:Chapter 39:

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It was like an eternal pit of darkness. The cold, blood, him falling. Those crystal blue eyes with gold flecks that stared at me with such intensity so many emotion. The pain that fluttered through my chest and then went numb as I crashed and burned.

Sacrifice. It always was made without even knowing. You won't even know what you are sacrificing until it comes and hits you. Defeating The First required a sacrifice, but I didn't realize it'd be my life that I'd sacrifice. But everyone I loved would stay safe now that Pexhar was gone.

They'd move on. I moved on with my parents death and they'd move on over me. Dalton would move on. Saying that killed me. The thought of him with another woman always made my skin crawl and jealousy flare up. I fought my feelings so hard and accepted them for this end.

I had begun to love Dalton. To enjoy his company and then it was ripped right in half. It hurt. And my life did flash before my eyes. I saw everything. Would I got to hell? Or would heaven welcome me. Probably neither of them.

It was cold in hell sometimes. Would I be cursed to see everyone I love move on. To see Dalton fall in love with a woman that wasn't me. That thought made me want to cry. Him with someone else revolted me and always had I just refused to admit it.

Now it was right in front of me. That cute innocent black haired blue eyed werewolf with a heart of gold. Not bossy, but sweet and patient. He learned patience and taught me so much without either of us even knowing it. We taught each other so much and it remained here.

That I didn't have to fight alone. I shielded myself off when my family died. The armor began to chip away. And it hurt, but I wouldn't give it up for the months I had with Dalton that was like heaven on earth. All the things he surprised me with.

Now that would never happen with. It was sudden. Death was blackness and just sitting there as if I was asleep, but I'd never wake up. Just to sleep eternally and never be able to wake-up. It drove me crazy like this. Just darkness. I never appreciated life until death.

It happened suddenly. Sleep disturbed with a feeling of falling before I crashed and darkness seemed to consume me as I continued to fall. Then I stomped when I crashed down. Darkness faded as feeling entered my body. My body felt different and I felt nothing, but the cold and a darkness near me.

When I opened my arms I was not greeted by snow, blood, pain or even Dalton. Instead I was greeted by a dark room and a presence. "Am I dead?" I asked to no one. Was I cursed to stay here? My question was answered and it made me jump.

"Not exactly dead. We'll call it in-between Isabella." I recognized that voice. A sense of dry humor with a cloak of darkness. I looked over and my cobalt blue eyes met Death's black gaze and he offered a smile when I jumped back. "Where am I?" I asked standing up.

"My little room I dedicated to your family." Death said. "What?" I asked. "Your dead Isabella, sorta. Your going through a transition that required you to receive a blow that would kill you or anyone else. I did this a lot with your family. I was suppose to do it with your dad, but he backed out and went with your mom." Death said.

I watched him. "What's happening?" I asked. "Your not human anymore Isabella, you were never meant to be human. This transition has been trying to awaken for two years, but you had to die and Pexhar completed the process without even knowing." Death said.

"What process?" I asked. "You'll find out, I'm not allowed to say. It interferes with fate." Death said and I watched him. He looked at a watch on his arm then back at me. "The wolf misses you and is numb." Death said watching me.

"Dalton?" I asked. "Yes, he saw the blow and tried to warn you, but it came to late. He won't let go." Death said and I tilted my head to the side in confusion and Death smiled. "You've been here long enough. Let the world have you back. They'll feel you enter. Everyone." Death said.

"What?" I asked and Death smiled before waving his hand as if he was dismissing me. I fell as blackness consumed me and cold consumed me and I began to scream. It was confusing I didn't know what was happening. I was suppose to be dead, yet I wasn't. Darkness consumed me.
I shot up gasping for air a scream lodged in my throat and coldness embracing me. My body ached. As if hell took a punch at me. 'Isabella? Oh my gosh Isabella, how?' "Isabella." A weak voice said as I tried to move, but my arms were restrained.

I looked over and saw Dalton's tear filled crystal blue eyes with gold flecks. "Oh my moon goddess." Dalton gasped before hugging me to him and I looked around. Pexhar was laying on the ground with an arrow in his chest and I looked up to see Lucas standing there propped up with his crossbow.

Dalton then kissed me randomly. "Woah, ok she might hit you." Lucas said coming over. "She's my girlfriend fuck off." Dalton growled. "What?" Lucas asked and he came over. 'Oh he just told them all that you were dating.' 'What is going on.' 'You died Isabella, I felt it.'

"Your eyes." Lucas said and Dalton let go of me and looked over at me. "What?" I asked. "Your eyes are silver." Dalton said and I shook my head. "My eyes are blue." I said. "No he's not lying. They are silver." Lucas said pulling out his phone and showing me.

My once royal blue eyes were now silver. They were freaking silver. There was a groan and I watched as Pexhar took the arrow out with a snarl. He looked at me shocked as I got up. My bloody sword was next to me and I grabbed it.

'Get it over with, I have to deal with him and can't wait to do it.' I almost pitied Pexhar on what was going to happen to his dumbass. Grasping my sword I went over and dug my heel of my boot into Pexhar making him wince. "I killed you." Pexhar said.

"Transition bitch." I said before stabbing him right in the heart. His body lit in flames before engulfing him and leaving nothing, but blood and a burned patch. "Are you ok?" Lucas asked. "Seriously, I'm pretty sure I died and came back and that's what you ask?" I asked Lucas.

"I don't know what else to ask." Lucas said. "Let's go, I think I'm gonna throw up." I said and Lucas nodded before limping over and trying to catch me which ended in us both collapsing to the ground. "Wolf boy pick us up." Lucas said as I emptied my lunch into the snow.

"My weapons please." I said looking at the hole in my shirt and Dalton went to collect him. 'It doesn't make sense that you survived, but I'm glad you did. Now I have a certain hellhound to deal with.' Then Satan cut his connection as Dalton got my weapons before helping us up.

Just as Maryse came charging through and came running to us. "Maryse give me a hand please." Dalton told Maryse who took a now sick and weak Lucas to the car with her skills beyond level as Dalton put my weapons away before helping me up.

"Sorry I told Lucas, but it hurt, I thought you died." Dalton said as he helped me to the mustang. "It's fine, you were distressed." I told him as Dalton got me in the car before getting in and turning on my mustang before buckling us up and then taking off.

"I defeated The First really this time." I told Dalton who nodded. "You did, you did well." Dalton said and I smiled at him just a little as he sped off while I let myself rest on the sleep. I thought I had died, but I hadn't and I was glad I didn't die.

I wasn't done with life yet and wouldn't be for awhile. I planned to stay around for a long time. 'Which is good.' I had no plans to go anywhere and no one would interfere with that at all. No one. The First was gone. No one would stop me.

1444. See Isabella is ok. You'll find out in the next chapter which might be the epilogue. I'm gonna go count the words now. Until next time revived marshmallows.

 Until next time revived marshmallows

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