The Anniversary...

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3rd Person POV

"Hyung....Hyung, wake up..."

Ready to give whoever dared to wake him up hell, Yoongi cracked open his eyes, his death glare already formed on his face. The tall male in his doorway showed a tiny bit fear in his eyes, almost wishing he hadn't awoken the beast. Voice low and rough, the irritated male practically growled in annoyance.

"What the f*ck, Namjoon? You little sh*t, what's so f*cking important that you'd actually wake me the f*ck up? It's my f*cking day off so, this sh*t better be of super f*cking God d*mn importance."

Gulping down his fear, Namjoon's facial expression changed from one of fear to one of sympathy and concern. His voice cracked a bit as he spoke.

"H-Hyung.... Today's the anniversary...."

This statement made the scowl on Yoongi's face immediately disappear, sadness creeping into his eyes as he averted his gaze from the blonde to the blankets wrapped around his torso. A sharp stab of pain struck his heart and he let out a shuddering breath. Making sure not to tear up, he glanced back up at the younger, who's expression mirrored his own. Yoongi gave him a faint smile and nodded his head, voice close to a whisper.

"Oh yeah...That's right. Thanks for reminding me, Namjoonie. Um...I'm gonna go get dressed. Go ahead and tell Jin-Hyung I'll be  down there soon." 

Namjoon hesitated, hovering in the doorway, before sighing and nodding his head. With one last sympathetic look at his Hyung, he walked out the bedroom door and headed for the kitchen. Taking a slow deep breath, Yoongi let it out in a shuddering sigh. He bit his lip as an all too familiar pain blossomed in his chest, eyes beginning to water. He furiously shook his head, willing away the tears and saving them for later. He'd let it out once he got there...

Doing his daily routine of cleansing and dressing, he made his way towards the kitchen. As expected, Jin was there waiting for him with his hands folded in front of him on the table, the rest having gone to their rooms. The elder sighed before placing a carefully plastic wrapped flower in the middle of the table, an almost pained expression clouding his features.

The dark haired male looked up to gaze at his friend in sympathy and concern. When he spoke, it was a breathy rasp.

"Yoongi...This is gonna be the last time, right? All of us care about you way too much to keep watching you beat yourself up over this. It wasn't your fault..."

"Hyung, it might as well have been...I could've been there for her, however, I came too late and..." Yoongi stopped talking in order to steady his wavering voice, cracking with the threat of tears edging behind his eyes.

"I promise that this is the last time, Hyung... I'll go to her and explain that now, I've got something I need to protect. Someone I need to protect..."

Jin let out a frustrated groan, running a hand down his face before giving the younger a pointed look. With pursed lips, he scratched his head and sighed.

"Alright...You promised. After this, no more visiting her grave just to beat yourself up for that incident. I'm holding you responsible for it...Go on, now."

Yoongi smiled solemnly at Jin before gathering his mask, keys, wallet, and the flower. Heading out the door, he gazed up at the sky and sighed. It was now or never...


"...Ki-chan, baby...What's wrong?"

Stifling the urge to let out a heavy sigh, Yuki turned to face a concerned Serenity. He gave her a week smile and shrugged slightly.

"Its nothing that important... Just...I can't decide whether or not I have the"

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