Well.....This Was Unexpected.....

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I sighed as I dragged my feet towards my car, completely exhausted from teaching several different dances. It didn't help that it was super hot out today either. Today was just one of those days.....Getting to my car, I began putting my bags inside.
"Long time no see. Right, _______-Noona~?" Turning around, I saw a guy standing in front of me, a smug smirk on his face. He was actually pretty good looking.....Oh my God, I sound like Serenity.....The guy continued gazing down at me and I blinked up at him in confusion.
"Um.....Do I know you....?" An (obviously) fake gasp left him and he placed a hand on his chest.
"I can't believe you'd forget me, Noona! Especially after all those years in school we spent together~!" What.....? What was this dude talking about? And, how am I his Noona?! He looks WAY older than me! I guess he knew that I didn't understand because, he huffed and leaned toward me. He was so close that, I could almost see my reflection in his eyes. His cool breath fanned my heated face.
"Try to remember. You can do it~." Looking at him suspiciously, I studied his features and searched through my memories. It felt like I was hit with a brick once I realized who he was. I gaped at him and whispered breathily. 
"J-Jungminnie.....?" A large grin stretched across his face and he nodded.
"Miss me, Noona~?"
"W-Wow, um....This is....Just, wow. Um, how've you been? H-How old are you now?"
"Fine. And I'm 18. Remember? I'm three years younger than you." I chuckled a bit at my own stupidness. How could I forget? We continued to talk, catching up with each other. I couldn't believe he was seriously here! Time flew by and I only noticed how late it was once Serenity called me.
"Pabo! It's time for dinner! I did NOT make all this food for it to go to waste!.....Well...not a complete waste...."
"Huh? What do you mean by that?"
"Mm. You'll see once you get here."
"Okay....Oh! I'm bringing a friend over, okay?"
"You'll see once we get there~."
"Tch, fine." And with that, she hung up. Placing my phone back in my pocket, I looked at Jungmin and smiled.
"Yah. Do you, um....Wanna come over for dinner....?" Jungmin chuckled and shrugged.
"Sure. I'd be happy to~." I grinned and told him to get inside the car. As I drove, we talked about what happened after he moved back to Korea. He told me how he missed hanging with me and Serenity and how he regretted ruining our friendship. I just shook my head and told him that it was all in the past and to forget about it. Pulling up to my place, I spotted the two nice trucks in my driveway and, almost instantly, my blood went cold. Y  u have GOT to be kidding me....Jungmin eyed them as we got out, his mouth drawn in a thin line.
"I didn't know you already had guests over."
"Me neither.....", I breathed out, causing him to raise an eyebrow at me in confusion. I just sighed and shook my head as I unlocked the door. Before I could step inside too good, I was tackled to the floor. Of course it was Jungkook and Taehyung. They held onto me tightly as their eyes sparkled with joy.
"_______-ah~! I'm so happy to see you~!"
"I'm happier than him, ________-Noona!"
"No! I'm the happiest one when I get to see my _________-ah~!"
"YAH! Noona,  Noona!  Tell Hyung you're mine and mine alone!"
"No way!"
"Yes, way! She's mine!"
"HAH! In your dreams, dongsaeng!"
"Why do you two always say she's yours?! She's my Noona too!" -Kunpimook
"She's mine as well!" -Yugyeom
"NO!!!" -Taehyung/Jungkook
"GET OFF HER!!! SHE CAN'T BREATHE!!!" -Jin/Jimin/Youngjae
"Who's this......?"  -Jaebum/Namjoon/Yoongi
Just as I thought I was going to die from lack of air, everyone stopped upon hearing Namjoon, Jaebum, and Yoongi. They all turned to look at Jungmin who had a blank expression on his face. Pushing the four boys off of me, I stood and smiled at them.
"Guys, this is my old friend Kim Jungmin. We went to elementary and middle school together." Most of the boys nodded while the rest just stared. Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed as he continued staring at him, a weird, almost disgusted sounding noise escaping his throat. Folding his arms, he glared at Jungmin.
"I don't like him." *THWACK* Jin smacked the back of Taehyung's head, the poor boy whimpering and holding the back of his head in pain. Jin scowled and folded his arms.
"That's rude, V, and you know it!"
"*whine* But Hyung, I really don't like him! He gives off a bad fee--- OW!!! Okay, okay! I'm sorry!!! I give, I give, I give!!!" With a huff, Jin let go of his ear and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Jungmin cleared his throat and gave everyone a small smile.
"Nice to meet you all."
"Wait a minute....You work at the front desk for JYP Entertainment!" We all turned to see Jackson pointing at him. I gasped once I realized he was right. I face Jungmin with surprise.
"So you were the guy that day!" He smiled sheepishly. 
"Well, duh~. Who else would it have been, Noona?"
"Hey! That means it was you checking me out that day!!!"

"Nooo.....I was checking out Noona's beautiful outfit~!" I I rolled eyes and couldn't help but smile. He was still such a kid.... A cough was then heard and we turned to see the rest of them staring at us. My face flamed and I hurriedly excused myself so that I could wash up.
No One's POV
Silence. Absolute silence. Nobody moved, not even Serenity. Jungmin sighed and a slight smirk made itself known upon his lips. With a low chuckle, he turned to meet the angry glares of Taehyung and Jinyoung head on. Jinyoung tensed up and narrowed his eyes. He wasn't getting a good vibe from this guy at all.... Taehyung clicked his tongue and came to stand right in front of Jungmin, their heights evenly matched. In a low voice, he spoke.
"What exactly do you think you're doing, huh?" Jungmin smirked and slipped his hands in his pockets with a casual shrug.
"Same thing you're doing, Kim Taehyung.....Trying to get myself a nice, thick piece of _______~...." The idol's jaw clenched and, before he could stop himself,  his hand shot out to grab the other's throat, a boiling fury gleaming in his eyes. The others were also glaring at him angrily and made no move to stop Taehyung.
"Watch what you say around us...I don't like it when people disrespect women. I'm pretty sure ALL of us dislike it...." All the black haired bot did was give a hearty laugh and yank Taehyung's hand off his throat. He gave a wicked smile and brushed off imaginary dirt from his shirt. Everyone was getting annoyed with his demeanor and now, even Jimin was ready to choke him.
"Why get mad? I don't see any one of you guys' names on her. Besides....whose to say she even wants one of you~?" Hoseok almost jumped out of his seat to tackle him but, Yoongi held him back, glowering at the smug boy. Serenity watched the scene unfold and a bad feel in g made its way into her body. As _______ came back in the room and the boys played it cool like nothing happened, Serenity was in the kitchen. Taking the food off the stove, she prayed that the bad feeling she was getting was just in her head and not a sign that something was going to happen......something horrible.....

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