Nightmares And Memories

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3rd Person POV

White....That's all that laid before the (h/c) haired girl's eyes. Her gaze swept around to observe her surroundings, only to come up empty. She understood that it wasn't a room, only a hauntingly quiet void that she stood in. Ears ringing due to the silence, the girl looked down at her feet, dull eyes lighting up in alarm. Her head snapped up with lightning quick speed as she gaped at the sight before her. Surrounding her were 14 men, each one with a smile on their lips.

A smile of her own graced her lips as two of the males held out their hands towards her. Without hesitation, she reached for them, eager to be rid of the lonely dull void. A sudden gasp left one of the men with his hand outstretched to her. He began shivering, violently convulsing as drops of crimson began pooling from his eyes. It began bubbling up from his mouth, trickling down his chin as he started choking. Splotches of purples and blues appeared on his face, a sickening crack heard as one of his arms twisted, bone poking out unnaturally.  The man whimpered in pain before dropping to his knees, cuts littering his arms. The (h/c) haired girl felt her blood turn ice cold as she watched in horror, lips trembling when he crumpled to the floor, body twitching a bit before all was still.

Her hands became clammy as she stared at his form, utterly terrified. With a shaky breath, she breathed out a small "Tae-Oppa" before looking up at the other man that was beside him. Her stomach twisted upon seeing the smile still on his face. Hadn't he seen what had happened? Did he not care? No. She was certain that he did care for the other male. With a bated breath, she drew her hand towards him, a tiny whisper of "Jinyoung-Oppa" leaving her lips before she stopped. Her hands dropped to her sides as she began shaking, watching the same thing happen to the other man. Once he fell to the ground, the girl hurriedly glanced at the others, fear welling up inside of her chest. Chest rising and falling at a quick pace, the girl began to shake violently, a waterfall of tears streaming down her cheeks.

One by one, the 14 men began convulsing, falling to the floor with tears of blood running down their faces and bodies bruised and mangled. Their eyes held no color, being as white as the void they were inhabiting. Their skin tone turned a sicking grey. The girl looked around in terror, hands coming up to cover her mouth in order to hold in her screams....or vomit.... A low, humorless chuckle sounded and she quickly turned around to meet the cold, dull eyes of a raven-haired young man. He quirked his lips, smirking as the ruby stud in his ear twinkled brightly. To anyone else not paying close attention, he appeared amused, happy almost. However, there was something dark and gruesome hidden behind that expression.

Dull eyes glimmering with a light of diminishing sanity, he moved his hand, gesturing to the lifeless bodies lying on the floor.

"Well, Noona~? How does it feel~? How does it feel to know that you were the one responsible for their deaths~?" A cackle of complete and utter insanity left his lips as he raised his voice, eyes wild and bright.

"You killed them, Noona~! Not me, but you~! You did this~! You~!" The (h/c) haired girl slowly shook her head, shuffling backwards as she willed herself to believe that his words weren't true.

"You're wrong", she breathed shakily. The raven simply laughed his sick laugh once more.

"My dear, precious Noona~....Lying to yourself isn't going to solve anything~. You murdered these men and that's that." She was hugging herself now, terrified and shaken to the core.

"I didn't k-kill them....I didn't...J-Jungmin, I didn't t-tell them...! i didn't tell th-them s-so, they shouldn't have d-died!" His smirk warped into a Cheshire grin as he came close to the girl , icy lips ghosting over her ear.

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