:Chapter 24:

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College started up quite quickly as if break had never happened. The first class came quite quickly, quicker than I imagined it would come. I woke up and put on some new clothes for Christmas. A gray button up shirt, dress pants, a tie and a material jacket.

After that I was out of the bedroom and got some breakfast before heading outside. Today was my first class after winter break and I didn't plan to be late. I met up with Isabella who drove us off to campus with Maryse watching us from the back.

'She brought a pretty painting with her. I wonder when our painting or drawing will be done?' I looked over at Isabella who had decided to drive. "Isabella have you started on the painting I asked for?" I asked Isabella looking into her royal blue eyes. Isabelle glanced at me.

"Yes I've started on it." Isabella answered as she sped up. Soon the college campus pulled into view. 'The cursed college campus full of adults and a few Braniac teenagers.' I rolled my eyes at Ash as Isabella pulled into a parking lot and turned off her mustang before getting out. I got out too.

Grabbing my bag I waited for Isabella as she got out Maryse, her painting and her bag. With that we headed into the campus passing some frat boys. I recognized one of them. 'Rory's frat brothers.' 'Not that he calls them that much anymore. They are getting on his nerves.'

It all started with Payton when he 'committed suicide' and the frat boys constantly asked about it. When in reality Payton was executed for his crimes. For attempting to kill Isabella as she was an abomination for being the vessel of Satan. I was dragged off of him and locked up.

'Like an animal because we were angry and ready to snap Payton's neck and kill the little frat bastard.' Since then Rory had begun to fall from the frat boys. Isabella and I walked into the campus and I turned to her and smiled and looked around.

I didn't see anyone so I hugged her quickly. "See you after class." I told her with a smile. Isabella nodded before walking off to the building where the art class was. 'Now onto our class and then we can go off and get some lunch with Isabella.'

I smiled at Isabella's retreating form before turning on my heel and heading off towards the building where my business class would be taking place. Brushing some hair from my face I continued on to my class biting my lip. With one more smile I entered the building Isabella on my mind.
"So do you want to go out to eat?" I asked Isabella as we continued along. "Derik." Isabella said with a sigh. "What about Derik?" I asked. "He decided it was time to get to know Lyric." Isabella said. "I can go with you." I told her and Isabella nodded.

"Where are we going?" I asked. 'Maybe it will be a nice restaurant so that we will still be eating. That sounds nice.' 'Free food.' Ash nodded in agreement with me at that. I'd never pass up free food, one of things Isabella and I had in common. Before we were dating if I offered her a date with food she said yes. I'm pretty sure she'd accept free food from her enemy as long as it wasn't poisoned. Ash nodded in agreement as we followed Isabella out into the parking lot. Derik was leaned against his white mustang waiting for Isabella.

His eyes met mine before nodding and getting in the car. "Just follow me." Derik said as we got in the car with Maryse. 'Now I am really curious on where we are going.' Isabella buckled in before following after Derik who pulled out of the parking lot and into the busy streets of NYC.

We followed Derik for a bit until he pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant that sold ice cream and milkshakes. Derik got out as Isabella parked next to him before we got out. Lyric appeared next to Derik holding his arm quite tightly.

"Lyric likes milkshakes." Was all Derik said before going inside followed by Lyric, Isabella and I. Along with Maryse. We entered in as Derik went up to order us some food. I chose a double cheeseburger, Isabella chose some chicken strips, Derik chose some monster burger and Lyric chose a chicken sandwich.

'Yes and we all got some delicious milkshakes. We got chocolate, Isabella mint chocolate chip, Derik vanilla and Lyric cake batter.' Derik led us to a table while we waited on our food and milkshakes. "How was Florida?" Isabella asked Derik who looked up. "I went to Florida expecting warmth, but I got the cold." Derik said.

Lyric smirked just a little at that. While Derik and Isabella talked our food was brought over and Lyric accepted her food with a smile on her face. "Lyric knows how to shoot a bow." Derik told Isabella who looked at Lyric who was now trying to hide her face near her food.

'She seems to get embarrassed quite easy and very nervous.' "Did you take lessons?" Isabella asked. "Self taught." Lyric murmured. Isabella nodded as did I. "She's good at it. I offered to teach her how to shoot a gun. Maybe you could teach her how to shoot a pistol." Derik said.

Lyric was blushing as Derik held her hand while we ate our food. Lyric finished her food before going to her milkshake silently. "If she wants to." Isabella said watching Lyric. "I ride horses." Lyric said out of the blue and Derik smiled at her.

"I ride English and I'm going to get my own horse. Derik said so." Lyric said looking at Isabella. Derik smiled just a little. He promised her a horse no doubt. "You just need a place to put the horse." Derik told Lyric with a small smile on his face as Lyric drank her milkshake.

'Horses are pretty. I remember riding one once.' I nodded. "Were you born in Florida?" Isabella asked. "No. I was born in Massachusetts and moved to Florida when I was thirteen." Lyric answered. We all nodded as Derik watched us while Lyric decided to talk.

Turned out if she was comfortable she'd chat your ear off. "And Derik looks like Summer, but red." Lyric said. "Who's Summer?" Isabella asked. "Bran Stark's dire wolf." Lyric answered. "Lyric is a Game of Thrones fan." Derik said. "The books are better. Only two dire wolves die in there." Lyric said instantly.

Derik smiled. "Are you reading the books?" Isabella asked. "I'm on book one, but I know a lot because I look it up when I'm bored." Lyric answered. 'She sounds really naïve and innocent.' 'Yes and Derik seems to be very protective of her.' Derik glared at any man who looked at her.

Similar to how I was when Isabella and I first met. It died down so I assumed Derik's would die down. Derik hadn't glared at me yet mostly because my eyes were only for Isabella. And only ever would be for Isabella as Isabella was my only mate.

With a smile I went back to my food listening to the conversation that they were having. The bonding that was going on. It was really beautiful and peaceful. But peace was always destroyed.

1227. Shorter chapter as I am rushing right now to leave for horseback riding. Until next time horse marshmallows.

 Until next time horse marshmallows

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