:Chapter 23:

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We were leaving Greenburg today. Early morning and heading back. Alana was heading with along with Kadan as the two had classes today. Alric and Whitney were to watch Isadora. Alana was telling Kadan she was gonna switch to online college to be with Isadora more.

Kadan was arguing with her about that. He wanted her to stay in college. Alana was arguing that she wanted to stay and be home with Isadora. Kadan said they would take turns, but Alana was convinced and ready to enroll in online college and Kadan was loosing the argument.

'Least Alana is a dedicated mother to Isadora. Some mothers just give up their children in situations like this.' 'Alana is a werewolf and a good woman. She makes a good mom and loves Isadora. As does Kadan.' I drove off to Alana's. Derik wasn't here he flew off a few days ago to Florida with Lyric.

His flight should be coming in today. He talked to me here and there talking about Lyric's family and Lyric. Also how I was doing and reminding me of the time I had to spent with him and Lyric or just Lyric.

'Yes and you will do it.' Reluctantly, but I will do it. "Online college is twice as hard." Kadan told Alana while Lucas and I watched them. My brothers were here too. Maryse was at my feet. Dalton was still getting his things packed up ready to leave for NYC.

"So when will you be back?" Lucas asked. "Don't know yet. Text you the date." I told Lucas who nodded. "Gives me more time with Isadora. I want to be a good mother." Alana argued. "Alana you are the best mother to Isadora." Kadan told her rubbing her cheek making Alana smile at him.

"Don't try to distract me." Alana said scolding a smirking Kadan. "A month Alana and then you can decide. Ok just a month." Kadan said. "A month." Alana agreed. Kadan hugged her and she hugged him back. Alric and Whitney were here holding Isadora who was dressed for warmth.

Alana went over and took Isadora back. 'How would you feel if you had children? Would you be loving and kind?' 'The thought of something growing in me scares me. I'd probably faint.' 'But would you be nice to your children.' 'I don't like children.' 'I bet you'd love yours.' 'In order to have children you have to have sex.'

Satan smirked. 'Or artificial insemination. I'm sure Dalton wouldn't mind artificial inseminating you with his own of course.' I ignored Satan after that. 'Or just have sex with him and tell him to think about children.' 'I don't think werewolves can even be artificially inseminated.'

Satan shrugged. Alana held Isadora to her as Isadora began playing with her hair as Kadan came over to go see his daughter. Eventually Dalton came out and packed his things up before heading over to me and offering a smile. He then went over to Kadan with a smile.

Then the two began to talk to each other and Lucas looked over at me. "Least you and Derik went to college." Lucas said. "You could always go." I told him. "I only went to hunter's school. Unless there is college, I'm not going and I have no interest in college." Lucas said.

I nodded. 'Well least you went to college and got educated in the. . . arts. But Lucas doesn't want to. He is fine with his hunting.' I looked at Lucas. "And my brothers can't because they are 'legally' deceased and don't even exist in the world." I said.

"Yeah, I do all the online shopping for Enyr and Ryne. Also chauffer until The Organization gets Ryne a license so he can go see his girlfriend." Lucas said. "You met Ryne's girlfriend?" I asked shocked. He didn't let anyone meet her and Enyr was trying to get him to loosen up on that.

So far not much has happened. 'But it will and you know it will happen eventually.' I nodded before looking at my mustang then at Maryse. "I'll call face time Enyr and talk to you when we arrive." I told him standing up and heading over.

"Bye Isabella." Lucas said giving me a hug. I headed over to my brothers. Ryne had a poker face and Enyr just smiled at me as I went over and hugged them both. "You know it's ok to be sad right?" I asked Ryne. "Yeah." Ryne said rolling his eyes.

"We are going to go see Uncle Storm and check on his condition. We made a GoFundMe for him to keep the life support. So far five thousand has been raised. Uncle Storm will wake up eventually he is just healing. He's a Lycan after all." Ryne said and Enyr nodded in agreement.

'Poor guy, made up with you then went into a coma.' I don't remember Uncle Storm that well from my childhood and sorta forgot about him. He accused me of pretending to be his niece, but made for it by saving me from Vee which cost him and he was put into a coma.

The doctors were gonna pull the plug until Danielle paid them. He had a brainstem, but they didn't want to waste their time on him. 'Yes, I remember you being removed from that situation when you threatened to kill him.' 'And I still would, heartless bastards.'

Black Crescent Moon was trying to get Storm moved from that hospital to the pack doctor. The doctor had the supplies to keep him in a coma, but they had to get him out of there. It'd work a lot better since they knew how to deal with their own, sorta.

Orchid was studying Enyr and Ryne's DNA. The pack also got rid of Storm's DNA test that was run and were working. With a smile I waved to them. "Keep him alive." I reminded them and Ryne nodded. "No worries I'll threaten them." Ryne said with a smirk and I shook my head.

"Come on Maryse." I told her and she trotted after me. 'See Ryne is taking some lessons from you in attitude.' Dalton got in my car like usual before we got in. "I hate acting as if we are friends." Dalton told me once we were in the car with Maryse in the back.

Starting up the car I drove off not noticing the red eyes on me. "Sucks to be you." I told him. "You don't have to act like a friend around Derik." I mumbled deciding to tell Dalton. "Why?" Dalton asked looking over at me tilting his head similar to the way a canine would like Hades or Gracie.

"He knows we are dating. Ok? He freaking eavesdropped." I mumbled. "So you aren't gonna think it was me?" Dalton asked. "Was it you?" I asked. "No, I haven't told anyone except Ash." Dalton said. "Then I'm not gonna think it is you." I told him as I got onto the highway.

'You two discuss your secret relationship like how criminals discuss master heists.' 'Shut up Satan.' Satan laughed at me as I sped up. Dalton smiled. "Better than everyone knowing. I'm assuming Lyric knows too?" Dalton asked. "That's how it started. Derik wanting me to hang out with Lyric and saying if I didn't he tell everyone we were dating." I told him and Dalton shook his head. "So he blackmailed you to get to know Lyric?" Dalton asked. "Yes." I answered and Dalton shook his head as I sped off to NYC off to our dorms away from home.
"Do you need any help?" Angel asked entering our shared bedroom. "No I'm good for now. Could you start dinner though?" I asked. "Yeah what do you want?" Angel asked. "There is some frozen pizza." I told her and Angel nodded before she was off to go make our dinner.

I took out the clothes, some were presents, some came with and yeah just clothes. 'You came with clothes and left with more clothes.' I nodded. Turning back to clothing I continued to put the clothing away silently listening to anything that I might here.

Jus Angel moving in the kitchen. I focused back on the task at hand unpacking my things and cleaning up my room before I'd go bother Angel demanding when the food would be made. Angel yelled while Flimur would just hit me. I continued on with a smile oblivious of what was to come my way.

1400. So yeah. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until the next time robot marshmallows.

 Until the next time robot marshmallows

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