:Chapter 32:

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"You found out who The First is?" Nico asked absolutely dumbstruck as we sat at the café. Isabella nodded and looked over at us. "Yeah in the meeting The First was revealed." Isabella responded and Nico nodded as did I.

"So who is The First?" Nico asked. "His name is Jek, he's in a cell being tortured no doubt." Isabella said with a small smirk. 'This means peace and the dinner at the buffet.' That made me smile. "How'd you find out Jek was The First?" Nico asked taking out his notebook.

"He had a bullet wound where I shot the hellhound so I connected it and next thing you know Jek is The First. Satan is a raging inferno when he found out and then Jek was dragged to a cell." Isabella said. 'And that sounds quite violent.' 'But we all know he deserved it for messing with us for two years.'

Ash nodded in agreement at that. "So everything went smoothly?" I asked glancing up from my slice of pepperoni pizza. "Yeah and we won't be having to deal with The First anymore." Isabella said with a smile on her face, well more of a smirk.

'So no more of The First which is nice.' I nodded. Isabella looked over and the went to her piece of cheese pizza. It was like a pizza day in the college café and the pizza here was good. It wasn't my mom's pizza, but better than no pizza.

"But they are going to question Jek on why he turned against Satan, once they got their answers they'll punish him and one of his fates could be death." Isabella said. 'That sounds nice. It makes sure that we won't have to deal with The First anymore.' 'It does.'

Isabella went back to her cheese pizza as Nico got out the notebook he had dedicated to the situation. "Isabella could you tell me how you found out this Jek was The First?" Nico asked and Isabella took another bite before setting the pizza down and nodding before going to talk.

"At the meeting Satan was going to do loyalty tests and Jek was very nervous about that so I noted it. Jek continued to protest and I noticed his shoulder was hurting so Pexhar got his jacket and shirt off and he had a bullet wound that was sizzling, infected and burning in the same spot as the hellhound I shot."

Nico nodded at that. "Pretty much the basis of it. Then Satan had Pexhar drag him off for punishment so now the only thing left will be the hybrids." Isabella said. 'Better than having The First up our butt which is not ever pleasant.' I nodded in agreement.

"The hybrids are still out there?" Nico asked and Isabella nodded. "For now, the hellhounds were sent out to hunt them and kill them. I would of gone and Maryse, but we had classes." Isabella said rolling her eyes making me smile at that.

To some people it may seem rude and disrespectful, but to me it seemed cute like when she was angry. Nico went to eating his Hawaiian pizza. 'No more The First sounds so good.' I nodded in agreement as Isabella continued to eat her food. Soon I'd be taking her out to a buffet.

Now I couldn't wait to bring Isabella to the buffet, it'd be so much fun. And taste so good no less. That thought made me smile as we finished up our lunch then dumped the tray in the trash and left the café. "I have another class, see you two later." Nico said before running off.

"You doing anything tomorrow?" I asked. "Grocery shopping." Isabella said. "I can take you if you want?" I asked feeling victorious. "Yeah, just don't pay like last time." Isabella said. 'No worries, we'll just pay for your lunch or dinner.' That thought made me smile.

"I'll pick you up at noon." I told her deciding that we'd have some lunch. Isabella smiled and nodded as we went to her mustang and like usual I got in the drivers seat as Maryse loaded up in the back and Isabella got in the passenger seat.

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