Did Jungmin.......?

802 31 3

Walking towards the front door, I opened it and was surprised to see an awkward looking Jimin and a blank faced Taehyung. I blinked at them and motioned for them to come inside. They walked by me and sat down on the couch without a word. I closed the door behind them and raised an eyebrow at them. Why were they so quiet? I mean....I know Jimin mellowed out some but....why Taehyung....?

"Wow. Just you guys? That's a shocker. Usually, all 7 of you come over together. What's up?" Jimin gave an awkward smile and scratched the back of his head. Taehyung, on the other hand, immediately stood up and stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets, his expression hard. With narrowed eyes, he leaned in towards me, causing me to gulp at how serious he looked. 

"Tell me, _______-ah......Do you seriously trust that Jungmin guy....?"

"W-Well yeah. He's a childhood friend. I don't have a reason to dislike him....." He clicked his tongue and his eyes narrowed even more.

"_______-ah......Jungmin is dangerous. Don't trust him so easily." I couldn't help but laugh a bit. Seriously?! Jungmin, dangerous?! That's a new one. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I smiled up at him and shook my head.

"Tae-Oppa, I think you're mistaken. Jungmin isn't like that."

"I'd like to believe that too but, _______-ah.....Taehyung's right. He's bad news..." I looked over to see Jimin gazing at us solemnly from the couch. I glanced at the both of them, confused and a little irritated with their serious and grim like faces. Why were they saying these things? Jungmin was a good kid! He'd always been!.....well.....I can't actually say that seeing as we haven't been around each other for a while......more like years.....but still! I wasn't too happy that they were badmouthing my friend and I crossed my arms, glaring daggers at them.

"Honestly you two, what the heck is wrong with you? How do you go off talking crap about my friends?!" Jimin stood up then, his eyes wide.

"Whoa, wait a minute! We aren't--"

"I don't want to hear your petty excuses!" Taehyung grabbed my shoulders, his eyes pleadingly for me to understand but, I unfortunately could not. They just basically told me to stay away from someone who I haven't seen for YEARS....As if!!! My phone then began ringing and I pulled it out of my pocket to answer it.



"Jungmin! What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you'd like to go hang out today~."

"Oh, sure thing! I really can't stand it in this house right now....Too many pests around..." I watched as both Taehyung and Jimin winced, a stab of guilt hitting my gut at their hurt expressions. 

"Great! I'll pick you up in a few minutes, ne? Be ready~." Hanging up the phone, I saw Taehyung's sad eyes and bit my lip as I turned away to go in my room and dress out of my pajamas. Once I finished dressing, I walked out and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, ignoring as both boys came to follow me. Hands were suddenly placed on my shoulders and I was quickly spun around. Taehyung's eyes were bright with anger and something akin to fear.

"Listen to me! To us! We're telling though the truth! Jungmin is just not safe to be around! There is.....a twisted part in his mind and....and I care about you too much to get hurt!" I gaped at him and felt guilt and anger attack me all at once. Shaking my head, I pushed his hands away and walked into the living room to slip on my sneakers. Before I could grab them, another pair of hands spun me around, this time Jimin was looking down at me solemnly. 

"Please ________-ah. We're worried about you. He really is no good. I care about you as well and it scares us that you might possibly get hurt by being involved with him..." I sighed, feeling as my heart clenched painfully and swatted his hands away.

"Doesn't matter what you say. He's my friend and I have every right to be around him." A honk told me that he was here. I glanced at them, their faces contorted with pain and worry and shook my head.

"I'll see you guys later....." Closing the door behind me, I sighed and walked toward Jungmin's black mustang. He smiled at me, his eyes scrunching up a bit with it. I smiled back and hopped into his car. Jungmin glanced at me and a smirk formed on his lips.

"So, where would ______-Noona like to go today, hm~?" I thought about it before deciding to walk around the park. Once we got there, he swiftly got out and opened the door for me before I could. Grinning, I climbed out of the car and ruffled his hair a bit.

"Such a gentleman, ne~!" He chuckled and his eyes gleamed with happiness. As we continued walking and talking, he spotted an ice cream stand and turned to me.

"Let me get you one, Noona!" I nodded, grinning as I watched him run off. Seeing a bench nearby, I took it and sighed, thinking about the conversation me and the two boys had. How could they say Jungmin was bad....? I just didn't see it......

"Excuse me..." Looking up, I was greeted by a nice looking boy. He grinned and flicked a strand of dark hair out of his eyes.
"Hello. I'm Young Jijin. I couldn't help but notice how pretty you are and was possibly wondering if.....you'd like to go out some time....?" I gaped in surprise at him. Was he seriously asking me out....? Before I could answer, an arm was wrapped tightly around his shoulder. Jungmin smiled warmly at him though...It didn't quite reach his eyes...... Jijin looked completely shocked and gave an awkward smile. 
"Hey there, Jijin! I see you've met my Noona~!" By now, the boy's face had gone as white as a sheet.
"Oh....! I'm sorry! I-I didn't know that she--"
"No, No~! It's fine! There's no problem! Hey, mind if I go have a chat with him, _______-Noona? I need to ask how this young one is doing in class~."
"O-Oh. Okay." Jungmin grinned and made the seemingly frightened boy follow him. I couldn't see where they went due to an amazing increase in people. Shrugging, I waited for him to come back. Just one thing was throwing me off. How come Jijin seemed scared.....?
Lounging on my couch, I turned on the news and was shocked to see the bright red letters in the screen.
The spoon that held my soup dropped into my bowl, my mouth opened in shock. How....?! For some strange reason, I began thinking about what happened when Jungmin came back from talking with Jijin.
Jungmin came back, grinning and seeming as though he was sweating a bit. A sudden chill ran down my spine as I gazed into his cloudy eyes. They were dull and.....life less looking....He came up to me and scratched the back of his head.
"The little twerp is doing better than I'd have thought! All A's!" I chuckled a bit but stopped when I noticed the splash of red on his hands and fingers. My heart skipped a beat and I gulped.
"Y-Yah.....What happened to your fingers....?" Looking at his hand, he laughed and shook his head.
"We had passed by this guy painting and I accidentally tripped, almost falling but I luckily caught myself. I still got paint on me, it seems....." Not dwelling on it, I nodded my head though a weird feeling was surfacing inside my stomach, making me a bit wary of what Jungmin did as we were driving home. His eyes were still the same dull color.....
Flashback End
No. There's no way that.....!......He couldn't have.......could he.....?

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