💗Taehyung Ending💗

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Lifting my head up, I spotted a very happy Taehyung doing some weird dance while sitting down. I giggled at his silliness and shook my head. Our eyes then met and he gave a sheepish grin while ruffling his hair. Chuckling, I watched as he scooted over towards me, eyes sparkling with happiness. 

"Did you really mean it, _________-ah? You love me?"

With a small smile gracing my lips, I nodded and reached out to take his hands into my own, my heart beating a bit faster upon the feeling of his fingers intertwining with my own.

"I do. I really love you, Tae-Oppa..." 

Taehyung grinned and suddenly leaned forward, face inches away from my own. I could feel warmth steadily rising in my cheeks. He gave a chuckle and pressed a feather-light kiss on my forehead. 

"I love you too, ________-ah~." He spoke with a cheery tone, moving to leave another kiss on the tip of my nose, making it tickle a bit. Taehyung's eyes met mine and I swear, my breathing almost stopped then and there. His face took on a serious look and it made my heart stop beating in my chest for a second.

"I really do... I love you so much that I can't even explain my feelings the way I want to..."

He smiled once more and my face was practically in flames. He was ethereal, a beautifully handsome man and, I was the one he loved. He loved me... Just the thought made butterflies flutter around in my stomach. Slowly, he leaned forward, my eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of his cool, soft lips against my own. 

The kiss was a gentle one, full of feeling and yet, it was the sweetest kiss I'd ever had. The feel of his lips on mine made a feeling of contentment run throughout my whole body, a small shiver running up my spine. I could feel as his hands moved, one brushing my hair out of my face and tangling fingers in it, the other placed on the small of my back, easily pulling me against his broad chest. My own hands reached up to rest on his chest, a sigh leaving my lips at the sweetness of it all.

We gradually separated from one another, smiles visible on our faces. It felt as if it was just us there in the studio, the world around us blurry and unimportant at the moment. Well, it was until, loud groans suddenly sounded around us, breaking our little world. We both turned around to see Jackson glaring at us, eyebrow raised in obvious disgust. 


Mark nodded in agreement, face contorted with trying not to seem appalled.

"Please spare us the tooth-rotting fluff, I beg of you..." 

Suddenly, Yoongi stood and gazed at us with a look that screamed: "You're rotting my soul". Turning on his heel, he raised his middle finger as he walked away.

"......I'm done. I'm going home. F*ck you all, disgusting f*ckers... My f*cking eyes have diabetes. Thanks so much."


As Jin got up to chase Yoongi, the rest of the boys groaned and shook their head. Taehyung frowned and stuck out his tongue at them.

"If you guys have a problem with us being cute then, go away. Nobody asked for you to watch us." 

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle as the rest of the boys pretended to gag and shuffled out of the studio. Once we were alone. Taehyung turned to me and pressed a light kiss on my cheek, a content smile gracing his features. I returned the smile with one of my own and rested my head against his chest, letting out a happy sigh. 


One Year Later

How was I going to explain this to him...? With a shaky breath, I held the white paper tightly within my grasp. This was nowhere near anything we planned to happen. I mean, we had been safe! We made sure to proceed with caution! So, why...?

"...It's now or never, I guess..."

Taking a deep breath, I walked up to the door of Bangtan's dorm and hesitantly knocked on the door. A few minutes passed before the door opened, Hoseok appearing behind it. With a large smile, he stepped from the doorway and gave me a hug. I smiled weakly and returned the gesture.

"_________-ah, you should've told us you were gonna visit! We just got home from dance practice and I think Taehyung is in his room resting."

"Oh. If he's resting then, I don't want to be a bother. I'll just tell him later."

Hoseok frowned and shook his head.

"That's nonsense! You know Tae Tae would stop anything and everything just for you. Come on in and have a seat. I'll have Kookie wake him up."

Thanking him, I allowed myself to be ushered in the dorm and sat down on the living room couch. I watched as Hoseok left the room. I tried my best to calm my pounding heart and prepared myself for the worst outcome there could be. After a few minutes, Jin came in, along with Taehyung who was yawning and scratching the back of his head, hair slightly messy. 

"Jin-Hyung, what's for dinner?"

"You'll have to wait and see, Tae. For now, go talk with your girlfriend."

At this, Taehyung's eyes widened and his head whipped so fast in my direction that, I feared he'd hurt himself. A large grin graced his features as he bounced over towards me, humming happily the whole time.

"My pretty ________-ah is here~! Jagi~!" 

I couldn't help a grin of my own as he plopped down on the couch beside me and placed his lips against mine in a soft kiss. Wrapping his arms around my waist, I was pulled close to him, my head resting on his shoulder.

"Jagi, I've missed you~..."

"I've missed you too, Tae-Oppa. I, um...h-have something to tell y-you...Something important..."

At this, he pulled away to gaze at me with a loving concern which made my heart practically melt. Taking a deep breath, I moved my hands to grip his and steadied my erratic heartbeat. Lowering my head, I whispered the words, almost as if I didn't want to share them.


There was nothing but silence between us and I felt something prickle behind my eyes, my mind already thinking about the worst reaction possible. Suddenly, a loud shout of joy sounded and I quickly glanced up to see Taehyung standing up and jumping around. He danced happily and ran around the room screaming.


With a cheerful glint in his eye, he glanced down at me and rushed over to pull me into a strong embrace. A giggle escaped my lips as Taehyung littered kisses all over my face.

"I"m gonna be a dad and the girl I love is gonna give birth to them! I'm so happy! Jagiya, you've just made me the happiest man in the world!"

My heart swelled with glee, tears of joy clouding my vision. I sniffled and buried my head in his chest.

"I'm glad that you're happy, Oppa. I'd thought you'd take the news the wrong way..."

I heard as he hummed in understanding and felt him kiss the top of my head, pulling me closer to his body. 

"Of course I'd take the news positively! I love you, _______-ah and, the fact that you're going to be the mother of my children makes it even better!"

A smile graced my lips and I sighed in contentment. To think he'd take it this way...I honestly couldn't be happier. Everything about this moment was lovely and peaceful. I could've stayed in his arms like this forever. Nothing could ruin this-



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