I'm......I'm Dreaming......Right......?

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Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and slid down the walls of my studio. Panting lightly, I closed my eyes and laid my head in my hands. It's been a few weeks since I had gotten that text and.....nothing had happened. I know I shouldn't just relax and think that everything was going to be okay but....wouldn't something have happened by now....? Lately, I've been coming to my dance studio in order to clear my head and such. Dancing had become my escape from this cruel reality. Chewing on my bottom lip, I lifted my head and stared out the window. I couldn't let the guys get hurt....I'd find some way to protect them....I had to....

"Yah. Stop biting that, _________-Noona...." Jumping at the voice, I snapped my head in the direction of the door, only to see the two maknaes smiling at me. Both Yugyeom and Jungkook stood in the doorway with their arms crossed. I gaped at them and stuttered.

"Y-Yah. W-What are you g-guys d-doing here?" Jungkook grinned and walked over to me. Crouching in front of me, he wrapped me in his arms and sighed.

"We haven't seen you in forever, ________-Noona. And, you've looked so down these past few weeks so, we wanna help you!" I gazed up at him, confused. Yugyeom then came up to us and pried Jungkook's arms from around me. Taking the chance to wrap his own around me, he held me close to his chest, causing my face to heat up.

"We decided to teach you some choreo to get your mind off of whatever is bugging you." Jungkook nodded and gazed down at me solemnly.

"Yeah. You've seemed real down lately, Noona. And, I hate that you're not smiling like usual." I looked up at the both of them and felt my eyes prickling. My vision became watery and I grinned at them. Wrapping my arms around the two stunned boys, I giggled a bit.

"Thank you...." I heard a faint chuckle from Yugyeom before they both pulled away. With a cheery smile, Jungkook grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. 

"So! What are you guys teaching me today?" Jungkook grinned and ran to connect his phone with the speaker. Pressing play, he smirked at me.

"Watch and learn, _______-Noona!" With that, he began dancing.

I couldn't help but stare at him, mesmerized by his movements. How in the world did he manage to make his footsteps match the music?! Sure, I can dance but.....dang.....Once he finished, I clapped loudly.

"So awesome~! Yah. How about you guys teach me after I see all of your dances?" The two glanced at each other and shrugged. A grin found itself on Yugyeom's lips and he stretched his arms.

"Guess its my turn, ne?" Taking a deep breath, he immediately began moving once the music started........Nope. I wasn't gonna do that.....

(a/n: just the first guy)

...........There was no way I was doing that. Nope. No way. Regardless of my thoughts, I clapped and nodded in approval. It was then that another song immediately came on and Yugyeom moved to allow the other maknae to dance. I tilted my head and sat down on the ground, watching his moves in awe. When Yugyeom came to join him, I couldn't stop the wide smile that stretched across my face. These boys were truly gifted....

When they finished, I jumped to my feet and cheered. Their faces were red with exhaustion and their foreheads shiny with sweat yet, they had huge grins on their faces. With a sigh, Jungkook fell to the ground and laid there, Yugyeom following him not long after. I giggled and shook me head.

"You guys were so good~! How about a snack before the teaching, hm?" They both nodded and I went to dig inside my bag for my granola bars. A ring sounded as I came to sit with them and Yugyeom excused his self for a minute. I gazed over at Jungkook and saw some Gatorade on the corner of his mouth. Not really thinking, I leaned over and wiped it with my finger. His actions froze and as I was pulling my hand away, I realized what I had done. My face flamed and I saw Jungkook's cheeks dust a light pink. Glancing down at my fingers, which were hovering near his lips still, he gazed back at me and slowly flicked his tongue against my finger. I gulped, my heart beating faster with how intense our eye contact was. Suddenly, a ding was heard and Jungkook immediately looked down at the phone in his lap. I slowly breathed out and tried to calm my rapid heartbeat. Strangely though, his face began to noticeably pale and his eyes grew wider. His Adam's Apple bobbed once as he gulped inaudibly. I raised an eyebrow at his concerned expression and snapped my head towards the door once it bust wide open. Yugyeom was panting and his eyes looked a little too big for his face at that moment. He was also pale and worry, concern, and fear were apparent on his face. I glaced hack and forth between the both of them and sighed, exasperated. What was wrong with them?

"Guys.....What happened? Why do you look like something terrible just occurred?" Jungkook bit his lip and turned his back to me. Before I could comment about such an action, Yugyeom pulled me into a tight hug and whispered lowly in my ear. I don't know what happened next, though. Not quite sure.....But, I didn't cry...... No.....I'd deny it for the rest of my life that tears had streamed down my face when he whispered those words...because.....it wasn't real.....was it.....?

"Serenity.....is in the hospital. She was shot in the stomach...."

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