💗Hoseok Ending💗

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"YEAH!!! J-HOPE!!!"



"What? I wanted to join in."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the two. Sope was seriously something else...Glancing over at me, Hoseok gave a wide smile and proceeded to scoot over to me. A giggle escaped me as he made ridiculous faces along the way. Once he sat directly in front of me, however, the playfulness disappeared, replaced by a loving sparkle in his eyes. Bringing his hands up, he cupped my cheeks and stroked them with his thumbs.

"________-ah~", he cooed, leaning forward and causing my cheeks to grow warm underneath his palms. "No more having to count our kisses from now on~."

With that, he leaned forward and pressed gentle, kind lips softly against my own. My eyes fluttered close and I leaned into the kiss, moving to press myself closer to him. The world seemed to melt away, the only thing on my mind being the man I loved kissing me so tenderly, so softly, almost as if I'd break. All too soon, we had to part in order to obtain precious air. Suddenly, a loud groan sounded, as well as gagging.

Looking over Hoseok's shoulder, I spotted Jackson glaring at us, his nose scrunched up in disgust.

"Why are you people so freakin fluffy?! My God, I'm going home and getting something sour to take the sugary crap out of my mouth."

The rest of the boys nodded in agreement, following Jackson as he scurried out of the studio. Hoseok chuckled once they left and shook his head.

"They're so weird."

"Why would you call your group of friends weird? Wouldn't you have to be in order to know they are?"

Hoseok gaped at me and pouted. I laughed as his cheeks grew a light shade of pink. Wrapping my arms around him, I sighed in contentment and closed my eyes.

"I'm just playing with you, Hoseok-Oppa. I love you~."

He chuckled before wrapping his arms around my waists and placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"Love you too, _______-ah~."


Several Months Later

"Yah! Hoseok-Oppa, stop bullying Jiminie-Oppa on the phone and get over here! You said that you'd record the choreography with me today."

Today was one of those days where I'd stay back after teaching in order to make up new dances. Hoseok had helped me make the current one and was supposed to record the final product with me today. However, he was too busy teasing Jimin for us to even begin.

With a chuckle, he hung up and placed his phone on top of his bag.

"Alright, Jagiya~. Let's start, ne~?"

I nodded and went over to press record on the camera in the corner of the studio. Starting the music, the both of us soon got into position a d began to dance.

Letting out a huff, I gripped onto the strong arms wrapped around me and sighed, a smile finding its way to my lips. Hoseok let out soft breaths as he held me close to him, nuzzling my ear and neck with his nose. A shiver ran up my spine and my breath hitched as I felt him press kisses down the nape of my neck. He gave a chuckle and kissed the outer shell of my ear, gently biting down on it.


I shivered and tilted my head back on his shoulder as his fingers roamed over my stomach underneath my tank top. Hoseok almost always seemed to get in these type of moods when he finished dancing and, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't like it. A whimper escaped my lips as I felt his teeth scrape against my collar bone lightly. Suddenly, I was spun around and pressed against one of the many mirrors. Hoseok grabbed my thighs and hiked my legs up to curl around his waist. I gasped and allowed myself to be swept away into a raging storm of sensation, practically melting upon the feel of his lips on mine.

His teeth tugged at my bottom lip until I allowed him entrance, feeling as his tongue dove into my mouth, lapping at the roof of it. A moan left my throat, only to be swallowed by the kiss. Slowly, he pulled back, eyes dark with an emotion so powerful, it had me shuddering in anticipation. With a groan, he pressed kisses along my neck once more.

"God, you're so beautiful...I love you, ______-ah...So freaking much..."

"L-Love you t-too, Hoseok-Oppa... But, d-dont you think we should s-save this for later...?"

Hoseok chuckled and gave a mischievous smirk that had me gulping in slight fear.

"Oh, don't worry about anyone coming in anytime soon. I locked the door, just in case people wanted to join in in whatever was going to happen."

I gulped and gazed up at him nervously. We were gonna be here for a while...

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