Problems With Being A Noona.....

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Pausing the movie, I quickly made to answer my phone. It had been ringing  nonstop and....I was kind of scared to answer it....I had a good idea of who was possibly calling me and....I SERIOUSLY didn't want to answer it. Pushing my nerves aside, I pressed the answer button and placed the phone to my ear.
"Oh! Sorry, sorry! It's just....I didn't think you were going to pick up...."
"Well, I did. What's the matter, Jungkook-ssi?"
".....I just, um...I wanted to know if you'd like to hang out sometime...."
"O-Oh. Okay, uh sure. When did you, um....w-want to?"
"Um...Is today a good time, Noona? Are you busy?"
"No...Do you wanna come over?"
"*gasp* Really?! I can?!"
"Sure. I don't mind."
"Thanks, Noona! I'll be right over!"
"You know I can always c - " Aaaaaand...he hung up.....Well, then....Sighing, I laid down completely on the couch and turned the movie back on. It might just be because I'm a nerd but, I swear....Deadpool is the best thing ever created. Just as I was getting to the part where he mutates, the doorbell rang. Walking over, I opened it....only to see BamBam and Yugyeom.... Gaping at them in total shock, I began stuttering.
"W-What a-are y-you g-guys d-doing h-here?!" BamBam grinned and reached over to play with a lock of my (h/c) hair.
"We wanted to see you, Noona~!"
"Yeah....You haven't exactly talked with us since that day at the amusement park...."
"O-Oh, um....I - I've been busy with work. Sorry." Yugyeom suddenly frowned and crossed his arms.
"So, you've been so busy that you couldn't talk to us yet, if anyone from BTS asks, you'll come running once they snap their fingers." No. He. Didnt....THE DISRESPECTFUL.....!!! Unable to hold in my anger, I brought my hand up and slapped Yugyeom across his face. He stumbled back a bit and held his red cheek in shock. I glowered at him and fisted my hands at my sides.
"Now, you listen here! I'm usually loose with people using honorifics when addressing me...But, I expect to be respected nonetheless! How dare you basically call me a s***! For your information, I really was at work! I teach different styles of dance at the Seoul Institute of the Arts! And, the only time I actually talked to ANY of the BTS members since then was today! Tch. Here I thought you were actually a nice maknae...." Yes....I just chewed out Yugyeom of Got7.....But, nobody says crap like that to me! Ever! Looking over at him, BamBam shook his head and sighed. Putting a hand on his head, he made the other bow slightly.
"Yah. Say you're sorry, pabo.....You totally deserved it, though. *snicker*"
"Shut up!" Clearing his throat, Yugyeom bowed apologetically. 
"I'm very sorry, ______-Noona. What I said was uncalled for."
"*mumbles* I'm sorry as well...Shouldn't have slapped you...." After all that, I allowed them to come inside my house. BamBam started walking and looking  around in awe.
"Daebak, Noona~! Your place is so clean~!"
"Hm? You act as if you've never seen a clean house."
"He's only acting like that because, we really haven't. Seven guys living in the same dorm? Yeah....Our place is only clean about once every two months."
"*sweatdrop* O-Oh....I see...." Suddenly, BamBam began screaming at the top of his lungs. Scared that he might've hurt himself, I dashed into the living room....Only to find a certain Kookie beating him up with a pillow....
"WHY'RE YOU IN MY _______-NOONA'S HOUSE?!?!? MY NOONA!!! MINE!!!".......Am I a bad person for just watching all this and laughing my head off....? Wait a minute.....HOW'D HE GET IN MY HOUSE?!?!? Striding towards them, I yanked the pillow away from him, only to be tackled on the floor.
"GAHH!!!" Groaning a bit at the impact, I glared up at him angrily.....before my face heat up upon seeing his flustered face. His eyes were wide and cheeks a light pink. That's also when I noticed the....position we were in. My legs were open enough for his to rest comfortably between and my arms were above my head. One of Jungkook's hands rested on my waist, the other also near my head. Jungkook bit his lip and whispered lightly.
"_______-Noona...." Holy -- WHAT WAS GOING ON RIGHT NOW?!?!? MY face flamed even more as his face drew closer to my own, our lips only a few inches apart. For some reason, I couldn't push him off, couldn't tell him to move away.....A loud squeal was heard before our lips connected and I turned my head to see a stone faced Yugyeom, a shocked and weirdly pained looking BamBam,  and a fangirling Serenity.....SERENITY!!! Finally gaining back my strength, I managed to push at Jungkook's chest, signaling for him to get off and stood. Glaring at the swooning butt, I bonked her on the head and crossed my arms.
"YESH!!! AND I LIKED WHAT I SAW~!!!" Ooohhhhh......How badly I wanted to choke her....! Coming up behind me, Jungkook glared at the other two men awkwardly standing there.
"Noona....Why are they here...?" Yugyeom glared right back at him.
"The same thing could be asked about you, Jungkook-ssi." The two glowered at each other as I was stick between the two.....Where's RM and JB when you need them.....?

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