "Is it the full moon?" Isabella suddenly asked.

"What?" I asked. "Your behavior. You get weird around full moons and it's near a full moon." Isabella said. I shrugged. "Fine you can take me out to dinner but you say it's as friends got it?" Isabella asked looking at me. "Yes ma'am." I said smiling at her. As long as it meant taking her out.

'I knew what you are doing there.' 'What?' 'Taking her out to lunch then surprise her with the movie theaters.' I smiled, Ash was finally catching up with my master plan. I had a big event planned for the movie theaters and I just couldn't wait to do it.

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