He's Everywhere......!

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"I can't do it....They hate me...."
"No they don't, pabo. They could never hate you."
"You don't understand! I called them pests! And ignored their warnings!"
"So? That doesn't mean they hate you. I know for a fact that they can't hate you no matter how hard they try~."
".....Fine..... If they say no, I'm holding you responsible for my depression!" Taking a deep breath, I gathered up my nonexistent courage and made my way into BigHit Studios. I had decided that it was high time for me to apologize to Taehyung and Jimin but, I couldn't get through to them via phone. Serenity had told me that they were busy practicing for a showcase and, the only way I could see them was by going to their practice room....I didn't want to.....But, of course Serenity made it impossible to give a good excuse for not being able to go. She called Namjoon and made sure that I was able to go there without being questioned. This is how I ended up inside the building, gazing around nervously. Seeing as nobody was at the front desk, I began walking around and searching for the practice room on my own. As I was walking, I bumped into something hard. Looking up, I saw Jin's surprised face.
"_______-ah? What are you doing here?"
"A-Ah, Jin-Oppa.... By any chance, are you guys done practicing? I, um, need to speak with Tae-Oppa and Jiminie-Oppa....."
"Oh! Yeah, we just finished. Those two are getting ready to buy lunch. Maybe you can-----"
"Hyung!" Turning around, we both spotted a surprised Jimin and blank faced Taehyung. Just seeing them made me feel so guilty that once they came over to us, I immediately got on my knees. Bowing deeply, I clenched my eyes shut, afraid to see their expressions.
"I'm so so so very sorry! Please, Taehyung-Oppa! Jimin-Oppa! Forgive me! I was wrong to call you pests! You were only worried about me and I was rude to you! Forgive me....!" A long, awkward silence appeared after I uttered those last words. Too scared of rejection, I kept my face to the ground and ignored the nawing urge to see their expressions. A cough was heard before a shy-sounding Jimin spoke up.
"Um...._______-ah......" My head snapped up once he muttered my name. His eyes were darting about, as if he wasn't trying to look at me. Cheeks dusted a light pink, he clamped a hand on the back of his neck and gazed down at me.
"You know that it wasn't so serious that you had to apologize like that, right....? Besides......we've been gotten ovev it....." It was now my turn to feel flustered as I slowly stood up. I smiled at Jimin slightly before turning to face Taehyung, who still had that blank face. He clicked his tongue and placed his hands in the pockets of his black joggers.
"Don't know why Jimin is saying 'We'......I haven't forgiven anything...." I gaped at him in astonishment. Was he seriously trying to be petty?! Though.....he has every right to be mad.... I sighed and lowered my gaze to the floor.
"What will it take for you to forgive me....?" A moment's silence before he began speaking, a smirk of amusement evident in his voice.
"Let's see....I want you to.....do aegyo!" Slowly, I raised my head and blinked up at him. He wasn't serious..... COULDN'T be serious...!.....Right....?
"Tae-Oppa....You can't really be seri-----"
"Oh, but I am. Come on, _______-ah. Show me some really good aegyo and I'll forgive you~." I blinked at him once more before sighing. He was serious.... Taking a deep breath, I got ready to do that which would probably wound my pride. Lowering my head a bit, I pouted and gazed up at Taehyung with big, doe  eyes through my lashes. I placed my hands in front of me and began fiddeling with my shirt, speaking in a  higher and softer voice.
"I'm sorry, Oppa..... I won't do it again. Promise. Please don't be mad anymore, Oppa~. If you stop being mad, I'll give Oppa a ppo ppo~." I couldn't bring myself to do anymore once I said that. My cheeks were burning hot and I couldn't find it in me to look at Taehyung. Screwing my eyes shut, I waited to hear laughter before a pair of strong atma wrapped around me. Looking up, I saw Taehyung's eyes gleaming, a wide grin on his face. Kissing the tip of my nose, he  chuckled.
"You're so cute, _______-ah~. How could I not forgive you~?" I gulped and smiled at him shyly while pulling away. A cough brought our attention onto a confused looking Jin.
"I don't know what that was all about but, I'm glad you guys made....up......I think.....uh, yeah. So, what did you guys call me for?" Jimin looked at his Hyung and pointed toward a door further down the hall.
"Suga-Hyung and Rapmon-Hyung want you to practice singing the song their writing." Jin nodded and smiled at the three of us.
"Alright then. Ill see you guys later, ne?" I nodded and watched as he left for the room. Sighing, I looked over at the two and smiled.
"Yah. Mind me joining and helping with buying lunch?" Jimin grinned softly and shook his head.
"Nah. No problem. Let's go, ne?" Following the boys out the door, we began walking down the street. As we passed a few buildings on our way to the nearby restaurant, I grinned happily as I watched the two play around, joking and messing with each other. After a while, Taehyung came closer to me and pointed at Jimin.
"Did you know that, Jimin's hands are so tiny and cute?" 
"Really? How tiny are they?"
