:Chapter 6:

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Isabella left two hours ago to go take down Lord Valentino and I was waiting patiently for her. 'Liar, you are so impatient.' Ok maybe I was yelling at my iPhone 7 to have Isabella call me. But, in my defense I wanted to know how her job had gone.

That it had gone smoothly and nothing bad had happened that could lead to Isabella being injured. Because if Lord Valentino injured her and survived his little guards couldn't save him from me. There wasn't enough in this damn city to stop me from tearing his head off of his shoulders.

'I'm pretty sure Isabella handled it pretty well, after all she is a talented hunter.' 'Yes I'm aware. We've seen her in action and she's saved us.' Ash nodded. She's saved us a few times from some demons that tried to hurt her by attacking me or I was just in the wrong place.

But for the first time in forever I had gotten to save Isabella myself. Payton was trying to kill her and I walked in on it and stopped it. I might of lost control but I saved Isabella as he knocked her out during the process.

That might of been what led to Isabella giving our relationship a chance actually. Seeing that she didn't have to be alone and that people can help her. But, whatever let her give her a chance for dating me I was thankful for it and wouldn't waste it.

But I was currently on the floor doing push-ups out of boredom. It's been such a long time since I did exercises like this. I typically ran in wolf form now to keep myself in shape. And I took jogs around the dorm here and there. But, I just happened to do push-ups today.

'And sit ups, lunges, jumping jacks, planks, you know all the stuff we escaped once football ended when you went to college!' Ash never liked much of that. He preferred his long runs but he didn't mind the sit-ups. 'It gives us our six pack of course.'

Of course it wasn't as well defined as before but still there. It'd never leave as long as I kept up my daily routine. I did ten sit-ups a day and thirty on weekends. When I was in high school I did sixty a day and a hundred on weekends. But Ash insisted we changed.

That we focus more on college and enhancing our running and attacking skills. He even tried me to go to the boxing team. But that was not happening. I didn't need to actually KO someone so bad because of my enhanced strength. 'Still would of been better then football.'

'You are never gonna get over this are you.' 'Couldn't play soccer.' 'We did play soccer.' Ash gave up after that. I continued the push-ups as my thoughts moved to tomorrow. Tomorrow we would go see Justice League with Isabella, after of course we went to Golden Corral.

Hope she doesn't eat too much there. Or I should section it more, lunch at Golden Corral then wait for the movies so we can get a nice popcorn combo together. I smiled at that thought. I'd get anything she wanted at this point if it meant an actual real date not Isabella thinking it as friends.

An actual date where I can kiss her if no one is around. Of course if she lets me kiss her. But this will be our first date as a couple. 'Which is why we are doing all of this.' 'Should I bring her anything.' 'Maybe a small bouquet of flowers or chocolate.'

Looks like tomorrow I'd be leaving early in order to get some flowers for Isabella early. I wonder what type of flower Isabella likes? Maybe I should ask Derik? Yeah I'm going to. Getting up I put on my jacket and a new shirt along with deodorant.

Then I walked out of my dorm room upon slipping on a pair of vans of course. Then I walked out of my dorm room and headed to Derik and Rodney's dorm. Rodney wasn't there as he had college classes right now. I went up and knocked on the door.

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