Promises Are Promises.....

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"Visitors are allowed at this time." As soon as I heard the nurse's words, I immediately stood up and ran for the room. Yoongi's exasperated voice could faintly be heard behind me.

"Man. Heodang ran faster than Kookie at the relay race..." Bursting inside the room, my frantic gaze immediately snapped to the hospital bed. Heart pounding in my chest, I sniffed as the tears began to fall once more. There she was.....Sitting there and playing a game on her phone, blasting KPop and not caring who heard it. Blinking once, she lifted her head and put her phone on her lap. Glancing over at me, she smiled sheepishly and scratched her head.

"......Hey......" Tears blurring my vision, I ran up to her and dropped to my knees, hugging and holding on to her for dear life as I cried and yelled.

"S-SO S-S-STUPID!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW W-WORRIED I WAS?!?!? R-RENI, YOU'RE SUCH A I-ID-IDIOT!!! IDIOT, IDIOT, IDIOT!!!" I heard as she sighed and hands rubbed my back in a comforting manner. Faint footsteps coming in the room could be heard as I continued to softly sob against Serenity's chest. She placed her hands on my shoulders and slowly pushed me off of her. I sniffled once before smiling down at her. Jackson came to stand beside me and rubbed the back of his neck. He glanced at Serenity before sighing and staring hard at his shoes.


"What is there to be sorry for?"

"Well....You're in here because of what you did for me and, um....."

"OMO....Chill, dude. I only did what was right. Besides, fans would get mighty disappointed to hear that one of GOT7's members suddenly up and disappeared somewhere. Ne?"

"Ah....N-Ne... Thank you, Serenity...." Rolling her eyes, she smiled up at him before a serious look crossed over her features.

"No problem.....Let's just never do this again. It hurt like a b----"

"LANGUAGE!!!" I laughed at Jin's sudden outburst and sighed with relief. She was going to be okay...... Kneeling down beside her bed, I pouted as I layed my chin on the edge of her bed.

"Yah. Promise never to scare me like that again....okay?" She grinned and rubbed the top of my head as if I were a child, making me frown a bit at the treatment.

"Of course~. I don't plan on dying until I thoroughly do my job of meddling in your life~."

"YAH!!!" The boys began laughing and I couldn't help but smile up at them appreciatively. They had been there for me this whole time, weird that I was just now realizing it.....I made a little memo to myself to do something for them in return. I mean, they always do stuff for me. It's my turn now. Serenity patted me on the shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. She waved some money in my face and pushed it into my hand. I raised an eyebrow at her in confusion.

"What's this for?"

"....Food. Hospital food is SO not acceptable for the entering of my body. Nor the tasting of my taste buds." I blinked at her and rolled my eyes. 

"Alright, fine." Getting up, I made my way towards the door when, she yelled.

"Jinyoung and Taehyung! Go with her!"

"Huh? But, I can go get it by myse--"

"No! We'll come!" -Taehyung/Jinyoung They rushed up to stand close behind me and I slowly turned around, my eyes widening at their eager faces. Well....I guess they were coming......


Serenity's POV

Taking a deep breath, I gazed around the room at the remaining guys' faces. Seeing how that douche had targeted Jackson..... they needed to be aware of the situation as well. I think Jin could tell how stressed I was, coming up to me and raising an eyebrow.

"Are you okay, Serenity? Are you hurting?" I smiled grimly and shook my head.

"Listen....I need to tell you guys something but....under no circumstances are you allowed to tell _________ that you know about this..... Can I trust you....?" They nodded, Yoongi and Youngjae looking suspicious. With another deep breath, I sighed and began telling them all about Jungmin.....

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