Not Just A Coincidence, I Guess....

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Humming to myself, I made my way towards the doors of the book store. I was off work today and I had decided to spend it in the once place I absolutely adored......I'm such a nerd.....Oh well~! As I was about to walk inside, a loud voice made me turn around. My eyes bulged out of my head upon realizing who it was. Standing a few feet away from me was Jackson and Rapmon....What were they doing here?! I couldn't help but listen to their conversation. By the looks of it, Jackson was annoying Rapmon to no end.
"Come on, man! Let's hang out! Why do you never want to hang out with me?"
"Jackson....It's not that I don't want to hang out with you but....I have plans..."
"Oh really...What plans? You always say you have plans so, I wanna know what!"
"Um...." That's when our eyes locked. His eyes widened and he hurriedly moved toward me.
"I already promised to go with _______-ah and help her find some books." He was right next to me then, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I gaped up at him in astonishment and he began pleading me with his eyes........Curse him.....Turning to Jackson, I gave him a hesitant smile.
"Y-Yeah....He promised me a few days ago....Sorry, Jackson-ssi...." Said blonde sighed and gave me a small smile.
"Its fine, _______-ah. As long as he helps you out." With that, he walked away, waving at us as he left. I sighed and raised an eyebrow at the sheepish looking Rapmon.
"......You're welcome, Rapmon-ssi...."
"Ah! Th-Thank you, ________-ah...." I smiled at him before I began frowning.
"So....Why were you trying to get away from Jackson?" He scratched his head and gave an awkward laugh.
"Um....y-you see....uh.....ahh.....The truth is.....Jackson can be kind of annoying at times....." I couldn't help but giggle a bit at his statement. Patting his shoulder, I looked up at him expectantly.
"So? We going or not? You DID say you were going to help me...." Rapmon then gave me a dimpled smile and chuckled. Taking my hand, he intertwined it in his and pulled me along in the store.....My face feels super hot right now..... Walking in the store, I couldn't help but notice how his eyes lit up when he spotted the books. Smiling, I lead him to the stack of books and pulled out one I knew he liked. Handing it to him, Rapmon raised an eyebrow and looked at me questioningly.
"Oh, you know you love it!" He laughed and shook his head. As we continued to look around, I saw an interesting one on the top shelf. Seeing as Rapmon was busy looking at the other books, I decided to try to get it myself.....bad idea....As soon as my index finger made contact with it, the whole shelf of books came tumbling down, about to land on me. I yelped and covered my face with my arms, only to feel myself being knocked down. I expected to feel books smacking every part of my body but....I didn't.....Cracking open my eyes which I didn't even know I had closed, I was surprised to see a worried looking Rapmon hovering above me. Glancing down at me in concern, he spoke lowly.
​"Are you okay?! Did you get hurt?!" I slowly shook my head and that's when I noticed our....position......He was kneeling above me, one leg in between my own and the other next to my hip. His arms basically caged me, his body very close to my own. I gulped and averted my gaze, my face flaming up in embarrassment. Oh sweet Lord.....! Help me! Rapmon's cheeks were dusted a faint red, his dark eyes wide as he gazed at me. He must have realized our situation as well..... Taking a deep breath, I slowly pushed against his chest, causing him to slowly get up. We both sat up and stared at each other. Time seemed to slow at that moment....It was just me and him, nothing else mattered....I could faintly take notice of how the distance between our bodies diminished gradually and how our lips inched closer oh so painfully slow....But, it never happened. Our lips never met due to one old angry man who picked up a broom and chased us out of the shop.
"YOU ROTTEN KIDS!!!! MAKING A MESS OF MY BEAUTIFUL BOOKS!!!! OUT, OUT, OUT!!!!" The both of us hurriedly scrambled ourselves off the floor and dashed out of the doors. After getting a safe distance away, we took one look at each other and began cracking up. Breathlessly, I looked over at him and grinned.
"Man! I can't believe that old guy was chasing us! Thanks for a good time, Namjoon-Oppa! I.....IM SO SORRY!!!!" I clamped a hand over my mouth as soon as I realized what I had said. Did I SERIOUSLY just call him by his first name?! Along with Oppa?! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! The blonde stared at me incredulously before he began smiling sheepishly. Scratching the back of his head, he gazed at me with his smile still plastered firmly on his face. Reaching in his jacket pocket, he pulled out in the world did he fit that in there.....? Handing it to me, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet.
"I saw you looking at this earlier.....So....I got it for you.....Ya know for helping with Jackson.....and for calling me by my real name...." My face flamed and I looked down at own shoes.
"N-No problem....Namjoon-Oppa...." He smiled again while covering his face.
"Aigoo.....You really are just too cute.....Come on. I'll take you home..." Nodding my head, I took his outstretched hand and smiled a bit. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how cute he is when he smiles like that......Wait...How in the world did he pay for the book?

"How did you pay for the book when the guy kicked us out?"

"Oh. I just left a stack of money on the floor for him. Hopefully, that makes up for just taking it."

I blinked at him and shrugged. Well, at least it was paid for...

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