Who Knew Chicken Could Be Used For Torture?!

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The concert was amazing! We had gotten there early so, we got to choose our seats first. Of course, Serenity pulled me to the front row seats....As the two groups performed "Just Right", both Jungkook and Yugyeom had walked over to our row on stage and handed girls flowers.....But....Why'd they both come to me? Every other girl had one flower but, I had two..... After they all did that song, they all came together and performed "Save Me", then "Fire", and lastly, "If You Do". All in all, it was fun and the guys were full of life. As everyone started gathering their things, JB and RM made a quick announcement.
"THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING!!!! THE FANMEET WILL START IN A FEW MINUTES!!! HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!!!" .....Wait....What?.....THERE WAS A FANMEET?!?!?!? NOPE!!! NOT GOING!!! NO WAY!!!! Grinning evilly, Serenity grabbed her bag and grabbed my wrist, dragging me towards the double doors. I furiously shook my head and tried to plant my feet firmly on the ground...It didn't work...I swear, Serenity is a whole different breed of human.....
"Please! Don't make me go, Reni! I can't do this!!!"
"Aww, boohoo! We're going and you're gonna suck up that pathetic shyness of yours!"
"I can't do it! Please! Why are you making me go~?!"
"You need to overcome this and I have important questions that need to be answered~!" Sighing, I let it go and allowed her to pull me along. There really was no use in arguing....I'd end up going regardless.... Arriving at the table, I gulped as I realized that we were the first ones there.....again.....Gathering up the little bit of courage I had, I made my way over to the first person, which was Jinyoung. He smiled softly as he looked at me.
"Hello. I'm Jinyoung,  nice to meet you. What's your name?" My face became hot and I looked down at my hands, shyly.
"I-Im....______....Nice to finally meet you, Jinyoung-ssi...." Looking back up, I was surprised to see him staring at me. Eyebrows raised, he gazed at me with curiosity. 
"....You're.....a strange one...Don't tell anyone I gave this to you. I hope you use it, though." He handed me a piece of paper and motioned for me to move along. I blinked in confusion and walked to the next person....Suga. He grinned his gummy smile and took my hand in his. My face was burning up at such contact.
"Thank you for coming. I'm Suga. Can ask what yours is?" I gulped and slowly nodded my head.
"My name I-is ______. I can't believe I'm finally meeting Min Suga for the first time...." He chuckled a bit and shook his head.
"I can't believe I'm meeting such a pretty fan for the first time." I gaped at him and furiously shook my head. Laughing, he patted my head and sent me down the line. Coming face to face with BamBam,  I was rewarded with a huge smile.
"Ohh~! You're really cute~! Am I your Oppa?!" Face red, I shook my head and looked down. 
"N-No....I'm older than you, BamBam-ssi..."
"Aww~! Well, at least I got a really pretty Noona~!" I bit my lip and shook my head. What is with these guys.....? Hands were suddenly placed on my cheeks and I looked up to see BamBam making kissy faces at me. With widened eyes, I just stared at him and raised an  eyebrow when he busted out laughing.
"Too cute~~!!! I never got your name."
"Well, it was nice to meet you, ______-Noona! Maybe we'll see each other again!" With that, he sent me to the next one, V. Grinning his box grin at me, he reached over and pinched my overly heated cheeks.
"Cuuutttteeeee~~~!!!!! BamBam-ssi was right~! Your name is ______, right?"
"Y-Yeah...Nice to m-meet you, V-ssi..." He shook his head and smiled softly. Placing a hand on my head, he looked at me pleadingly.
"Yah....Can I see your phone for a sec, ______-ah?" I raised an eyebrow at him and shrugged. Why would he want to see my phone.....?
"Sure, I guess. " As soon as I handed it to him,  he quickly wrote down something and started typing something up in my phone. Then, he took a picture and gave it back to me after a little more typing. Taking it from him, I raised an eyebrow and gazed up at him, confused.
"What did you do?" He smirked and shrugged. 
