The Truth Is Truly Shocking.....

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"O-Oh......H-Hi Jungminie...." I grinned awkwardly up at the smiling boy, his eyes boring into mine. I quickly averted my gaze and pretended to gather my things. Lately, Jungmin had been appearing every where that I was. Not a day went by that I wouldn't see or hear from him. If I was working, he'd wait until I finished my classes for the day before popping into my studio. He'd pop up unannounced at my home and would find different ways to come inside of Youngjae and I's vocal lessons.....yes, he's giving me lessons, so what? Youngjae believes that my voice could set a stage on fire, while I just nod my head and such. I'm not that good, honestly.....But, back to the main point! Jungmin was EVERYWHERE. He kept following me relentlessly and wouldn't leave me alone. Ever since that day walking in the park, I've gotten a weird vibe from him and I noticed how closely he watches my movements. It was.....creepy.....Not only that but, anytime a male talked to me, regardless of them being my own students, he'd glare at them with murder in his eyes. What was his problem....? Anytime I asked him about what Jijin was up to, just to see what he'd say, he'd give an awkward laugh and shrug, saying that they hadn't talked in a while. I didn't understand it. Did he hear the news and was playing innocent or did he really not know.....? Currently, I was walking towards my car and the hot feeling of someone staring was scorching my back. Turning around to face him, I glanced up at him suspiciously. 

"Jungmin, you've been.....following me for a good few minutes now. Something I can help you with....?" He pursed his lips and mused about what I said for a bit before smirking down at me.

"How about I take you to my place today? You've had yet to visit~. I really would love for you to come over, ________-Noona~." I gulped and gave him a tiny smile. 

"Um....I-I guess....uh.....L-Let me go home to get ch-changed, though...." He nodded and turned on his heel to walk away before speaking over his shoulder.

"Just so you know....My life is a bit more complicated than you think."

"What do you m-mean?"

"*chuckle* You'll find out when I come to pick you up. See you in an hour, okay?" I nodded and watched as he walked away. Once I was sure he was gone, I lunged inside of my car and locked the door, hurriedly dialing Serenity's number. Once she answered, I quickly spilled what was about to go down. She listened quietly and her solution made me think for a minute. I could do that, couldn't I.....? Well, hopefully, they'd agree......


Pacing back and forth across my living room, I nervously bit at my nails while I waited for the seven to show up. I could only pray that they came before Jungmin did..... A loud knock at the door made me jump slightly and I scrambled to open the door. Relief instantly bloomed in the pit of my stomach, replacing the worry that was there beforehand. Jungkook, Yugyeom, Namjoon, Jackson, Yoongi, Jinyoung, and Mark stood in front of me, faces tight with concern. I grinned up at them and hugged the seven males. Pulling back from Yugyeom, I saw Yoongi gazing at me. When I turned to face him, he raised an eyebrow.

"I can't believe you seriously agreed to go to that creep's house. And by yourself....Think before you act, heodang*...." I frowned and stuck out my tongue at him. 

"You know, Oppa....I really hate that nickname....its mean....." He smirked and shrugged.

"Too bad. It suits you." I scowled and rolled my eyes. Lately, he'd been calling me that and it was annoying as heck. Right before I could figure out a comeback, a honk was heard and my heart lodged in my throat. Peeking over Namjoon, my jaw dropped at the sight of Jungmin leaning against an expensive looking limo. He was grinning at me before his gaze shifted over to the seven boys around me, his lips turning downward into a thin line. Taking a deep breath, I walked up to him, the guys close behind, and smiled lightly. 

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