Finally Free

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​​​Serenity POV

I groaned as I lifted my head up. Everything was pitch black. The cloth I was laying on felt like silk against my bare back. I gasped once I realized I was in nothing but my undergarments. 

Where am I...? This isn't my room...can't be...

Trying to move around a bit, my heart almost stopped when I noticed that I couldn't move at all. Wriggling my fingers, I felt something cold, like metal, around my wrists. Confused and a bit scared, I tried moving my feet, only to hear the clanking of shackles. Fear gripped at my heart and my breathing quickened. What in the hell was going on?! The only possible reason that something like this was happening was either I was dreaming or....No....No no no no no no no....It couldn't be...

"My dear kitten~. You've been naughty haven't you~?"

A whimper escaped my lips as a cold, rough, yet all too familiar hand stroked up my thigh.  The grip turned from one of gentleness to one of pure anger, nails digging into my skin. A sharp gasped left me at the sudden pain and I tried desperately to see through the darkness. However, the same hand laid itself upon my chest, forcing me to lay back down. A dark chuckle ran throughout the room and I gritted my teeth at the sound. 

"I don't know what we should try out first~. It's been so long since I've had you back in my arms, kitten~. What do you suggest, hm~?"

"How about letting me the f*ck go, you filthy bastard?"

"Oh, wrong choice, my dear~."

Almost immediately, pain flared from my cheek all across my face. I gasped and heard as he let out a chuckle of amusement. Something was suddenly ripped off from my eyes and I blinked a bit, trying to get used to the dim light in the room made by several candles. A rough hand then gripped my jaw, turning my face in the direction of my tormentor. There, with a smug smirk on his face, was Darionne. He gave a gentle smile as he dug his fingers into my thigh, causing me to grit my teeth. 

"Kitten, I only wanna play with you~. Why not just sit there and behave like the good girl I know you are~?"

I glared at him, angry and frustrated. How had he found me? Was I never going to be rid of him from my life? Darionne sighed and removed his hand from my jaw, moving it to trail softly down my stomach. I bit my lip and forced myself not to squirm in utter hatred and disgust. He sickened me... Suddenly, his hand shot towards my neck, holding it in a tight grip. I gasped and tried to swallow as much air as possible, his grip tightening with every breath I took. I began to feel lightheaded and my eyes threatened to close. Breathing was becoming extremely difficult and my chest began to ache. I heard as Darionne chuckled and he began to softly whisper in my ear.

"My dear kitten...I can't wait to ruin you..."

After he uttered those words, his hand disappeared from my neck and I sucked in a sharp breath, trying to gain as much air as possible. Once again, I was here. Once again, I was trapped by him. I was forced to just take all the pain he inflicted towards me over and over and over again. The night continued on, seconds pining away to minutes, only to turn into hours. Each time, he filled me, bruised me, used me...I could feel every pull and push, could hear every pleasured moan he released from his lips.

My face began to ache considerably, my right eye close to closing. It must've been swollen by now...Darionne gave a groan of pleasure as I finally allowed a scream loose from my lips. I could feel something dripping from my back. Somewhere along the line, he had turned me around, only to hit my back with one of his switches. The pain was excruciating and I almost let my eyes shut as I felt him climb on top of me for the nth time that night. Everything was absolutely sore,  my insides practically screaming in pain.

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