Markson, Anyone?....Just Kidding!!!

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I sighed as I went to answer my phone. Seeing who it was, I smiled a bit and answered it, continuing to get ready for work.
"Good morning, Jackson-ssi."
"Oh! You're awake, _______-ah?"
"Yeah. I've got to go to work this morning. I'm teaching a class in a few hours and I got to go back over the dance."
"Wow~! You're such an amazing dancer, _______-ah~!"
"Th-Thanks,  Jackson-ssi....Um, so....Why'd you call?"
"Oh, yeah! I was wondering if you'd want to catch a movie with me later tonight! I have tickets to see that new marvel movie."
"S-Sure, but...tell me something, Jackson-ssi...It's because Namjoon-Oppa turned your offer down, ne?"
"W-What?! Ha! Never! I.....You're already calling him Oppa....?"
"......Nothing....So! Movie, right?! I'll come pick you up at 8, okay? Bye~!"
"B-Bye...." Hanging up, I looked at my phone in confusion. He had ended our conversation rather abruptly.....Deciding not to dwell on it, I fixed my clothes and headed out my room door....only to jump back and scream in surprise. Serenity was standing in front of my doorway, a creepy grin plastered on her face. She folded her arms and stared at me.
"So....You and Jackson-ssi, ne~?"
"OMO....It's not like that, Reni. He just wanted to hang out at the movies and such...No big deal, okay?"
"Tch...." She rolled her eyes and shook her head.....wait.....WHY?!
"Man....You make a newborn seem smarter than you...."
"Yah! Why so mean?!"
"CAUSE YOU'RE FRIGGIN OBLIVIOUS!!!" Pouting, I walked out the room and grabbed my keys. Once inside of my car, I turned on the radio and drove towards the school.....I'm not I.....?
I ran my fingers through my damp hair and sighed. Grabbing my water bottle, I took long sip and leaned against the mirror. I had just finished up practicing the dance and was ready to teach it to my students. All that was left was to wait for them. The bell rung, signaling for students to go to their next classes. As I started stretching, heavy footsteps were making their way toward me. Looking up, I smiled as I made eye contact with my favorite student. Eun Ji was such an amazing dancer and a nice girl in general. She always paid attention to every single detail and would practice until she perfected it. But strangely, the small girl was panting heavily. Beads of sweat was rolling down her forehead as she anxiously gazed down at me.
"S-Seonsaeng-nim....GOT7's Jackson is here and....h-he's coming in here to see you....!"
".......WHAT?!?!?" I hopped up to my feet and grabbed her shoulders. With wide eyes, I gazes at her.
"Eun Ji.....Please tell me that isn't true....."
"B-But, it is....." ................YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!! HE CAN'T BE HERE!!!! HE CAN'T!!!!! Seeing the cluster of my students coming to the door, I let go of the girl and gasped in shock. Right there....surrounded by all of my students and others.....was Jackson....Crap.... He spotted me and gave a huge smile. Walking towards me, I noticed how the students would closely follow behind him, making them look like puppies.....hehe.... Jackson gazed down at me and smiled once more.
"J-Jackson-ssi....What are you d-doing here....?" He pursed his lips and shrugged.
"Watching you work.....Am I not allowed to....?"
"N-No! I mean, yes.....You can, um, watch....But.....My students will be distracted...." He nodded and walked grab a chair...? Huh? Standing on it, he cupped his hands around his mouth and proceeded to yell.
"ALRIGHT!!! LISTEN UP!!! ANY OF ________-AH'S STUDENTS THAT DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO HER TEACHING WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET A SELFIE WITH ME!!!"..........Why did they all run to sit down....?..........Idols have a mysterious power over people.....I sighed and turned to face them, their eyes locked on my every movement. Taking a deep breath, I began to speak.
"Well! Let's give Jackson-ssi a round of applause for being able to be our special guest today!" Of course, they all clapped.
"Okay. Today, we are going to learn a new dance. I'll show you the choreography once and then we'll all do it together." Once I made sure that they all understood, I went over to Jackson and gave him my phone.
"When I give the okay, do you mind pressing play?"
"No problem~!" With a sigh, I went to stand in front of the class, getting in position. Nodding to him, I began moving my body to the music.

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