:Chapter 19:

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"And what is your new year's resolution Isabella?" Lucas asked as he fiddled with a piece of paper next to Enyr. Well his head was in Enyr's lap and the rest of his body propped up on the couch. I looked over at him.

"To not die or get any serious injuries." I told him and Lucas laughed. "That all?" Lucas asked. 'Well it is a nice resolution considering the hybrid attack on Christmas.' I ignored Satan. After that hybrid attack everyone went on alert and there were way more patrols then there usually was according to everyone.

A few wolves would pass by our house every night look around then leave. "Yes that's my resolution just like every other year." I told him. "Doesn't work out so well I mean your alive but you break bones." Derik said from the loveseat that Ryne bought while I was in college.

Lyric was nestled into Derik's arm. "What about you Lucas?" I asked. "To have sex in fifty different positions with Enyr." Lucas said. Lyric looked up scarlet red. "Gross." I mumbled. "You asked. Last year was to not be cheated on and it worked out well. Lycans make good boyfriends." Lucas said.

He smiled at Enyr who offered a small one. 'Well you did ask but at least the two are faithful to each other.' 'Minus the little threesome they had.' 'The three both consented to it and at least it wasn't like Lucas's last relationship.'

Lucas went through two brothers when he decided to settle down. Before one-night stands and sex buddies was what Lucas wanted. Then he decided he wanted to find a man to settle down with instead of having tons of partners and he decided vampires despite not being the three brothers soulmates.

One got bored of him and the other cheated on him. 'Kane's brother, I'm surprised Lucas didn't kill that vampire for cheating on him.' 'I'm aware of his not like infidelity. He hates people who cheat another reason he seems so loyal to my brother.' I glanced at the two of them.

Enyr didn't know how I would react to him dating and sleeping with my best friend. Lucas was all cocky about it before assuring me the relationship would go good. That'd it'd be his most serious relationship. After a bit I got used to it but I could never take that image out of my mind.

I didn't know how three men even have a threesome or why my brother was the main attention. I had no desire to know. In fact I didn't even want to know about sex! There is a reason I'm a virgin. 'For now Isabella.'

'Shut up Satan.' 'Oh you'll lose it to a certain black haired werewolf who waited two years for you. Trust me.' I blocked Satan out after that. There was no desire in my mind to think about sex or talk about it. Satan gave me the sex talk and I'd rather here it from my brothers or parents. Even Dalton's parents.

Satan snickered. Satan, I didn't need sex talks. I knew what sex was a little too early. Never again will I ask Lucas questions. That led to the sex talk with Satan and Lucas laughing at my expressions. Now I hated talking about sex.

'Like how you are the only one who hasn't been laid yet? Holding onto your cherry. How Dalton has waited for you and can't wait to lay with you probably. How you two are the only one's who haven't been laid. Yeah that. I'm sure Dalton wouldn't mind you just asking for sex straight up. I'm sure he'll enjoy it.' 'What the hell is wrong with you Satan? Did you mom drop you on your head? I am not asking Dalton to come take my virginity! Are you out of your mind! Just no! No! Not happening!' 'One day.'

I cut out Satan after that my cheeks bright red. Satan chuckled evilly in my mind as I focused on the plate in my lap. Nachos. Everyone had nachos as Flimur decided to make homemade nachos for lunch. Mine had taco meat, cheese, some dicing of lettuce and sour cream and it was delicious.

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