💗Jimin Ending💗

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"Good for you, shortie!"

I couldn't help the chuckle that left my lips at the nickname. It was totally cute and I'd be lying if i said my inner fangirl wasn't let loose. Jimin's cheeks were colored a faint pink hue as he glared at Jungkook. With a huff, he stood and slowly but surely shuffled towards me. Biting his bottom lip as he neared me, he peered down at me through his lashes, a sparkle in his eyes. Jimin then kneeled down and grabbed my hands into his own, a smile gracing his features.

My heart steadily picked up pace as he leaned forward and placed a featherlight kiss against my forehead, lips cool and soft, almost plush. Gazing down at me, Jimin sighed and pecked the tip of my nose, causing my cheeks to burn intensely.

"I love you too, ________-ah. I really do..."

A smile of my own soon spread on my lips and I slowly leaned forward to gently place my lips against the man in front of me, a small gasp escaping him before he let out a sigh and kissed me back. It was sweet, gentle, heartfelt. My head was spinning, mind and body filling with a warm, fuzzy feeling. The feeling of fingers lightly grazing my cheek had me leaning into the touch, a feeling of contentment running throughout my body. 

However, as much as I wanted this moment to last forever, we gradually parted from one another. My eyes fluttered open to meet the glittering chocolate orbs of Jimin's. It took my breath away and, I don't think either one of us would have looked away from one another, had not a loud yell sounded.

Turning towards the source, we spotted Jin with a red face, pointing at us accusingly.


"Exactly. That was some teeth rotting sh*t, Hyung."

"Yah! JK, what did u say about cursing in front of me, huh?!"

Almost immediately, everyone started shouting and play wrestling, rolling on the floor and trying to get one another to admit who was the strongest in the room. I shook my head and couldn't help but grin at the idiots.

Jimin sighed and a small pout began to form on his lips, making my cheeks burn when I glanced over at him and a soft coo bubble up from my chest.

"They're so loud~...Why are they like this~...?" Jimin whined, resting his face in the crook of my neck. I had to hold in the squeal that threatened to escape from hearing him whine so cutely. With a chuckle, I pulled back a bit and he lifted his head, eyebrow raised in confusion and a newly forming pout ghosting over his lips. This time, I allowed myself to coo and give a small squeal, bringing a finger up to poke his cheek.

"Jiminie-Oppa, why are you so freaking adorable~?"

At this, Jimin's cheeks colored themselves a soft pink hue and he huffed, sternly shaking his head. He leaned in and brushed his lips against my ear in a featherlight kiss.

"_______-ah is by far cuter and more adorable than I could ever be..."

The whispered words caused my heart to leap in my chest and I gave a flustered chuckle. 


"Th-Then, stop looking at us, Hoseok-Hyung!"


1 Year Later

"What the hell, Park Jimin...? How is it possible to be so cute and hot at the same d*mn time?!"

"Its called the 'Mochi Sexy Effect'. It attacks all women however, since you're an ARMY and his girlfriend, it's even worse for you."

"Namjoonie-Oppa... Can you please do me a favor and shut the hell up...?"

The tall man snickered and walked away to get his hair retouched, leaving me a fuming and flustered mess. Today, BTS had a photoshoot for their new album and Jimin had asked if I wanted to come along and watch. Yeah, no way was I passing up the opportunity. At first, the boys had to pose cutely for the first half of the shoot, leaving me all smiles and what not.

However, Jimin had soon began posing in a certain way and with a certain expression that should be illegal...Very illegal...Watching as he ran a hand through his hair, lips pursed in a seemingly seductive way, and eyes sharp and glinting with a strong feeling...Did I mention that Park Jimin was illegal...? I huffed and crossed my arms, about to continue my internal turmoil until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Turning around, I spotted one of the staff, the man giving me a sheepish smile.

"I-Im sorry to ask this of you but, um...Do you mind keeping an eye on my dog for me while I help with taking pictures?"

Glancing down at the dog beside the man, my eyes softened at the sight of the cute golden retriever. Kneeling down, I smiled at the dog and pet it on the head.

"Sure thing! Is it a boy or a girl and what's it's name?"

The man smiled and handed me the leash as I continued to scratch behind the dog's ear.

"It's a he and his name is Jumi. Thank you so much~."

"Its no problem! Do a good job!"

Waving at the retreating man, I sat down on the ground and continued to pet the dog, a giggle escaping me as he climbed into my lap and proceeded to try and lick my face.

"Aww, the dog's getting more attention than me~..."

I turned my head and was met with a pouting Jimin, squatting down and resting his chin in his hands. Rolling my eyes, I pecked him on the cheek and continued to play with Jumi. Jimin smiled and sat down beside me, moving his arm to scratch at the back of the dog's ears. 

Soon, Jumi decided to jump over to Jimin, bounding his lap and attacking him with a series of licks. Jimin was laughing and trying his hardest to make sure the dog didn't lick his face, only to end up falling backward. A giggle left me as I watched Jumi move to lay completely on top of the man, his face included. I laughed at the sight, Jimin struggling to escape the furry torture, arms and legs flailing about. 

"________-ah! Help! Pwease!"

For some odd reason, his muffled pleas made me laugh even harder, tears forming in the corner of my eyes as I gripped my aching stomach. It was hilarious! Maybe it was the universe's way of punishing Jimin for doing his illegal actions earlier, huehuehue.

"Alright, alright. Come on, Jumi~. Let's get off of Jiminie-Oppa now, ne~?"

I whistled so that the dog would come back to me, moving to lay down on the ground with its head on my lap. Jimin gasped for air and coughed a bit, face a rosy red and eyes  narrowed and watery. He sniffed and pouted at me, a whine pulling from his throat.

"Yah, _______-ah. Why didn't you help me earlier?!"

I giggled and shrugged, a smirk appearing on my lips.

"Next time, don't behave so illegally~."


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