I Didn't Invite Them!!!

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After calming the two down, I told them to sit on the couch while I grabbed snacks from the kitchen. I sighed heavily once I came back with a tray of food. Jungkook and Yugyeom were glaring at each other over (an unusually quiet) BamBam's head. I rolled my eyes and placed the tray on BamBam's lap, causing the boys to snap their attention to the food. Looking up at me, Jungkook gave a huge grin and hugged my waist.
"Thanks, Noona~! You're the best~!"
"Mm. Welcome, Jungkook-ssi." He pulled away and failed at trying not to look smug at a seemingly ticked off Yugyeom and BamBam.....but....Why DID they seem ticked off......? Shrugging it off, I sat down on the floor and just decided to restart the whole movie. I mean, it's not like I was towards the end, anyway....Besides, Deadpool is WAY too awesome to only watch once! Before I could press play, BamBam's voice was heard.
"_________-Noona....Why're you sitting on the floor.....?"
"Um...If you hadn't noticed, the couch is currently taken, BamBam-ssi..." Yugyeom then clicked his tongue and reached down to grab my arm. I squeaked in surprise when he practically picked me up with one arm and sat me down on his lap....his......lap....um......err......I'd be lying if I say I wasn't embarrassed. My whole face was burning, my eyes wide with shock as I felt his arms circle  my waist. His chest was pressed flush against my back as he leaned in to whisper in my ear, his breath tickling the hair on my neck.
"Don't be stupid, Noona. There are plenty more options available than sitting on the floor." I gulped and slowly shifted so that I wasn't pressed against his chest anymore....Wait.....Did he just grunt....? I was suddenly pulled off of him and  found myself sitting in BamBam's lap. He gave me a sheepish grin and shrugged.
"I haven't exactly gotten to hold you yet, ______-Noona......I figured that I t was my turn~!"
"Wha.....?! Hold me?! Why?!"
"Cause you're just too cute~!"
"I have half a mind to hit you, Hyung." -Jungkook/Yugyeom
After fending the two boys off, I allowed BamBam to hold me in his lap and pressed play on the movie. We were all enjoying the humor and action when, I suddenly remembered a certain scene that was about to happen. Cheeks burning, I hurriedly placed my hands over both Jungkook and Yugyeom 's eyes, putting my hair in BamBam's face to block him. The three soon began protesting.
"________-Noona! I wanna see!!!" -Jungkook
"Noona, stop it!" -Yugyeom
"I've already seen this movie, ________-Noona...." -BamBam
"I don't care!!! You guys aren't looking at this part!!!"
".....Noona......You know we can still hear it, right....? -All
I sweatdropped and stared at the screen in hate. Curse this scene! It's bad enough that I have to cover their eyes but....I'M THE ONLY GIRL IN HERE!!!! RENI LEFT ME SO SHE COULD GET "GROCERIES"!!!! SHE'S A LIAR!!!!! Once I was sure that scene was over, I allowed them to look again. Glancing at them, I was surprised to a red-faced Jungkook, Yugyeom, Jimin, and Rapmonster. I'm surprised that BamBam was so ca....JIMIN AND RAPMONSTER?!?!? Jumping out of BamBam's grasp, I walked over to them and stared at them incredulously.
"How the HECK did you get in here?!" Jimin looked down at me before turning away quickly.
"Y-Your f-friend....We w-wanted to s-see you so, sh-she let us i-in..."..........THE LITTLE....!!!! RENIII!!! Rapmon looked at me and pointed toward the couch, where the three boys were watching us.
"You're their Noona, right? Why, um....Why Deadpool....?"
"I-I forgot about that...part and c-covered their eyes." He gave a sigh of relief and smiled slightly. Suddenly, a loud yell was heard and we both turned our heads towards it....only to find Jungkook in a headlock by Jimin....He was screaming and smacking his Hyung's arm repeatedly.
"LET GO OF ME!!!!"
"YOU BRAT!!! I'M OLDER THAN YOU!!!" .....Wow.....just....wow.....I watched as the two began wrestling on the couch, causing Yugyeom and BamBam to quickly scramble off of it.  Beside me, Rapmon shook his head and rolled his eyes.
"You'd think they'd grow in maturity after 3 years but, nooooooo........" I giggled a bit and patted his shoulder.
"Yah...They'll get there, Rapmon-ssi....I think..." He grinned and opened his mouth to reply when, the front door burst wide open and I was tackled in a blur of yellow.
"WAHH!!!" Why am I always being tackled....? Blinking in confusion, I locked gazes with a pouting V. He nuzzled his cheek against my own and whined.
"How come you didn't ask me to come over your house~? _______-ah~~~......" With my face burning, I slowly pushed against his chest and raised an eyebrow up at him.
"V-ssi.....How did you even get here.....? How did you even get in?!" He gave me his box-like smile and pinched cheeks.
"So very cute~! I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing your cuteness~!" ......So......embarrassing......V then stood up and yanked my arm to pull me up to him. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he buried his face in my (h/c) hair.......WHY DOES HE KEEP DOING STUFF LIKE THIS?!?!? WHY DO THEY ALL?!?!?
"_______, it was Serenity who allowed us entry. She said that we all could hang out, today.".......So......Jinyoung was here as well......Looking over V's shoulder, I wasn't was surprised to see the rest of BTS and Got7 staring at me with....I don't even know nor want to acknowledge the possibility of what it was I was thinking about....Serenity........IM GONNA KILL HER!!!!!!!!!! After pushing V away and greeting the rest of them, we all sat down to watch Deadpool.....except....I couldn't watch it properly due to.......the arguing. They kept fighting over whose lap I was going to sit in and.....the winner was Jackson, apparently.......Did I mention that I was SOOO going to kill Serenity.......?

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