He Really Does Love The Piano.....

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"How come Hyung gets to go with _______-Noona?"
"Oh my God, Jungkook.....If you ask that question again....."
"Come on, Jin-ssi.....Be a little nicer to him."
"Fine.....only because you want me to...." Currently, I was walking around the mall with Jin, Jungkook, and Suga. Jin had called and asked me if I wanted to join them. Of course, I said yes......Oh, who am I kidding.....Serenity stole my phone and answered before I could even say anything! I swear, she's so annoying.....When they had pulled up to my house, I had been surprised to see just the two with him. The other members were busy and couldn't come with us. But, what really shocked me was that Suga came along....He was usually trying to sleep the day away if he could. That or write music. To see him actually joining us....though....I have a feeling Jin dragged him....When we got there, Jin wanted to look for clothes while Suga saw a nice looking music store. I admit, the music store kind of interested me so, it was decided that we'd split up and meet back up at the food court at 2:30...... And, that's how I ended up watching Suga eye a grand black piano in the center of the store. With a small smile, I walked over to him and patted his shoulder.
"Why not play it? I can see how much you want to...." His lips curled up into a grin and he shook his head.
"I....I don't know. I really want to but..."
"Okay.....I'll play with you!" Raising an eyebrow, he glanced down at me.
"YOU play the piano....?"
"Nope! The cello~!" With that, I went and grabbed a stool and the cello next to it. Wow! The rosin was actually on it! Glancing up at Suga, I tapped the seat near the piano with the bow, signaling for him to sit. Suga sighed and shook his head. But, I could see the hint of a smile on his face. Sitting down, he looked at me hesitantly before placing his fingers on the keys. With a deep breath, he began playing a sweet melody. It ringed in my ears and flooded the entire store, perhaps the entire mall.... Holding my bow at the ready, I began playing along.

 (A/N:the song you two play)
As we continued to play, I noticed a small amount of people forming a crowd around us. I almost stopped playing out of embarrassment until....Suga's eyes locked with mine, his intense gaze full of sheer happiness and excitement....along with something else. After that, we didn't take our eyes off of each other, playing with such emotion that, I wouldn't be surprised if I was crying the whole time. The music that flooded my ears was full of beauty and emotion....And it was made by the two of us...... Once we finished, our gazes remained on each other, like we were the only two there.....that is.....until the loud Clapping and whistling sounded. I jumped in surprise and gaped at the huge crowd that had gathered around us. Plus, there was a bunch stuck in and outside of the doorway! My cheeks flamed up and I lowered my head. A hand on mine caused me to snap my head up. Suga was grinning at me widely, his eyes shining with.....joy....I couldn't help it and grinned along with him. We walked hand in hand out of the store, hearing as the clapping and whistles followed us out. With a small chuckle, he glanced down at me and ruffled my hair.
"Never knew you could play like that....You were amazing..."
"N-No....You were way better, Suga-ssi...." Suddenly, he frowned and stopped us from walking. I looked up at him, confusion apparent on my face.
"What's wrong?" He scratched the back of his head and averted his eyes. A light pink brushed his cheeks.
"________-ah.......Can't you just call me by my name....? And....without the "ssi".......?" I gulped a bit and lowered my head. Can I really call him that.....? Taking a deep breath, I whispered quietly.
"S-Sure thing.....Yoongi-Oppa....." His eyes widened and smiled at me. I swear....my face was burning up in flames......Taking my hand once again, he opened my palm and placed something gold in it. Raising an eyebrow up at him, I looked at it and gasped in shock. It was so.....beautiful......With wide eyes, I shook my head at him and handed it back.
"Yoongi-Oppa....I'm flattered but.....I can't accept this! This had to have cost you a lot of money...." Yoongi shook his head and grabbed my wrist. Slipping the bracelet on my wrist, he smiled at me softly and placed a hand on my head. When he spoke, it was a breathy whisper.
"I'm doesn't matter how much money I spent....I gave this to you because I wanted to....And, it looks great on you, ________-ah...." After he said that, he did something totally unexpected. Yoongi leaned down and placed soft, gentle lips on my forehead. Pulling back, he grinned and ruffled my hair once more before walking once more. I just stood there and stared at his back.....He just.....Yoongi....Min Yoongi......Just kissed my forehead.....*Dies internally* He turned back around and raised an eyebrow. 
"Yah. You coming or what?"
"O-Oh! Yeah, I'm coming!" Running up beside him, we made our way to meet up with Jin and Jungkook.......I.......might just come to the mall.more often.....

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