💗Youngjae Ending💗

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"Really? Heehee..."

"Well, what are you waiting for?! Get over there, stupid!" 

Lifting my head, I watched as Jackson pushed Youngjae forward, causing him to stumble and trip over his own feet. He yelped and whipped his head around to glare furiously at him.

"Jackson, you're such an *ss!"

I giggled a bit at his outburst and watched as he huffed and pushed himself up on his feet. With one last glare at Jackson, he turned to glance over at me. Our eyes met and a pink hue settled over his cheeks as he gave a huge smile and made his way towards me. Once he stood before me, he kneeled down and took my hands in his. My own face began to grow warm and I smiled up at him shyly. Youngjae moved to press gentle lips against my forehead before moving to brush his lips lightly against my cheek. 

"I love you too, ________-ah. I promise to make you happy..."

With that said, he leaned forward and placed soft lips on my own, making my insides twist and turn, a fuzzy feeling riding up my chest. The kiss was a feather light one, a soft one that made my heart flutter and my head spin. As we slowly parted, I felt my cheeks grow warm at the sparkle in his eyes.

Youngjae gave a small chuckle and pecked my cheek.

"So fluffy, ugh....AND, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS CALL ME AN *SS?!"

Youngjae turned and glared at Jackson.

"Its because you are one! *sson Wang..."

I couldn't help but let out a laugh at the name. It was seriously ridiculous! Jackson pouted and folded his arms, letting out false sniffles and whines.

"So mean...~ And all I ever did was make you trip..."

Yoongi then sighed and placed a hand on the whining man's shoulder, a stern look on his face.

"Jackson, as your Hyung, I've only one piece of advice to tell you... Shut the f*ck up. Please."


Several Years Later

"Eomma, I can see Appa! He's so cool~!"

"Ne! Eomma, we get to see Appa backstage, right?"

Letting out a chuckle, I nodded at the two excited children sitting beside me. Youngjae and I had gotten married a few years ago and didn't quite plan for children. It just happened, so to speak... However, they were the sweetest kids I could ever ask for and I loved them dearly. Our son was named Dae-Ho and our daughter named Chae-Rin. Chae-Rin was the oldest by a year. She took on my looks while Dae-Ho took on his father's. However, their personalities were polar opposite. Dae-Ho took on my love for dance and video games while Chae-Rin gained a lovely singing voice and adored the piano.

Today, I had taken the kids to see GOT7's concert and they were all too ecstatic about seeing their dad perform live in front of them. All three of us had enjoyed the performance a lot and we were waiting to surprise Youngjae by going backstage soon. Dae-Ho suddenly pointed toward the stage, the five year old jumping excitedly.

"Eomma! Eomma! Jaebummie-Hyung is speaking!"

Turning to face the stage, I watched as all seven of the boys bowed and said good-bye to their fans. I smiled and stood up, taking my children's hands into my own.

"Let's go and see Appa now, okay?"

The two cheered and skipped beside me as we descended down the stairs and towards the stage. One of the security guards glanced at us before smiling and bowing a bit.

"Mrs. Choi! Didn't expect to see you here today! Go on in, they went directly to the dressing rooms."

Thanking him, I pulled my kids along with me. We soon made it to the dressing room door and I signaled for Chae-Rin to knock on it.  She did so and, after a few minutes, Yugyeom came to open the door. His expression changed from one of disbelief to one of happiness. Almost immediately, he scooped Dae-Ho up in his arms and cuddled him close, the boy laughing and squealing in his arms.

"The only child who actually likes me!!! Yay~!!!"

I chuckled and stepped into the room with Chae-Rin, who immediately ran over to her shocked father. Youngjae soon gave a huge grin and scooped the little girl up in his arms. Plopping down on one of the chairs, he pecked the girl on the forehead.

"My little princess! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!"

"Eomma said to keep it a secret~! She wanted to surprise you~!"

"Oh, did she now~?"

I chuckled and went to slide behind my husband, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Youngjae sighed and turned to smile up at me. He pressed a soft kiss against my lips before moving to give me a radiant smile.

"Yeobo~! I'm so happy you came~! I thought you'd be busy?"

"Never would I miss a chance to see your concert! Besides, I thought we established that I'm an IGOT7."

Youngjae shook his head and chuckled a bit.


I smiled at him before leaning down to place my lips on his. However, before I was able to, a loud crying sounded. Both Youngjae and I snapped our heads in the direction of the sound. Dae-Ho was crying his heart out, Jackson kneeling beside him and trying to calm him down. Almost immediately, Youngjae placed Chae-Rin down and went to scoop up the poor boy, speaking to him softly.

"What's the matter, Dae? What happened?"

With tearful eyes, he pointed over at Jackson, who appeared somewhat guilty.

"H-Hyung said y-you're not my real A-Appa! Th- Th-That h-he is! I-Its not true, i-is it?!"

I huffed and folded my arms, giving the guilty man a stern glare. Youngjae handed me Dae-Ho, asking me to calm him down as he calmy walked over to Jackson. Said man gulped and held his hands up in defeat, a sheepish smile on his face.

"H-Hey! C-Can't we just forget about this and laugh about it lat --BYE!!!"


I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me at that moment as I watched Youngjae run after a squealing Jackson. Honestly...


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