Their Knowing Expressions....

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Opening the door to my apartment, I sighed and stretched my arms. It was a long day at the school, some kids staying back in order to perfect the dance and me having stayed back just to finish perfecting certain choreos. Throwing my bag on my dresser, I flopped down on my bed and sighed once more, just wanting sleep to come and embrace me....It seemed the universe had a different plan for me, however.

I heard as the front door opened, hearing slightly worried voices. I immediately recognized it as Serenity and got up to peek my head out the door. She was biting her nails, eyes wavering and voice shaky. I strained to hear what she was talking about to the male (obviously Yuki)  in front of her. I was only able to make out a few things, however.

"I'm scared....How are we going to.......The guys are....." I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as I watched Yuki pull her into his arms, gently shushing her with small kisses and such. I squirmed a bit and looked away. It really wasn't my place to spy on this...moment between the two.... Heck, it wasn't even my place to eavesdrop. I went back to sitting on my bed, picking up my phone off of my dresser. Unlocking it, I almost instantly noticed the message from Jackson.

Jackson: Hello~( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Me: Hi~(^~^)

Jackson: ______-ah, can I come over and chill with you?

Me: I guess. If you want to that is.

Jackson: Yes! I wanna! I'll see you soon! Bye!

Me: Bye.

A smile made its way to my lips as I got up to go take a quick shower. Putting on my pajamas, I walked into the living room to see Serenity and Yuki cuddles together on the couch. I snorted at them and moved to sit right in between the two. Yuki groaned and glared at me.

"Neko-chan, why do you always do that? I wanna cuddle with my Hoshi."

"....That's the exact reason why I do so...You guys are so openly fluffy. It's rotting my teeth." Reni sucked her teeth and folded her arms.

"I suggest going to a dentist. They help with those types of things...Why are you wearing that?" 

"Its my pajamas. Jackson is coming over to hang with me soon." Yuki and Serenity glanced at one another, a creepy grin playing on their lips. Yuki stood up, along with Serenity, and the two slipped on their shoes.

"H-Hey! Where are you guys going?" Reni smirked and looped her arm in Yuki's.

"Oh, just going out to eat. Enjoy your date~!" I gaped at her in astonishment and opened my mouth to call her out, but she walked out the front door before I could say anything. Honestly, Serenity could be too much at times. It was not a date!.....Right...?...Right! It was totally not a date! Sighing, I slumped on the couch and turned the TV to watch Pokémon XY. What can I say? I'm a sucker for Pikachu.

As I was getting to the part where Team Rocket was about to "blast off again", a knock sounded on my door. I got up and made my way over to it. Opening it, I was met with a blinding white smile. Jackson gazed down at me, his smile making the corners of his eyes crinkle a bit. I grinned in return and moved to let him inside. Once I closed the door, I was wrapped up in a strong pair of arms. Jackson looked down at me, eyes gleaming.

" Wahh, ______-ah looks so cute in that onesie~! My little Squirtle~!" My face grew hot as I gaped at him. He was seriously calling me a Pokémon! I squirmed my way out of his arms and frowned at him.

"I am not a Pokémon!" He chuckled and pinched my cheeks lightly.

"Then why are you dressed like one~?" I huffed and crossed my arms. He just grinned and moved to plop himself down on my sofa. I sighed and went into the kitchen to get snacks and such. I walked back into the living room to see Jackson immersed in the world of Pokémon. I shook my head, a smile on my face, and waved a coke in front of his eyes.  He blinked and smiled, taking it and looking back at the screen once more. Sitting down beside him, I drew my knees up to my chest and began eating my pocky. After a short while, I heard a sound, close to a whine. I turned to see Jackson pouting at me, eyes gazing at me accusingly. 

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