......I'm Not Clumsy......

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Yawning, I looked at my phone and laid back in my bed. I was off work today and I had nothing to do.... Might as well look at some dance videos... Ever since I practiced with Hoseok and Yugyeom, I couldn't get Hoseok's kiss out of my mind. I can't believe I seriously kissed an idol..... Hopefully, it's not weird the next time we see each other and we can go on to how we were beforehand. I mean, he only kissed me because it was a spur of the moment..... Right......? A message from JB popped up on my phone. Opening it,  I read the message. 

JB: Hey. Are you busy today? 

Me: No,  why? 

JB: I was wondering if you'd like to go roller skating in the park with me. 

Me: Sure! I love skating! What time should I meet you? 

JB: How about an hour from now? 

Me: Okay. Sounds great. See you! 

I sighed and threw my phone to the foot of the bed,  rolling around on it in agony. I had totally just lied to him. I hate it.  I've never been good at skating.....Like,  never. You know how little kids always got excited because they would get to go to the skating rink? Nope. Not me in the slightest. Me and roller blades just never quite worked out for some reason... Shaking off the bit of fear I held about the consequences, I got up and headed for the shower. After washing up, I pushed back the shower curtains only to scream and wrap my arms around myself in shock. Serenity grinned a Cheshire Cat grin as she stood staring straight at me. WHAT THE WORLD?!?!? 

"What the heck, man?! What's wrong with you?!" She hummed happily and threw an outfit  over the bathroom door. 

"I heard of your little date today~! Wear this!" Giggling,  she walked out the bathroom and left me standing with a gaping mouth. Deciding not to dwell on the weirdness that was Serenity, I dried off and dressed in what she had laid out for me. It was actually kind of cute.... Grabbing my keys,  I picked up my skates and headed to my car. Please don't let me make a fool of myself....... 


"________-ah. Glad you could make it."

"No problem! So,  let's go put our skates on, ne?" JB nodded, his smile causing one of my own to appear in my lips. After lacing up our skates,  we stood up off the bench. Now, understand that,  getting up with skates on was no problem. It was the issue of MOVING that was the problem.  JB began moving his feet with no problem while I,  on the other hand, began wobbling and shaking, holding out my arms to try to steady myself. Raising an eyebrow at my posture, a smirk formed on the corner of his lips. Skating around me in circles, he placed his hands in his pockets and chuckled. 

"________-ah..... You can't skate,  can you......? " 

"Pfft! Me?! Not able to skate?! Ha! I-Im an expert!.... Yeah......" JB sighed and shook his head. Suddenly,  he took one of my arms in his hand and pulled me along as he moved forward. 

"Okay, look. Shift your weight side to side...."

"L-Like this?"

"Yeah.... Yeah,  that's it....! Keep going!" With that,  he let me go and I wobbled a bit yet.... didn't fall..... IM DOING IT!!! IM FINALLY DOING IT!!! 

"IN ACTUALLY DOING IT!!!!! WOOHOO!!!" I know I sounded like a little kid but, man,  I was excited. I heard JB's laughter as he came up beside me. I was so thrilled about my success that,  I started to go faster and faster,  not listening to JB yelling me to slow down. Soon,  I was going so fast that,  I began stumbling once more but,  all I knew was that I could finally skate. My legs then twisted together and I yelped as the ground cane closer. On instinct, I caught myself on my hands and sighed when I didn't get bruised.... Or so it seemed at first. A burning sensation flared from my palm and I hissed in pain. 

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