Their Eagerness...

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3rd Person POV

Sitting down in his plush chair, Jungmin quietly sat flipping through his mini photo album. Page after page was pictures of him, Serenity, and....________....Oh, how much he ached to hold _______ close and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. She was everything to him and he'd gladly give her the world if she wanted.

He loved everything about her; her smile, the way her (h/l) (h/c) hair seemed to shine, how her (s/c) skin would seem to be glowing, her kindness towards people.... That's the one thing that sold him when he first met her... Her kindness...Clearing his throat, a curly haired man urged for the raven to listen. 

"Hey...Not that I'm trying to be rude but....What exactly even made you fall for this girl?" Jungmin smiled a bit at that statement. Why did he fall for _______? Maybe it was because--

"She was the only one to actually see me....For who I was...And she was the only thing keeping me stable in this wretched world...No, wait. Not 'was'...She still is keeping me to this day. I finally have her once again...." 

Understanding dawned in his partners eyes before a wicked grin wound itself on both men's lips. The book was slammed shut and the two made their way out of the room, sharing a laugh as they walked down the halls. The faint scent of paper burning followed them and they just continued on. It was nothing important to either of them anyways.....Just a stupid photo of 14 idols with a death wish hanging around their necks.....

"Now that I finally have her again...I'm never letting go...."


Normal POV

"Dami, I've always wanted to ask you this....Why do you follow me around...?"

"...In all honesty, its because I have nothing else better to do...." This caused me to sweatdrop and I chuckled a bit. Dami was really honest about her actions... Looking down at the date on my phone, I pressed my lips together in a thin line. Just two weeks until Jungmin would....I shook my head, willing the thought out of my mind.

If I dwelled on it too long, I'd become afraid to step outside again. I sighed and leaned back against the wall of the dance studio. My students were long gone and I was taking a short break from practicing so hard. The next dance would be slightly harder and I wanted to make sure I had it just right. ( A/n: Cue tiny Mark on clock XD)

Getting up, I told Dami to click play on my phone. The music blasted through the speakers and I got into position.

Finishing up, I panted and slumped down to the floor. The sound of sudden clapping startled me and I turned my head to find Yugyeom standing in the door way. He grinned and walked over to me.

"That was great, Noona."

"Yugyeom-ah...What are you doing here?" The smile on his face turned into a frown as he crouched down beside me. Folding his arms, he huffed.

"Don't you remember? You and I were supposed to film our dance today." Oh...Crap, I'd totally forgotten... Glancing over at the chair in the back of the room, I sighed when I noticed Dami was gone. She left me alone... How wonderful...With a sheepish grin, I scratched the back of my head and avoided eye contact with him. Clicking his tongue, Yugyeom sighed and chuckled a bit.

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