........Nice To See You Guys.....*Gulp*

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After much debating, we had settled on going to an amusement park......I don't like them but, Serenity was all set on going so......Well, I only dislike them because of this one time I had found a bug in my cotton candy.........But, that was years ago and I was still a child living in (country). Climbing in the limo (which was REALLY cool), I found myself seated between Jungkook and V. They were glaring at each other and arguing.
"Hyung, just accept it! _________-Noona is mne and mine alone!" 
"Ha! You wish! _______-ah doesn't even want you!"
"How would you know?!"
"I just do!" ...............When did I become theirs, exactly......? All of a sudden, my head was pulled to lay on a firm, strong chest. Blinking in confusion, I looked up and saw Jin glaring at the younger two.
"Honestly! You two are such childen! Did you ever consider how ________-ah feels about all this?!" He was scolding them while holding me against him.......Aish.....How many times must I wish for death until it finally comes.....? V shouted out in anger and pulled me back to lean against his chest.
"Don't care! No touching her, Hyung!" All while they argued, I noticed how the other BTS members were looking at me with weird expressions on their faces. Serenity was just smirking at me........butt head......
"Aigoo....We're finally here..." Upon hearing Suga, we all looked out the window. Sure enough, we had arrived at the park. Climbing out of the limo, I looked in awe at the huge roller coaster. It was huge.....A loud yell pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned around and saw Jin and RM trying to pull JHope out of the car. He was screaming and shaking his head no.
"NO!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!! I WONT RIDE IT, I WONT!!!" I snorted in amusement before shaking my head and waking over to them. So, they weren't kidding. He really was scared of these things..... Placing a hand on his shoulder, I watched as Jhope tensed and quieted down as he looked over at me. With a warm smile, I patted his back reassuringly. 
"Don't worry, Jhope-ssi! I'll ride it with you, okay? There's nothing to be afraid of,  promise." He eyed me and hesitated. With a sigh, he grabbed my hand and peered at me with his dark eyes.
"Promise to hold my hand.....?"
"*giggle* I promise." He gave me a sunny smile and I swear, I felt my whole face flame up. Jhope then grinned widely. Pinching my cheeks softly, he chuckled.
"Yah....I see what everyone is talking about~! You really are such a cutie, _______-ah~!" As I was dying internally, V, Jungkook, and Jin were yelling at him furiously. Seriously.....What the heck was wrong with those three.....? Afterwards, we all began walking around, playing games at booths and such. All of the guys, along with Serenity, kept winning me prizes and buying me things. Glaring a Reni, I whispered to her sharply.
"Why the heck are you getting me stuff too?!" She just grinned and made a kissy face.
"It's cuz I wove you, (embarrassing nickname)~~~!!!"
"D-Don't call me that!" Chuckling, she shook her head and we continued walking when, I accidentally bumped into something hard. I fell to the ground, dropping all of my things and startling the boys. 
"Ow...." Looking up and rubbing my hip, I gasped and immediately felt blood rush to my face. Why was.....J-Jinyoung here?! His eyes were wide with shock as he gazed down at me.
"Wha....________.......? What are you doing here?" Reaching down, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up,  causing me to fall against his chest.....errrr....
"Th-Thanks and h-hi, Jinyoung-ssi...." 
"Hyung, let's....._________-NOONA?!?!?" With wide eyes, I looked over his shoulder and spotted BamBam gaping at us. By now, my face was beyond flaming. It was practically burning....I was suddenly ripped out of Jinyoung's arms and cradled against V's chest, with Jungkook and Jin glaring at the two.
"You know my Noona, BamBam-ssi.....?" 
"Err....Yeah. From the fanmeet, remember?"
"Doesn't matter! She's mine and mine alone!"
"Huh?! Since when?!"
"....Since never, actually......they're just crazy and possessive...." I had thought that I had mumbled it quietly but, they apparently heard me. They all looked at me and I smiled back at them awkwardly. Just my luck, the rest of Got7 decided to show up as well! Jackson spotted me and gaped in surprise.
"Hey! ______-ah! I finally know where I've seen you from! YouTube!!!" Huh?.....What does he mean by YouTube....? Serenity then came up and grinned widely, bowing a bit.
"Yup! I made her do a dance cover to "If You Do", "Crazy", and "Save Me". Remember when I had recorded you doing all those dances at once that day?"
".............YOU FRIGGIN POSTED IT?!?!?!? WHYYYYY?!?!?"
"BECAUSE YOU'D NEVER AGREE TO IT IF I'D TOLD YOU WHAT I WAS PLANNING!!!" I was fighting against V's strong grip on my waist to go and tackle Serenity. I mean, she NEVER asks me about these things! ITS INFURIATING!!! Yugyeom coughed to gain our attention and looked at me with pink dusting his cheeks.....which in turn, made me feel a bit self conscious of how I had just acted.
"S-So....You're that cool chick from the video....a-and my Noona......?" I gulped and slowly nodded.
"Y-Yeah. That's right..."
"Aish....I d-didn't expect you to be so cute....."
"SHE'S MY NOONA!!! NOT YOURS!!!" -Jungkook
"....um.....She's my Noona too...." -BamBam
"NO!!!!" -V/Jungkook
"Children....." -BTS/Got7/Serenity
Why do they keep fighting over me....? I don't understand it.....

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