Holiday Special Pt. 3

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Christmas In The Past and 3rd Person POV

It was a bit chilly this December 25th. Two children were sitting inside of the house next to a decorated and lit up Christmas tree. One of the children was a small girl around the age of 10. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes. Her fair (s/c) skin contrasted perfectly to that of the pale boy's beside her. He was three years younger than her and yet, he'd never felt so comfortable around anyone that was older than him than he did with her. She was a warm ray of sunshine, making his days seem  a bit brighter. 

The house they were in belonged to the girl and her family. The boy was invited to spend Christmas with them, however, seeing as his family was never around to celebrate the holiday with him. Grinning cheerfully up at the (h/c) haired girl, he leaned forward and enveloped her in a big embrace.

"Merry Christmas, _______-Noona!"

"Merry Christmas, Jungminie~! I got you something!"

"R-Really? Y-You didn't have t-to, Noona..."

"Of course I did! Its our first Christmas together as friends! Besides, I know that you don't really get to celebrate it at home all that much with your parents constantly being busy and all. Consider me your family, ne~?"

The small raven haired boy blinked up at the pretty (h/c) haired girl, eyes wide with shock. His pale cheeks began to glow with a faint pink hue, warmth blossoming underneath his skin. Unable to stop the smile from forming on his lips, Jungmin let out a small giggle and gazed up at _______ happily. _________ smiled and giggled along with him before placing the small box in his hands, her fingers brushing against his palm. 

Jungmin glanced down at the object in his hand before looking back up into the comforting (e/c) orbs.

"C-Can I open it, ________-Noona...?"

Said girl grinned and nodded enthusiastically. 

"Of course! It is for you, after all~! Hurry up and open it, Jungminie~!"

The small boy nodded and undid the ribbon atop the box, big, dark eyes sparkling with anticipation. In all honesty, this was the first actual present he had been given by someone close to him. He knew that, whatever it was, he would cherish forever. Upon opening the box, his eyes widened when they laid on the stunning ring that was there. Plucking it up from the box, he lifted it and awed at the intricate details engraved in the jewelry.

________ gave a sheepish smile and shrugged.

"Its a bit too big for you right now so, that's why there's a chain inside the box. So you can place it around your neck. When me and my mom went shopping, she told me that the Native Americans said hummingbirds were a symbol of infinity, loyalty, and attraction. I picked it out for you cause I liked the infinity and loyalty part. With this, I hope our friendship lives on forever!"

Jungmin was speechless. The beaming girl in front of him was so kind, so thoughtful, and so very pretty. Even towards someone as weird as him, she remained friendly and cheerful. It was safe to say that he was hoping their relationship remained intact for as long as possible. With a gentle smile, he picked the chain up out of the box, hooked the ring onto it, and slipped it around his neck. Jungmin was practically beaming as he gazed up at ________.

"Thank you so much, _______-Noona. I promise to keep this with me forever and ever. I'll make sure to grow into it and have you see me as a man capable of being with you and protecting you forever."

_______ scrunched her eyebrows up a bit, a little confused at the boy's statement. However, she just laughed and patted his head gently.

"Of course you will~! I'll be waiting, okay~?"

A large grim settled on Jungmin's lips and he leaned forward to place them lightly against ________'s soft cheek. She gasped and slowly pulled away in shock, cheeks heating up gradually. Jungmin just giggled and hugged the girl once more.

"Love you, ________-Noona!"

The (h/c) haired girl chuckled before wrapping her arms around him in return.

"I love you too, Jungminie~!"



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