💗Jungkook Ending💗

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"Oh man, Holy Sheit!"

"Jeon Jungkook, what have I told you about that language?!"

"Yeah yeah, shut up Shoulders."

"What did you just call me?!"

"I said Shoulders, you window wiper laughing little sh*t."



With surprising speed, arms wrapped themselves around my body and lifted me up. Wind rushed pass my face as Jungkook ran out of the studio and into a janitor's closet. I gaped at him in astonishment. He was grinning from ear to ear, eyes twinkling with amusement and raw emotion. Jungkook's hands were intertwined with my own.

"Did you really mean it, Noona?" 

"Y-Yes. I do love you, Kookie-ah...but, um...I don't think that was a nice thing to say to Seokjin-Oppa..."

Jungkook snorted and shrugged, arms snaking around my waist and pulling me closer towards him. I squeaked in surprise as my hands flew up to rest against his chest. 

"He'll be fine. Besides, when has it mattered what I said to him anyways?"

 After he said that, he leaned down, eyes closed and lips puckered a bit. The statement, however, made me a bit upset. After all, Seokjin was his elder and didn't need to be disrespected like that. With a frown, I placed a finger on his lips,  stopping him from leaning in closer. I watched as his eyebrows scrunched up with confusion, eyes fluttering open to gaze at me questioningly. 

"I don't think you deserve a kiss, Kookie-ah. Especially since you treated your Hyung so poorly."

Jungkook gasped and gave a nervous smile, hands frantically sliding up and down my arms in an almost pleading manner. 

"Y-You don't mean that, ________-Noona. You don't, r-right?"

Seeing him so anxious was, in all honesty, quite entertaining. It was cute. Managing to keep up with the act, I sighed and turned my head. 

"Don't know, Kook. If you plan on never apologizing to Seokjin-Oppa, I guess I never plan on kissing you. And, I was really hoping to kiss you since I did admit to loving you. Too bad..."

A muffled whine sounded in my ear before I felt lips graze the shell of my ear, causing me to hold back a shiver. Jungkook's arms wrapped themselves tighter around my waist before he began pleading, voice a breathy whisper.

"I'm sorry, Noona. I promise I'll apologize to Jinnie-Hyung. So, please? Can I please kiss you, _________-Noona...?"

He sounded so adorable that I couldn't help but turn my face towards his. Moving my hands to tangle in his hair, I tilted my head and placed my lips onto his soft, plush ones. My heart began pounding erratically in my chest, face warming and legs practically losing strength as he crushed me against his chest, kissing back with equal fevour. 

My head was swimming as I leaned onto him for support, the kiss everything I could've dreamed of and more. All too soon, we parted, both of us panting lightly. My face grew warm upon the sight of Jungkook's loving gaze. I grumbled a bit and turned my head in the direction of the door.

"N-Now, g-go and apologize!"

A chuckle sounded before he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, humming happily.

"Will do, Noona~. Love you~."

A smile graced my lips as I shook my head and sighed.

"Love you too, Kookie-ah."


Years Later

"Yah, Choonhee-ah! No running in the house, okay?!"

"Ne, eomma! Appa! Appa, wake up!"

I chucked as I watched the little six year old girl run towards Jungkook's and I bedroom. Exactly seven years ago, Jungkook had proposed to me. And,  suprisingly, I'd managed to get pregnant within a year of our marriage. It was hard at first to take in the news, what with Jungkook being on tour at the time. However, all of BTS had helped us through it and we couldn't be happier. Our daughter was a lot like her father in many ways.

Somehow, she managed to be very talented at a young age and it sometimes boggled my mind how she could do the things she could. Heck, her martial arts and karate teachers said she was a freaking prodigy. Don't even get me started on Hoeseok and Son Sungdeuk. Those two would swoon over her and scream about how she'll be a "International Playgirl".

 Laughter sounded from the bedroom and I shook my head as I walked inside. Laying on the bed, shirtless, was Jungkook, Choonhee laying on him and rambling about her day. His grin was huge and his eyes twinkle with delight. The sight of that alone made my heart feel warm.

Shaking the feeling away, I glared at the man lying on the bed, the reminder about why I had to pick her up from school early making me quite annoyed. It was then that Choonhee began to discuss the very problem. 

"And, guess what?! A boy named Chunwoo hugged me today! Do you know what I did, Appa?!"

"No, sweetie. What did you do?"

"I did exactly like you told me to do to 'short' boys that get to close to me! I pushed him and punched him in the stomach super hard! Just like you said do!"

At this, Jungkook's eyes lit up with something akin to pride. His smile grew even wider and he lifted a hand up to ruffle her hair a bit.

"That's ma girl! Appa's so proud of his little baby!"

It was this that made me realise that Jungkook still hadn't noticed me peeking from near the doorway. Clearing my throat loudly, I managed to get his attention. Upon seeing me, his face visablly paled and he gulped.

"Hey, Yeobo... Um, h-how much did you...?"

I huffed and crossed my arms, moving to slowly approach the bed.

"Oh, nothing really. Just the part about her telling you that she hit a boy because you told her to and that that was the reason I was called and asked to pick her up from her classroom while everyone else was outside playing. Yeah, you messed up big time, buddy."

Jungkook whined as I sat down on the bed, allowing Choonhee to crawl into my lap. Sighing, he gazed up at me with a small pout.

"Does that mean I can't get any kisses...?"

A chuckle escaped my lips and I shook my head. 

"No, you can still have those."


I felt as fingers gently tangled in my hair and pulled me down, my lips connecting with his soft, plush ones. I sighed contentedly, a warmth blossoming inside of my chest. I kissed back and smiled at him once we broke apart. His eyes glimmered brightly with love and adoration, emotions that I hoped mine portrayed as well. A smile inched its way onto his lips and he gave a small laugh,  moving to place another peck on my lips.

"I love you. So much, __________-Noona."

"I love you too, Kookie. Now, I'd better go start dinner."

Once Choonhee scooted off my lap, I stood up and made my way out of the bedroom. As I walked down the hall towards the kitchen, a loud yell brought my attention.

"So, wait...What's my punishment then?"

"No homemade lunches for two weeks."


"Love you too, hun~!"

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