💗Namjoon Ending💗

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A/N: Ha...Totally not putting this song here cuz Namjoonie is my UB...ha...no way...


"Wait, really? I thought..."

"Stop being stupid and go over there and kiss her, dumb*ss. Aren't you supposed to be smart?"

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips at Jackson's remark. Namjoon's face grew red and he glared at him before standing up and shuffling towards me. I gulped and stared up at him as he towered over me, ears and cheeks dusted pink. He held out his hand and I took it, an eyebrow raised in question as he hauled me to my feet. We began walking towards the doors and I glanced at him in confusion.

"Oppa, why are we leaving?"

"If I kiss you in front of them, they'll most likely keep teasing me...I get teased enough as it is..."

I couldn't help giggling once more. Namjoon was a lot cuter than he first appears (So true, an absolute cutie~). Unable to stop myself, I tugged on his hand, causing him to stop before he could open the doors. He turned back around and gave me a confused look.

Mustering up the courage, I placed my hands on his shoulders and got on my tippy toes, placing my lips lightly against his own. Once I pulled back, I grinned at the shock painted on his cherry red face.

"You're so cute, Namjoonie-Oppa~", I cooed, stroking his cheek with my thumb. He huffed and grabbed my hand in his as I tried to pull away. A surprised squeak left me as he leaned forward and captured my lips in a searing kiss that practically made my knees buckle.

Hoots and hollers were heard from behind us but, I couldn't care less about them, not when the man I love was currently melting my heart more and more. Slowly, we pulled apart, my breathing a bit labored as well as his. He gave a breathless chuckle and shook his head.

"So much for trying to do this privately...Later...", he whispered in my ear, making me shiver a bit. I gulped and nodded hesitantly, my face in flames. He gave me a dimpled smile and pressed one last kiss to my forehead before releasing me.

" Oh, Namjoonie~! I've got that all on video~!"

"Oh my f*cking god, Jackson, I swear-"


Several Months Later

"Why nooooottttt?"

"Because, its top secret. Since you're part of ARMY, that means no listening in on new content yet."

"But, Oppa! That's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair, Jagiya~. Still love you~."

"Tch. Don't know how I feel about you, though..."

So far, it had been a great year for BTS' career as well as our relationship. Namjoon was by far the romantic of the group, as I'm currently finding that to be true. However, what I didn't appreciate was the fact that he wasn't letting me listen to any of the tracks from his mixtape. It was supposedly coming out once Hoseok dropped his (like, no joke. I'm freaking out about both) and I was beyond excited. I couldn't wait to listen to it but, Dimples over here was kind of killing my hopes of ever getting to.

Namjoon chuckled and shook his head.

"Come on, _______-ah. You listened to the last album earlier than the other ARMYs. Can't you at least wait for this one?"

I pouted and folded my arms. I know I was being childish but, I was really hoping he'd at least let me listen to it. With a sigh, he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss on my lips, making my pout melt and cheeks grow warm. Before he could pull away, I gripped his upper arm and averted my gaze.


I heard him let out an airy chuckle before cupping my cheek in his hand, lifting my face up and placing a firmer kiss upon my lips. I allowed my eyes to close and melted into him, snaking my arms around his shoulders as his hands moved from my cheeks to grip at my hips.

I let out a faint whimper upon hearing a low growl rumble in his chest, my heart pounding in my ears as a tongue swept across my bottom lip. Hesitantly, I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue to tangle with mine. One of his hands reached up and went to tangle his fingers in my hair. A shiver left me as he melded his body closer to mine, before gripping my waist tightly. Namjoon began to lift me up and I gasped, wrapping my legs around his waist as he placed me down...on top of his keyboard.

Almost immediately, music began to thrum from the speakers, flooding my ears with Namjoon's deep voice. What I heard wasn't rapping, but the sweet sound of his singing voice, the one I tried to get him to use often. Namjoon gasped and immediately set me back down into one of the chairs, fingers flying across the keyboard.

He quickly tapped some keys before sighing in relief as the music died down. However, I'd clearly managed to get a good hearing of the song by then and a huge grin settled upon my lips. I giggled and went to wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"Namjoonie-Oppa...It sounds really good~."

He grumbled a bit in frustration but, u could see his cheeks coloring themselves pink. He huffed and rested a hand on mine.

"Was it...Was it really that good...?"

"Yup! Can't wait to hear more~!...You'll let me hear more, right?"

"Ha. Yeah....Along with every other ARMY."

"Yah! Don't be mean!"

"I'm not...You know that specific song was about you, right...?"

"That just makes me want to hear it even more!"

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