Holiday Special Pt. 2

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Normal POV

"_________-aaahhhhhh~. Can you pleeeaaaaaaaasssssseeeee come over~? We wanna see yoooooouuuuuu~."

"Aigoo...Tae-Oppa, don't you guys have work? I don't want to intrude..."

"But, you won't be! Please? We hardly get to spend time with you lately~."

"That's because you guys are really busy. Fine. I'll come over on one condition. You guys must be done with all your duties for the day before I get there. Okay?"


I couldn't help but chuckle at how excited the boy sounded. Seriously, he was too cite for his own good. Saying goodbye and hanging up the phone, I sighed and placed my game controller down. I should get ready. Getting up off of the couch, I went to go hop in the shower. Serenity and Yuki weren't here, deciding to go out today instead of staying inside for once. After taking a shower, I grabbed some clothes and slipped them on. It was still pretty early and I was sure that the guys hadn't completely finished their work for the day so, I decided to kill time by playing a game in the living room. 

A sudden ding sounded from my phone and I picked it up off of the coffee table. It was a text from Taehyung. Opening it, I couldn't help but roll my eyes and smile.


Me: Yes, yes. I'm coming. I'm about to leave my house right now.

Tae-Oppa: YAAAAAYYY!!!

Rolling my eyes and grinning a bit, I stood and grabbed my keys. Heading out the door and into my car, I started it and began to drive to BTS' dorm. When I arrived, I hopped out of my car, only to be swept up in the arms of an overexcited bunny. I yelped and grasped tightly onto his shirt. Jungkook was grinning happily, arms firmly wrapped around my waist as he held me up a bit off the ground. Giving him a sheepish smile, I patted his shoulder.

"H-Hey Jungkookie."

"Hi, Noona! I'm so happy you came to visit~!." 

As he said this, his nose scrunched up and his teeth shown as he smiled like a bunny. At this, I couldn't help but coo and lift my hands up to pinch softly at his cheeks.

"Of course I did, Kookie. I said I was going to come and I meant it. Now...would you mind letting me down?"

He gasped and quickly apologized, cheeks tinting with a pink hue. I chuckled and patted his back. Taking my hand in his, he lead me inside the building.

"Hyungs! ________-ah is here!"

Suddenly, I was swept up into the arms of a smiling Hoseok. Gazing up at him, I felt my cheeks grow warm as he nuzzled his nose against my own.

"My sweet, little ________-ah's here~. I'm so happy~."

"Hyung, give me back my cutie ________-ah! She's mine!"

I glanced over his shoulder to see who'd yelled. It was none other than Taehyung. With a huff, he pried the other's arms from around me and began to cradle me against his chest.

"_________-ah~! He he he~." 

I looked up at his grinning face and couldn't help the smile that found its way to my own lips. My cheeks grew warm and I smiled up at him.

"Hello Tae-Oppa. Its good to see you, however, you didn't give me a chance to greet Hoseok-Oppa."

He pouted and was about to speak up when, I was gently tugged from his arms. Looking up, I saw as Jimin gave me a shy smile before his face turned pink and he buried his face in my hair. My own face heated up but, I couldn't stop the small grin at his shyness (He was shy shy shy...I regret that so much...)

"Nice to see you, Jiminie-Oppa."

"....M-Missed you, _________-ah..."

"_______-ah. Its good to see you." 

Pulling away from Jimin, I turned to see Jin smiling down at me and holding his arms out wide for a hug. With a small smile, I went and wrapped my arms around his waist, him doing the same. 

"Good to see you too, Jin-Oppa."

Letting me go, he smiled once more and patted me on the head. Yoongi then came in the living room and spotted me, coming closer and ruffling my hair. He smiled lightly.

"Good to see you, Heodang."

"Yoongi-Oppa, I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Hmm...How about, no." With a smirk, he went over to sit down on the couch. I sighed in frustration. I was never going to get him to stop with that nickname, was I? Sighing, I folded my arms across my chest and then caught movement out of the corner of my eye.

"Do I get a hug yet?"

Turning around, I was met with a sheepish looking Namjoon. I grinned up at him shyly and opened my arms. His wrapped themselves around my waist firmly and he let out a chuckle.

"Its been a while since we saw each other, huh _______-ah?"

"Yeah, it has. Its good to see you, Namjoonie-Oppa."

We separated and he chuckled, placing a soft peck on my forehead. All seven of them sat down on the couch and gazed at me happily. I looked around and scratched my head.

"So, what did you guys want to do today?"

Hoseok jumped up and grabbed my hand, glancing at his fellow members excitedly.

"Let's play Just Dance 2018, guys!" 

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea!"

Right as Jungkook was about to set up the game system, Yoongi called out to everyone.

"Guys. Don't you remember what we had planned to do, first?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion as all seven of the boys' eyes lit up with excitement. Hurriedly pulling me towards the couch, they sat me down and all left down the hall. I blinked in confusion. Just what were they up to? Then, soft and lovely voices began to sing as they all walked towards me, a box in Jin's hands. All four of the vocals were singing, smiles on their faces as they came closer. 

A smile of my own graced my lips and I couldn't help the warmth that spread across my cheeks. As they kneeled down in front of me, I had to avoid eye contact in hopes of willing away the heat in my cheeks. The smile didn't disappear, however. Jin smiled and handed me the box.

"For you, _______-ah. Thank you for always sticking with us."

Hoseok nodded a d gripped my hand.

"You being with us is the best present we could ask for."

I felt my eyes begin to water but, I blinked it away. Opening the box, I gasped at the beautiful necklace and the inscription on the bottom.

To our one and only Butterfly.

Now, the tears flowed and I couldn't help but pull them all in for a group hug.

"You guys...You're so sweet...I care for you all as well."

They all grinned and hugged me back. However, Taehyung then decided to speak up.

"Can we play Just Dance, now?"



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