"I gave you a present and you gave me one in exchange! Try to figure it out later~!" I smiled up at him awkwardly and nodded.
"Okay....." Next, I was going over to Jackson. He smiled and held my hand in his.
"I'm Jackson. Nice to meet you! What's your name, beautiful?"
"U-Um.....______. Great to finally meet you,  Jackson-ssi...." He grinned and scratched the back of his head. Suddenly, his smile faded and he stared at me. I shifted a bit, uncomfortable with his constant stare. Jackson raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer to my face.
"Have I.....Have I seen you before? I feel like I've seen you somewhere...." Seen me somewhere? No way!
"I don't think so....Sorry...." He just smiled and shrugged.
"Nah. It's okay. You just.....seem strangely familiar somehow." I smiled solemnly at him and shook my head. Going to the next person, I was greeted with a sleepy looking Jin. When he saw me, his eyes widened and he stared at me for a while. It....was getting awkward.....Why did he keep staring? Shaking his head, he smiled at me and scratched his head.
"Sorry if I confused you just now....it's just.....I've never seen someone like you before....." I shuffled my feet and peeked up at him.
"Is that a bad thing...?"
"N-No! Not at all! I'm sorry if I mislead you! It's just...You're awfully pretty.... May I know your name?" I smiled sheepishly and lightly fanned my heated face.
"I'm ______. It's nice to meet you, Jin-ssi." Jin grinned and shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you too, _______-ah....Such a pretty name...." I thanked him and stared down at my hands. I was actually surviving this! I could do it! I could get through this fanmeet! Unfortunately,  as soon as I walked over to Yugyeom, I heard Serenity's loud voice.
"Kim Seokjin....I've got a bone to pick with you! Now, I've bought some chicken because, I know you're probably hungry. You can have some..."
"Oh! Well, thank y-"
"You can have some....ONCE you explain why the heck you and RM- I'll be with you in a sec - made a song like this!" After saying that, she pulled out her phone and played a song low enough so that not everyone there could here it. I recognized the song and face palmed. I can't believe she seriously played that.....Looking over at Jin, I noticed his face go a bit red as he smiled awkwardly. Serenity was smirking evilly, a hand on her hip as she stared at him.
"I didn't think that Eomma Jin would EVER take part in a song like this.......You got some explaining to do~! Especially if you wanna eat some chicken!" He turned away and started speaking bur, all he managed to do was stutter.
"Well um....you see uh.....R-RM asked for me to - um-I er..........Sorry.....?" Serenity rolled her eyes and handed Jin some chicken.
"Okay.....I forgive you.....I can't say that about RM though!" And, as if luck was completely on her side, we came across RM next. She grinned evilly and all I could do was shake my head. She was crazy.....Serenity Jones is a nutcase.....
"RM~~!!!! I've been waiting to talk to you~! I've got some fried chicken here for you, too!"
"O-Oh! Thanks! I appreciate I-"
"Noooooooooo........ You can't have any until you explain why the HECK you made a song like this!!!!" Serenity began playing another song and I almost died of embarrassment right then and there. Why was she doing this?! I know they think she's insane!

RM's face turned completely red and he kept motioning with his hands.
"You know I, it was a stage, I was going through stuff, I wasn't thinking and, um can I just have some chicken.........?" Serenity shook her head and folded her arms. Handing several pieces over to one of BTS' managers, she grinned at him evilly.
"Nahhhh......I don't think you deserve any~! You guys can just give it to him whenever you feel that he needs it~!" With that, she grabbed my arm and pulled me with her so that we could meet the other members of the two groups. All I could do was stare at her questioningly.
"Reni....Why did you do that to them?" She shrugged and took her poster back from Jungkook, who was looking at me weirdly.
"They'll think twice before trying to kill girls with songs like that...." I rolled my eyes and smiled. Such a weirdo.....

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