He's So Clingy....Not That I Mind.....

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"Oh, _______~!"
​​"What?! I'm on the last level of Devil May Cry!"
"Aw, boohoo. Come here! Someone's here to see you~!" Rolling my eyes, I paused the game and walked over to Serenity. Call me weird but, playing video games helped me come up with new dance moves to teach my students....yeah.... Nothing about that statement made any sense. The door was open and she was clearly talking to somebody....but, who? When I got to the door, my eyes practically bulged out of my head in shock. You gotta be kidding me!!!
"________-ah~!" V wrapped me up in his arms and nuzzled his face in my hair. Looking down at me, he grinned his box-like grin, causing my heart beat to quicken.
"Did you miss me, ________-ah? I missed you~!" God....kill me now....Before embarrassment takes over....Before I could answer him (or push him off of me), Serenity clapped her hands and started pushing us outside.
"Well, I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up on, ne~?" What....WHAT DOES SHE MEAN "CATCH UP"?!?!? HE LITERALLY TEXTS ME EVERYDAY!!!
"Have fun~! Take good care of her, V-ssi~!"
"Yup~! You can count on it~!" After he said that, she closed the door an locked it....Wait....WHY?!?!? RENI, HOW COULD YOU?!?!? V grinned down at me and let me go. Brushing his blonde hair out of his face, he looked at me with excitement.
"I'm so happy that we finally get to spend time together~! Just you and me, _______-ah~! So, where do you wanna go first?" Sighing, I just told him to pick a place. I mean, I might as well go with it...Not gonna be able to get out of it anyways....Then again....hanging out with V might be fun....
"OMO!!! _______-AH, COME LOOK AT THE LIONS!!!"
"YAH!!! COME LOOK AT THE (fav zoo animal)!!! SO CUTE~!!!" We were currently running around a zoo, acting like little kids but, I was having too much fun to really care about all the strange looks we were receiving. We both ran around, looking at all the animals we could before we had ran into a gift shop. V's eyes were gleaming with happiness as he picked up a pair of panda ears. With a huge smile, he placed them on my head and grinned while pinching my cheeks. 
"So cuuuttteee~!!! Ahh~!!! ________-ah, you're so precious~!!!"
"N-No I'm n-not, V-ssi..." He suddenly began pouting and furiously shook his head.
"_______-aaahhhh......Call me Oppa~?"
"YAAAYYYY!!!!!" Jumping with glee, he crushed me against his chest and picked me up off of the ground, spinning me in circles. His reaction was so cute that, I had forgotten all about being embarrassed and began laughing at his childishness. Once Taehyung put me down, I grinned up at him and he took my hand in his, giving it a light squeeze. 
"Come on! I wanna buy those for you~!”
"T-Tae-Oppa...You don't have to, you know...."
"I know~! I just want to~!" I kept my mouth shut after that. I mean, it was clear he wasn't going to let up.....
"Tae-Oppa.....Do you mind singing for me....?"
​Anything for you, ________-ah~....Can you sing with me.......?"
"*giggle* Okay...You start first..."
"Please start, _______-ah? For me.....?"
"F-Fine...." We were currently laying on the grass in the park. It was night now so, we sat back and watched the stars overhead. I was laying my head on his arm, feeling as his fingers lightly trailed up and down my shoulder. I shivered a bit and shook of the heat that was rushing to my cheeks. Taking a deep breath, I began singing.

Our voices mixed in harmony, his deep and soothing while mine was lighter. As we sang, our eyes gradually met with each others as we slowly turned our heads to face one another. A corner of his lips tugged into a small smile as he reached over and brushed his fingers lightly against my heated cheek. I admit, this caused my singing to falter a bit but, I continued nonetheless.... Even when his dark eyes were boring into my own....even when his breath gently fanned my hot face.....even when our lips drew closer and closer.....even when I felt as if I couldn't pull myself back....So close and yet....so far....just as our lips grazed one another, his phone began ringing. Quickly, I sat up and hurriedly fixed my hair. Looking over, I saw Taehyung's blank face as he talked to whoever had called him. My heart was beating crazily, like it was seconds away from leaping out of my chest....Our lips....touched.....could it....could it really be counted as a real....k-kiss...? Taehyung sighed and hung up, running a hand through his hair. Looking at me, he bit his lip and sighed once more. He stood up and helped me up. Taking my hand and intertwining our fingers, he smiled down at me before leading me away from the park. He looked back at me and stopped.
"________-ah.....Did you have any fun today...? I did but i....i wanna know if you did...." Grinning, i reached up and ruffled his soft blonde hair.
"Yup! Thanks for the fun time, Tae-Oppa...We should do this again some time, ne?" A light smile graced his llips along with a light blush.
"So cute, my ________-ah~!" I turned away in embarrassment at that statement and conintued to look down at my feet the whole walk home....Why does Taehyung always say stuff like that.......?

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