:Chapter 30:

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The First is a hellhound. Isabella said The First was a hellhound. Now all Isabella had to do was discover what ancient hellhound was The First then it'd be all ok. No more having to worry about The First once Isabella found him and destroyed him.

We could live our lives in peace. 'Yes, peace sounds so nice. But can only be achieved when The First is gone.' Once he was gone I could spend more time with Isabella. I could improve on my relationship with Isabella once The First was gone and that would be great.

I glanced on the paperwork besides me and groaned before bringing it over with a gel pen. My work for college a small quiz that would tell the professor my understanding. Thankfully it was an open book test and this was just the practice. So I was going to practice.

This little practice quiz would help with my future. My future had a lot of things rolled out and planned. I'd take over my father's business once he retired from it, but when I started I'd start as employee and work my way up until CEO and eventually own the business itself. I'd be an alpha next.

'We technically are alpha's just not the official alpha of Black Crescent Moon. Yet.' We'd become the alpha and eventually have a nice house. I didn't see Isabella and I having a family big enough to inherit my mother's house. I just didn't see it.

Isabella didn't like children much, but she did better now. But it didn't matter right now as I knew Isabella would love our future children once we got there. I began checking off answers after I grabbed the textbook that the class provided us with.

'College isn't as boring as high school is. You learn useful things for your career. And there is some good food here. The con is this city is horrible to live in. Nice to visit, but I hate living in it. Least we won't stay here forever.'

Ash liked Greenburg and the part that we lived in. Full of wooded acres, tons and tons of acres that we could run in and was mostly inhabited by werewolves or owned by werewolves or the supernatural. Very few humans even owned an acre of the forest as werewolves owned it or the fae.

Sometimes witches. It all depended on the witch usually. Orchid owned a nice chunk of land with some in witch territory and nice amount on werewolf territory. 'A reason she threatened her coven as she wouldn't lose much land if she left her coven so she threatened them and won.'

I nodded. I focused back on the quiz and continued to check off answers on the quiz while glancing at the textbook for help. Isabella was probably in the meeting in hell dealing with who The First could be and going over possibilities and looking for suspects now that she had a huge clue.

Which meant a lot as soon The First wouldn't be a problem anymore. I could finally live in peace, go to college and have a beautiful, badass girlfriend. That sounded like a very great idea no longer having to worry about The First and just dealing with Isabella.

'Yes it does it sounds nice. Being able to spend time with Isabella without having to look over our shoulders for hybrids or The First.' 'It does. If Isabella finds out who The First is and then destroys it. We should take Isabella out for lunch or dinner.' 'Sounds like a plan.'

I smiled and continued to do the practice quiz with a small smile on my face. Soon I'd be taking Isabella out once she discovered who The First is. It'd be so much fun. With a small smile I set down the practice quiz and grabbed my Apple MacBook and fired it up.

After making sure the laptop was connected to the Wi-Fi I opened up Google chrome and began searching for some nice restaurants that I can take Isabella to for defeating The First once she had defeated him. 'It should be a nice restaurant, but nothing too fancy.'

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