:Chapter 21:

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Sitting on the leather sofa back at my house while Flimur got the ingredients ready for dinner. In a few days we'd be leaving back for NYC leaving Greenburg behind for now. Of course we have a nice trip planned to come back here.

'Yes because this is home for all of you now isn't it?' 'Yes it is Satan. Ever left a place you never realized it was like home then realized it was home when you left for a long period of time.' Satan sighed. 'I am in hell after all Isabella.'

Oh yeah. Almost forgot that he was in hell no longer Earth after the last war with heaven and the deal slash pact they made. Demons would stay in hell and angels in heaven with very few exceptions like guardian angels, sex demons, type of them of course and hellhounds.

Other than that they stayed in their own realm. 'Least I had the courtesy to show up the signing of the agreement unlike God who sent an archangel.' 'So you've never meet God?' 'Some angels never met him, but Lucifer has.' Of course he has he was once an archangel, God's favorite one no less.

Lucifer was designed to be an attractive man, not some little red man with horns. He was suppose to be beautiful. He was God's favorite and angels were suppose to be beautiful. I've seen tons of demons, but I've never seen an angel before once in my life.

'Yes they tend to not have anyone see them. Sometimes a human will glimpse them. There is a chance of being angel touched depending on the ranking.' 'Angel touched?' 'Humans will began to crave them. It's how Nephilim are created sorta like cambions. Their parents shelter their children seeking out the angel sorta like how humans can get addicted to demons seeking out the interaction. The supernatural are immune to it though. It can also happen with the fae. A reason some Seelie take human lovers.' 'Would it effect me.' 'No your a vessel.' I nodded least I didn't have to worry about that.

I looked over at Ryne who was in the kitchen. Soon I'd be leaving for hell and the meeting take place there. I had everything timed and planned left. When I came back dinner would be done or nearly done which would mean after a trip to hell delicious food.

We were having meatloaf. Derik and Lyric would be coming over. Derik decided Lyric wasn't ready for me to passed out and in hell with Lyric present. 'We know he simply doesn't want to be paraded with questions he can't answer.' I smirked. Then it faltered.

What if she asked me that when we had to spent time together. Screw Derik. Why couldn't Dalton be more keen with his hearing and realize Derik was near? Stupid enhanced hearing. 'Least Derik isn't telling anyone like he promised.' If I spent time with Lyric and got acquainted with her as we were the two most special people in Derik's life.

Lyric Derik's mate and I, Derik's best friend. 'He even offered a double date.' 'Wouldn't that be suspicious just the four of us leaving for dinner or lunch?' 'Well I guess when you put it that way.' At that moment the door opened and in walked Enyr and Lucas.

"Your all ready now aren't you Isabella?" Lucas asked his British accent coming right through. "You should try it." I said glancing at my iPhone which got a text from Dalton saying ok and he'd text me later as I told him I was going to hell.

Yeah going to hell for a meeting see you later Dalton. Yeah that didn't sound like typical conversation between a. . . boyfriend and girlfriend. I couldn't believe I thought that. Dalton and I were dating, he kissed me and took me out on a date except we were together.

'Yes Dalton likes you, you like Dalton. Dalton kisses you, you stay still like an idiot. And have conservations about leaving for hell. "Hey I'm going to hell see you after honey." "Ok honey." Yeah conversations of Dalton and Isabella.' 'Those names make me cringe and want to shoot the inventor. I don't call anyone honey.'

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