💗Yugyeom Ending💗

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Glancing up, I caught sight of a flustered Yugyeom, who then gave a sheepish smile. Scratching the back of his head, he walked over towards me and kneeled down. Yugyeom then bit his lip, hands reaching over to lightly grasp mine. Intertwining our fingers together, he gazed down at me, raw emotion sparkling in his eyes.

"You...You mean it, _________-Noona...?"

I smiled and leaned in a bit. Lightly pecking his cheek, I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips at his shocked face.

"Of course I do. I wouldn't have said your name if I wasn't 100% sure of my decision."

A smile graced his lips then, cheeks colored a light pink hue as he shook his head. Suddenly, he leaned forward and placed his lips on mine in a tender, heartfelt kiss. My eyes fluttered close and I practically melted into it, my grip on his hands loosening so that I could curl them around his neck. His reached up to cup my cheeks as he sighed and pressed himself closer to me. Everything about this moment was filled with such tranquility, the beauty of it making me wish it would never end. Our lips fit together almost perfectly, like they were meant to be. 

I was practically on cloud 9 when, all of a sudden, a loud crash echoed throughout the studio. Reluctantly, I pulled away from Yugyeom in order to find the source of the disturbance. Looking over his shoulder, I spotted the other 13 guys all frozen in different poses. Some appeared to have been crawling on the floor, some with their shoulders hunched. Some of them even had their leg up as if they were about to try and run.

They all turned and gave a sheepish smile. Seokjin scratched the back of his head and spoke up.

"S-Sorry _______-ah. We were trying to give you guys privacy but, uh, just know that Yoongi is gonna buy you a new one."

At this statement, I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. What was he talking about?

"Yah, what do you mean buy me a -"


"H-Hyung, how could you rat me out...?"

My eyes widened and I glanced over at Namjoon, who's eyes were growing misty with guilty tears. In his hands were the remnants of my black camera. I jumped up and shrieked, running over to look at the damage. It was completely beyond repair. Furious, I glared up at the rapper, only to feel pity upon the look on his face.

He was pouting, eyes big and watery, and cheeks and nose a faint red hue. Namjoon sniffled and handed me the broken device.

"Im sorry, _______-ah. I didnt mean to...These things just tend to happen around me. I-Ill buy you a new one! I swear!"

I sighed, unable to really get angry with him. The man was pouting, how in the world could i compete against that?

"Its fine, Oppa. Just...be more careful next time you try and sneak out of here."

Wiping at his eyes, he smiled and nodded. I watched as he joined the rest of the guys, walking out of the studio and glaring at Yoongi.

"Hyung, you're such a snitch! I freaking teared up in front of ______-ah because of you!"

"Should've never broken the damned thing..."

I smiled and shook my head at the retreating men. Strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist from behind and i allowed myself to relax into the embrace. Yugyeom chuckled and planted a featherlight kiss to the shell of my ear, causing me to give a small shiver.

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