"Oh, super tiny. Just like his height. So tiny that, its unbelievably cute."
"OMO! I wanna see them now!"
"YAH! STOP TALKING ABOUT MY HANDS!" We looked over to see Jimin glaring at us with annoyance, his face a not flustered. I giggled and reached out to grab his wrist. Bringing his hand up, I basically dropped to the ground and bursted into uncontrollable fits of laughter. THEY WERE SO CUTE!!! I calmed down enough to glance up at his irritated and red face and I fell into another fit. By the time I finished laughing, my ribs and stomach were aching painfully and I was gasping for air, tears clouding my vision. It was too funny. I couldn't help but laugh that hard. Taehyung chuckled and lightly pinched Jimin's arm. Jimin just huffed and swatted his hand away. Glancing down at me, he came close and narrowed his eyes. Lifting his hands up, he pinched my cheeks, just enough to make it feel uncomfortable. I whined and pushed against his chest.
"You guys are real funny, huh. Stop teasing your elders!" Once he let my face go, I grinned cheekily and shook my head. We arrived there and paid for the food to go. Holding bags, we walked out and started up a weird conversation about rabbits being on the moon when,  a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks.
"Oh ________-Noona~. How come you haven't contacted me~?" Swallowing my fear, I turned to see Jungmin smiling at me, a faint gleam in his eyes once he spotted the boys. With an awkward chuckle, I waved at him.
"H-Hey, Jungminnie...."
"How come you haven't visited me again? I like it when you come over my place." I winced inwardly at that statement. I really wanted to get as far as possible from him. All of a sudden, Taehyung moved to stand in front of me, his gaze cold and dead set on Jungmin. Jimin came up really close behind me, also glaring at Jungmin.With his arms crossed, Taehyung spoke, his cold and clipped voice sending shivers down my spine.
"What do you want?" Jungmin smiled at him though, an eeire twinkle shown in his eyes.
"Why do you look at me that way~? I've done nothing wrong~." I placed a hand on Taehyung's back and noticed how the muscles coiled beneath his skin......This wasn't gonna end well....
"I don't care what you did or didn't do. All I know is, stay away from _________-ah."
"Oh ho! So, you think you can just decide what I do! Well, Kim Taehyung, ever think about what _______-Noona wants? Maybe she doesn't want me to stay away~." Behind me, Jimin sighed and came to stand next to Taehyung, an icy glare pinned on Jungmin. Getting up close to him, he eyed him before sneering.
"Listen here....I really dislike you. Me and V don't trust you and, I know you aren't as nice as you seem. Now, I'm only going to say this once...." He flung his hand to grab Jungmin's collar, pulling him so that their faces were inches apart. This was a new side of Jimin I had yet to see...  In all honesty, I was so shocked that, I couldn't move. Jungmin was still smiling but, their was a dark aura behind it... 
"If you ever mess with ________-ah and lay so much as a finger on her......We'll find you....And we won't hesitate to knock. You. Out......" I gulped, a bit frightened myself from Jimin's words. Releasing his collar, Jungmin sighed and brushed off imaginary dirt from his clothes. With a small smirk and speed that I didn't even know was there, he appeared beside me and placed his lips on the corner of my mouth. He winked at me as I stared at him with wide eyes before a blur of clothing tackles him to the ground. Blinking, I focused on the form to gasp at the sight of Taehyung punching Jungmin in the jaw. From the looks of it, it didn't seem like he planned on ending it there. Before I could yell at him to stop, Jimin grabbed his arms and pulled him away from a chuckling Jungmin. Taehyung was about to kick him where he laid when, Jimin jerked him back and I quietly spoke to him.
​​​​​​"Get a hold of yourself, man....Don't let him get to you...." Jungmin sighed and stood up. With a wide smirk, he winked at us and left. I bit my lip and sighed. Why did he have to show up....? I was finally.....relaxing......Turning to look at the two boys, Jimin met my gaze and sighed. Taehyung still had that blank look on his face though, now, fury was boiling deep within the depths of his eyes. Scratching the back of his head, Jimin smiled at me sheepishly.
"Um.....Let's all head back, ne?" I nodded and gazed over at the silent idol. He shrugged and glared down at the ground. During the walk back, Jimin was in front of us, me a Tae side by side. Biting my lip, I began chewing it in nervousness.
"Yah. If you don't stop doing that, you'll damage them."
"Huh?" I stopped walking to see Taehyung reaching his hand toward my face. Using his thumb, he swiped it tenderly across my bottom lip, almost like a caress. Retracting my teeth from my lip, I felt as my face began burning and watched as he began walking once again, a small smile playing on his lips. It took me a while to realize that I was being left behind and I hurriedly ran after them. Right as we arrived at the studio, my phone made a sound, notifying me of a text. Unlocking it, I opened the message and almost dropped my phone as my blood ran cold. This wasn't happening......

Unknown: Someone is going to die and its all your fault..... 






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